Oh No

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[Exe’s POV]

“Are you sure that he’s okay?” Those were the first words that he said to me since we woke up.

“Of course. I wouldn’t lie to you.” I replied. Before this, I had been pondering over how and why I was in his subconscious. All I could think of was some kind of strange chaos thing, but I don’t know enough on the subject of chaos energy. As I demon of chaos, I guess I should’ve known more….

“What’s he doing right now?”

“I don’t know for sure. The last I remember, he was beside you, talking to Knuckles at Eggman’s base.”

“The doctor’s base?” He looked at me curiously. “Why are we there?”

I glanced to him before fixating my vision on my shoes. “That’s a bit complicated…. A month or so after the incident, you had shown no signs of anything. It was almost as if you were already dead. So, the hospital had decided to cut of your life support.”

“Nonsense, I don’t need their ‘life support.’ I need-”

“Chaos energy.” I finished for him. He nodded. “Sonic took you to Dr. Eggman to help you. He hooked you up to liquid chaos energy, and you seemed to be just fine.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him glare suspiciously at the ground, or what would be the ground… I think…. It’s darker in here than in Sonic’s mind. “The smoke just recently started showing up…. I don’t really know what time, but do you think that smoke could be the doctor’s doing?”

“You think that he’s tricking Sonic?”

“The doctor is helping, but it could be more like a double edged sword.” Shadow explained to me. “He could be helping me, but there could be ulterior motives.”

“Do you think he’s trying to turn you to his side?” I questioned, remembering the messages from the smoke.

He simply nodded, and we entered another silence. I briefly pondered how I could get Shadow to wake up before he succumbed to the words of this strange smoke. Perhaps something involving chaos energy….

“That’s it!” I stood up, almost immediately falling back down in pain.

Shadow looked to me in surprise as I composed myself, sitting up. “What do you mean?”

“Your chaos energies.” I replied, only slightly embarrassed of my fall. At Shadow’s blank and curious stare, I elaborated. “Yours and Sonic’s. They mix together perfectly, which could mean that you might be able to get in contact with him. We can ask for his help if we do this correctly.”

“How do we do this then?”

I coughed awkwardly. “I don’t actually know how to do it properly….”

He groaned, laying back. “Then why did you even suggest it?”

“It’s the only thing I can think of.” I said. “We have to at least try.”

“What do you suggest I do then?”

I thought for a moment. “Try to sync your energy with his, and try to call out for help.”

Shadow sighed and sat up, closing his eyes. “Alright.” He took deep, calming breaths. After a bit, he opened his eyes again. “I don’t know if that worked.”

“We’ll just have to see then.” I nodded as I looked back to the empty darkness around us. “Do you feel as though you will wake up soon?”

“I don’t know….” He sighed. “I feel trapped in my own body; it’s different than any of the other chaos deficiencies I’ve had before.”

“Did you feel any chaos? Is Eggman even using liquid chaos?”

“It’s vague. I believe that it’s some sort of mixture of chaos energy.” Shadow replied. “When I started feeling… more awake…. That’s when the smoke came….”

“Those voices-”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Shadow gripped onto his ears as if he was blocking out my voice. Not wanting him to freak out or anything, I dropped the topic. I was reminded that Shadow hated his weaknesses, and it was very believable that he’d not want to talk about those voices.

And so we were in silence once again.

[Knuckles’ POV]

I frowned as I watched Sonic stare at Shadow, panic deep in his eyes. Eggman had left a while ago, and Sonic hadn’t even said a word since then. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but I wouldn’t know what. I was only just finding out about these ancestors in Sonic’s head after all, and I honestly have no idea what’s going on with Shadow.

I finally made up my mind as I stood from my bed. “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” He asked, looking up to me.

“Just going to make sure everything’s okay with the Master Emerald.” I replied as I left the room. I felt a bit bad about lying to him, but he would probably try to stop me if he knew. I took a deep breath and went right toward where Eggman said he’d be.

The lab door automatically swung open as I entered. I was expecting more inventions and robot stuff like Tails’ lab, but this was completely different. Instead, there were tables full of vials filled with various liquids that I couldn’t even begin to comprehend. I wasn’t too much of a science person after all.

I was suddenly aware that I was in a place full of glass and possibly dangerous chemicals. I mean, I know I can be kind of clumsy, and things can usually be broken pretty easily around me (At least, that’s what Tails says whenever I go into his garage/lab).

I took a small step forward, glancing around to see where Eggman could possibly be in this place. I cautiously walked around the big room, making sure to not even graze one of the tables. I don’t think Eggman would take too kindly to me breaking his things, and I definitely don’t want Sonic on me for getting us kicked out.

I decided to stop were I was, noticing that it just got narrower from here. My voice was quiet as I looked around. “Eggman?”

“Ah, my spikey little nemesis. What a nice surprise.” His voice came out of nowhere, and I found myself turning around. There he was, grinning as if he had something up his sleeve. “Of course I knew you’d follow me, after what happened earlier.

My eyes narrowed. “What are you going on about?”

“I can’t believe I’ve trapped a bull in a china shop!” Eggman burst out laughing as I growled at his analogy. “Now, listen here, you little rodent, you’re gonna stand still and take this shot.” I suddenly noticed the medical appliance in his hand. “If you dodge, you’ll break something, and I don’t think your friend would like it very much when I kick you out because of it.”

“I knew you were up to something!” I growled out, feeling my fists clench.

“Ah, ah, ah.” He waved his finger in my face before grabbing my arm and holding the needle to it. I wanted to pull away, but I was dangerously close to a table of vials. This was just a lose lose situation I was stuck in. I felt the needle press into my skin as I let out a sharp inhale of breath. It didn’t hurt, of course, but I could feel a burning sensation throughout my body as he injected the green liquid into my body. I had to bite my lip to hold back the scream threatening to come out.

He let go of my arm when he was finished, and I instantly fell to the ground. I let out a small groan as I looked up to him, feeling woozy and knowing that I was very close to passing out. All I could see was the human’s malicious grin as my vision faded out.

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