The Past

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Adrien's POV
It was another lovely sunny afternoon, a time that I could spend with my friends eating ice cream like they had planned, if I wasn't doing this stupid photo shoot. I posed and followed the directions Giuseppe instructed. He was a bit of an odd character and had a weird obsession with spaghetti in photo shoots, but when you're around him for as long as I have been you get used to it.
"Now smile when your mamma brings in the spaghetti, oh no your mamma drops the spaghetti now you have to eat it off the floor, now your angry yes! Show me that anger!" He instructed moving the camera into different positions. He moved so fast, it was a miracle that the photos weren't blurry.

I finished the photo shoot so I checked the time on my phone. Great I missed the whole meet up. I got into my car and my bodyguard drove me back to the house. I look out the window cause what else is there to do and I see 3 very unfamiliar kids. The girl has very long blonde hair and the older boy has brownish hair. I look at the youngest of the 3. He appeared no older than 7 and looked very familiar, like a boy version of someone I knew. I couldn't quite remember who but I passed off the thought, I mean I can't know every citizen in Paris even if I am Chat Noir!

I suddenly felt my phone buzz. It was a message from Nino.
~NINO~ To bad you couldn't make it dude Marinette was really bummed to have to 3rd wheel again. Are you free any other time this week to hang out with me?
~ADRIEN~ No I'm busy all week unless we ditch homework club with the girls
~NINO~ Dang, we cant skip homework club, Alya will murder us
~ADRIEN~ Your right
I thought for a moment on how else I could hang out with Nino. Between my schedule, homework and being Chat Noir I had made so many excuses and multiple changes to my schedule that I simply couldn't miss anymore things.
~NINO~ How about you come to Mari's place for lunch tomorrow
~ADRIEN~ I'll see what I can do

I arrived home and flopped onto my bed. Plagg flew straight to my mini fridge for his Camembert as usual taking a whole wheel.
"Plagg why you got to be so greedy."
"Oh sorry Adrien did you want some?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and went over to my desktop and I saw the time. Shoot I have patrol with M'lady.

Time skip to when Adrien saw the 3 kids
Emma's POV
I look at the map and place another red x on the 17th massage shop we went to. There are around 70 massage stores in Paris and according to mum's clues Master Fu's was one of them. (Is it a massage shop? Well doesn't matter it is in this story) She did it just in case Lady Butterfly were to find it but it was dead annoying that it meant we couldn't find it either.
"Emmy I'm hungry," Hugo said.
"I know Hugo let me just find my money," I replied feeling sorry for the little boy. It was starting to become a nightmare, restraining him from going up to people he knew from the future.
"Em where did you get the debit card from?" Louis asked in confusion as I pulled the card out from my purse.
"Oh it's Alix's time travel one she has an account in all the time periods."
"Wow! At least I know I won't be going hungry." He replied. (He sounds so sarcastic 😂)

Marinette's POV
I went out with Alya and Nino to get some ice cream from Andrè's. Adrien was supposed to come but he had a photo shoot which I already knew of, but I didn't want to say anything cause Nino would think I'm a total creep. I do wish Adrien was here I know how he feels about photo shoots and I don't blame him, plus I feel like a third wheel since we're going to Andrè's. If we were going somewhere else then it wouldn't be so bad but I guess this is just my life.

We continue down the street when I see some unfamiliar kids ahead with a map. The girl has very long blonde hair and the older boy has brownish hair. I look at the youngest of the 3. He appeared no older than 7 and looked very familiar, like a boy version I passed off the thought, I mean I can't know every citizen in Paris even if I am Ladybug! Though I decided to keep an eye out for them on patrol later tonight.

Time skip to patrol
Chat Noir's POV
I ran across the rooves heading to our usual meet up. I couldn't wait to see M'lady but something was bothering me, an unknown feeling. I couldn't stop thinking about those kids, how I felt the urge to go up to them and help them find what they were looking for. My mind drifted off to every aspect of them. The way the little boy looked very familiar and their clothes. It looked like an Agreste brand but with a slight difference like someone else's style woven in. I made a mental note to tell Ladybug just in case.

"Hey Chat!" A voice called distracting me from my thoughts.
"Well hello M'lady how have you been on this purrfect evening?"
"Quit the puns I need some help." She looked dead serious so I decided to do as she asked.
"What do you need help with Bugaboo?" Or tried to at least.
"I said quit the puns. I just wanted to bring up those kids." I looked to where she was pointing. It was a park bench and there I saw the girl and the little boy from earlier.
"I've been watching them all night," she explained. "The older kids both switch every hour to go out and search for something that has to do with a map they're always carrying around.
"I saw them too," I replied.
"I think we should keep an eye on them kitty."

We watched as the girl came back shaking her head. Using my excellent cat hearing i could just make out their hushed voices.
"I can't find anything, there's always something that doesn't match the clues."
"Maybe we should just talk t..."
"No that's out of the question we can't do that and you know it."
"Fine, but we should move from here their watching us."

Ladybug and I looked at each other.
"I think we should definitely keep an eye on them," said Ladybug.
"I wonder who's watching them maybe we should standby a little long..." I was cut off by a loud beeping sound.
"Looks like you can't hang around Kitty."
"Au revoir! M'ladybug." I said giving her a quick kiss on her hand before jumping off.
"Silly Kitty." She whispered to herself, little did she know I heard.

I jumped through my open window and landed on my bed.
"Plagg claws in."
I lay down smiling, how I loved it when she called me Kitty.
"Someone's in loooovvvveeeee."
"Whatever Plagg," I replied as a blush formed on my cheeks. "She's just so beautiful, talented, smart, funny, caring ahh I could go on forever.
"Stop swooning, go to bed kid you've had a tough day today."
"Goodnight Plagg."
"Night Adrien."
Chapter 3 is going to be called 'The New Kids'

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