Dealing with Heartbreak

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*Knuckles' POV*

I sighed, staring at the big emerald before me. It shone a bright beautiful green that I've known since the day I was born. Everything felt perfect...

Except Silver wasn't here...

I've tried everything, asking the Master Emerald, searching the whole world, but I've never been able to find the one I love...

Nobody knows where he went... He just left without saying anything. Mephiles must be dead now though, that's as much as I know.

"Are you still weeping over him?" A voice asked behind me.

I groaned in response. After Silver disappeared and Sonic took Shadow to the hospital, our friends were asking a lot of questions. Sonic didn't tell of love for Shadow, too scared of Amy and what she'd do with Shadow already in a weak state, but I told them of Silver and I's relationship. They all accepted it, much to my surprise, but many of them want me to move on, saying that he might never come back.

This bat was one of them.

"I'm never going to stop until I find him, or I know what happened..." I replied, not even looking behind me to the the white bat with topaz eyes.

"There's a great possibility that he'll never come back, and you will probably never find out." She said.

"Then I will fight against the odds." I said simply. "Why are you even here, Rouge?"

The bat simply crossed her arms. "I found out that Sonic is planning to team up with Eggman. Figured that you could stop him."

"What!?" I finally looked at her. "Why would Sonic team up with Eggman!?"

"From what I've gathered, Shadow is being taken off life support, and Sonic thinks that Eggman would know how to help. I don't know what went on all those weeks ago, but I think Sonic's gone crazy. I often find him talking to himself or glaring at the wall. What happened in there?"

I shrugged off her question, my mind suddenly going into overdrive. I have to stay here and guard the Master Emerald, but I can't just let Sonic make this stupid mistake. I sighed and walked down the alter, typing in a code so some defence systems that Tails installed would kick in, and jumped off the island, gliding to land. Rouge flew right beside me, probably mad because she knew she wouldn't get past the young fox's security system.

I landed on the ground and ran towards the hospital, where I knew he'd be. He never left, as far as I knew. I've only visited twice before. I would've gone more, but every time I enter that room, I see that whole scene play around me. I'd rather not live it again.

I shook my thoughts away as I entered the hospital, Rouge following behind. I walked to Shadow's room and opened the door. Sonic looked at me with blood shot eyes. It was obvious that he hasn't slept.

"Kn-Knuckles?" Sonic asked as he stared at me.

My eyes were wide as I stared at my friend. "Uh... Rouge, would you give us a moment...?"

Rouge simply nodded, eyes just as wide as mine. She slowly backed out and closed the door.

"What happened to you...?" I asked.

"Sh-Shadow is being taken off life support..." Sonic mumbled as he looked at the hedgehog laying on the bed. I glanced at Shadow as well before looking at Sonic. I could see the care in his eyes and frowned.

"That doesn't mean you can trust Eggman." His eyes widened as he looked at me, sudden fear flashing in his eyes.

"How do you know!?"

"Rouge followed you. She and all of our friends are worried for your well being. I can see why too. You are going crazy!"

"I'm not!" Sonic sighed and looked down at Shadow. "This is the only way to keep Shadow alive... I would do anything for him... I'm never going to give up..."

I looked away from the two. He sounds a lot like me... How can I tell him this is bad, if I would do the same with Silver? "Then I'm going with you."

"Huh?" Sonic looked at me with wide eyes.

"I said I'm going with you." I looked at him with determination. "If he has something up his sleeve, then I want to be there to protect you."

Sonic smiled. "Thank you, Knuxs. I'm glad I have a friend like you..."

I gasped slightly. This was the first time that Sonic has smiled since that day... I sat beside him in silence. It was welcomed, though. I glanced over to see Sonic's hand gently gripping Shadow's.

'At least he can hold the one he loves...' I sighed and looked down. Memories of Silver flooded my mind, causing a few tears to gather. I held them back as much as could, not wanting Sonic to see me like this, though I've seen him at his worst...

I felt a sudden shift beside me and looked to see that Sonic had fallen asleep. I smiled. Finally, he can get some sleep...

I stood up and put a blanket around him before leaving the room quietly.

"Is everything okay? How did it go?" Rouge asked me as we walked out of the hospital.

"I think everything will be just fine with him..." I replied. "He's dealing with this in his own way, and I'll make sure that both he and Shadow stay safe."

Rouge simply nodded. Then she stopped. "Do you really think Shadow will wake up?"

I looked at her, and I could see the worry in her eyes. I knew that Shadow was like a brother to her, and she was probably more worried than she acted around people. For once, I saw the sensitive side of Rouge, and I honestly never wanted to see it again. As much as I don't act like it, she's one of my best friends, and I hate seeing my friends like that.

I sighed. "I really don't know... All we can do is hope..."

Rouge looked down as her ears went down. "That's all I've been doing..."

I frowned and looked down. "Look, I don't know what will happen, but I do know that we all can get through it."

She looked at me and gave me a small smile. "I guess so..." She then flew a bit above the ground. "I have to go... I'll see you later though! Someone has to get you to move on from Silver."

"Never gonna happen." I replied as I walked back to the area where my island was.

I could almost see Rouge's smirk as she flew off behind me.

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