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The sun had only risen a couple of hours ago but it was already too hot, the strong breeze blowing from the dry lands scorched by the summer heat burned the boy's overheated skin instead of cooling it down.

He was panting with fatigue, gasping for air as he sped down the narrow, dusty lane among the market stalls and tents, barely avoiding getting trapped in the long white flaps of one of them, resembling skeletal arms of some ghostly apparition reaching out for him, wanting to capture him in their embrace, as they were thrown in his way by the impetuous wind.

But the wind, inconvenient as it was in the market, would play to his advantage in the end, if only he reached the harbour before they would catch him, he thought, praying silently, promising his God almighty that he would never steal again, if only he helped him reach the port unscathed now... Many ships would employ the strong breeze blowing seawards.

Ahmet swerved sharply to the right, towards the sea, confusing his pursuers who expected him to follow the road leading to the town momentarily. He ran swiftly through the crowded harbour trying to avoid bumping into the seafolk streaming in and out of the anchored vessels of all different shapes and sizes.

The boy let his black, intelligent eyes stroll over the ships admiringly as he sped by, causing great confusion because his behaviour made many call angrily after him as he hit shoulders here and stepped on feet there...

Some of the ships were more impressive than others but Ahmet could not afford to be picky right now, any vessel large enough for him to hide on its board until it would be far on the sea would suit him perfectly.

He was so absorbed by his necessity to decide quickly that he did not notice the sailor suddenly appearing in front of him, until their bodies collided.

"Ouch, watch out, boy!" The young man scolded, straightening his wide brimmed hat he wore over a blue kerchief concealing his hair completely. "What have you done, why are you rushing so much?" He added, his unusual blue-green eyes boring into Ahmet's seriously.

"I... I am..." the boy stammered, struggling to come up with a credible story as the young sailor's companion, a very tall, well-built man with a strict, scary face, fisted his hand around the collar of his threadbare shirt, hoisting him up to his tiptoes, nearly lifting him off the ground.

"You are a thief, aren't you?!" The man thundered, making Ahmet cringe even as he felt his dark cheeks burn with heat and shame equally.

"I was hungry..." he mumbled in self-defence, casting his eyes down to his bare, dust-covered feet, avoiding to look at either of the men.

"Oh, shukran, effendi!" A new voice joined the other two and as Ahmet raised his eyes towards the newcomers, he recognized two of his pursuers.

He watched them approach, making the tight circle of onlookers that had gathered around them part. Fear flooded him as he observed their cruel, leering faces, he knew they would punish him severely.

"You just need to hand him over to us and we will deal with him, effendi," the man from the market continued. "It is not the first time the boy was caught stealing. But this time, he is bound to have his hand cut off, he gives us no other choice..."

Ahmet whimpered even as his knees gave way, he would have fallen if the tall sailor wasn't still holding him upright by his collar.

The younger man, his aquamarine eyes widening with alarm at hearing the cruel words, put his small, alabaster white hand on his companion's arm, imploring him, "Let me take care of this boy. Please."

*I do not own the pictures.

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