just a quick doodle

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It's totally not 1 am and I totally don't have a 9 hour school day tomo- today...


I really don't care anymore at this point.

Have some art.

I'm not in a good mood right now... but if I remember, I do wanna finish this tomorrow...

now, I was gonna post proof to show that I've been taking care and that I haven't drifted ino doing stupid things again, but I'm sure people would complain if I showed the healing progress of my arm sooo... let's forget about it.

Or not?

okay, you've had your warning---



















It's been looking like this for like a month now XD

it really annoys me that scars will stay behind (AGAIN) but eh. I guess I'll be good now...

WHICH actually brings me to a question:

if my teacher saw this, would they be allowed to contact my parents, even if I don't want them to??

Because I don't need no teacher telling my parents about this shit and the time for long-sleeved shirts is slowly coming to an end...


Meddl Loide! ^^


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