02 | The Attention Seeker

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"Why am I so afraid of losing you, when you aren't even mine."



"All mine." What the fuck does he even mean by that? Were you on sale, that he bought you and now claims that you're his? What is with this empty head—

Your gaze moves to his face from his long and veiny fingers; he was ethereal, his skin was pale, and he had a sharp jawline. He wore a coal black suit, an expensive-looking Rolex hanging on his wrist, and inky shoes that seemed to be gleaming more than your brother's face. He had such long silky hair giving him an alluring and mysterious look. His fingers held a few rings in them that were complimenting him a lot.

He was looking at an old lady talking to her with his arm on your waist. You're so confused. You didn't know what to do right now. Why were you even here? In his arms?

While you're awkwardly standing there, the old lady spoke, "Oh, isn't she so beautiful?" She laughed a little which seemed so fake as if she didn't even want you to exist.

The man beside you nonchalantly smiles looking down but seems a bit irritated because of her and tries not to show it. As she walks away bowing to him, you silently stood there and heard your friend Raya yelling, "Y/N!"

Your gaze moves to Raya on your right as you look at her and she's walking in your direction with her purse in her hands, "What even happened?" She asks indirectly meaning where would you have even gone suddenly but as you turn to your left in a hurry remembering the man who had caught you, there was no one. Your jaw falls to the floor in surprise as you realize he had already walked away and your gaze moves to his back far away disappearing in the crowd. His hand is in his pocket as he's silently walking away.

"Is something wrong?" Raya grabs your arm in worry, but you're so surprised that you're moving your hand in his direction but sighing then as you shake your head grabbing your face using your hands.

"It's nothing."

─── ☾ ───

He was so pale.

You recall standing beside your friend. She's occupied searching for something, probably her next favorite drink that she's going to gulp down for the nth time. You're feeling kind of cold in here, it was freezing. You didn't know why; did they decrease the temperature for the air conditioners or something?

"Why is it even freezing so much?" Raya mutters, spitting the thoughts that were roaming in your mind as you try not to shiver. Even the man she was dating had disappeared somewhere, weird as fuck bastard.

"Where is the friend's circle though?" Yes, the friend's circle, they weren't there. Where would they have gone so suddenly? It was surprising to you. You were so bewildered as to where to find them.

"Hello!" That voice makes your head snap behind you as you see a handsome man standing there, his gaze fixed on you; he tilts his head with a wide smile on his face.

"Kim Taehyung?" Raya murmurs under her breath with a shocked look on her face as she turns her gaze to you slowly.

"I am Kim Taehyung." He bows a bit with his hand over his chest as he has a charming smile covering his lips. "I wanted to have a little talk with you. Can I have your time?"

You admired him so much. You hark back to the time when you were talking about him to Raya; you couldn't believe this was happening. He wanted to talk to you? Unbelievable. Although, right now, you're standing in front of him chilling with champagne in hand. You both were in a corner of the resplendent mansion while you leaned on the table behind you just beside him.

Breathing in, you ask, "How may I help you?" You speak as you take a sip gazing at the lively people immersed in each other's talks and enjoying the night through a dance. It was beautiful, the person hosting it would be so happy to see the ball going so well.

"Nothing." Taehyung voices making your eyes go a bit wide. Why did he ask to talk then? About what? You slowly turn to Taehyung as he sighs looking down and turning around to you as his smile goes wider, he ruffles his hair.

"I just felt a bit bored, so—" He tries to say while you cut him off, on the way to tease him. "So, I am a source of your entertainment?" He laughs, as his laugh grows louder over time.

He swivels back to you with his hair covering his forehead, "Maybe you are."

─── ☾ ───

Raya, on the other hand, was very confused; this ball seemed kind of fatiguing to her. It made her anxious for some reason. While she stood there near the tables, she heard her heart thump inside her chest. She couldn't even find her friend anywhere, she was occupied talking to someone she so likes and Raya couldn't just disturb the conversation. Her friend appeared happy there.

Was it the alcohol taking over her?

─── ☾ ───

"May I have this dance with you?" Taehyung offers you his hand as you look at it keeping your hand above his, a cheeky smile covering your lips as he takes you to the dance floor, keeping his hand on your waist, moving with the beat slowly.

"Oh, look who's here." He says making you look behind as another hand grabs you pulling towards themselves. That man, who called you his.

"She's the one. All mine."

He was holding you now, dancing with you, and turning you around to attach your back to his front body leaning near your neck as he mutters.

"Hello." You couldn't see him, Taehyung. You didn't know where he went. Oh, he was dancing with someone else now. Your gaze is on him who's swaying with a pretty lady as his eyes catch yours and he winks immediately, chuckling after seeing your confused gaze.

He swivels you around, the mystery man. His hands entwined with yours and his eyes staring into yours. Your breathing is heavy as he moves closer to your lips each second.

"Who may you even be?" You mutter as he pulls you in his arms making you lean in them after spinning you around.

"Jeon Jungkook."

─── ☾ ───

"Jeon Jungkook?!" Raya screams standing beside her friends who she had now found looking at your dance with the man. "She's dancing with him?" Her friends utter in a low voice in a group.

She couldn't believe her eyes, Raya couldn't. Where would you even find him?

"Hey! Look here!" She turns around to take a look at the love of her life giving her a drink, forcefully making her drink it. "Wait, wai—"

─── ☾ ───

"I thought you wouldn't know how to dance." He says in a teasing tone, his eyes focused on yours holding tenderness in them. You sigh unknowingly as you move to his ear and whisper, "I wonder who you may even be to openly say I am your lover or whatever." You're tone was sassy, but nevermind, who cares. You're talking about the old dame he was conversing with. Without your permission, he dared to act as if you belonged to him or something which baffled you a lot.

He laughs, a little loudly, as he turns to you and states, "I had no choice, love. I was in a very weird situation." You're so speechless right now. He could've at least asked for permission.

"And you did not think twice about asking perm—" As you try to say more, you're already pulled into his arms more closely as he keeps studying your eyes and you don't know what to say. So you continue looking in his as well.

You couldn't believe what you saw just now; you huff an air out of your mouth in bewilderment as he furrows his brows questioning you as to why you had paused the staring competition.

You look back at him as you point to your own eyes and say, "Your eyes, they just turned red for a second I think— I may be hallucinating!" You chuckle keeping your hand over your mouth as he nods, his smile beaming.

"Of course, you are."

─── ☾ ───

As Taehyung found himself dancing with this beguiling lady, he shifts closer to her face as she shyly looks down. He chuckles at her and proceeds swaying looking in her eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook." She fixes on her stare up, her eyes enthusiastic and he bops his head, "What about him?"

Her lips curl in a wider smirk that was already lingering on her lips, her eyes shining evilly, "Isn't he a vampire?"

─── ☾ ───

He seemed kind of fascinating and sweet from the way he talked. You wanted to keep talking to him, maybe, also keep staring into his beautiful eyes. He seemed so perfect for some reason. You loved his scent, his fashion sense, his hairstyle, and much more.

As you kept moving with him, your eyes turned to an unknown man who had your friend in his arms and tried to take her somewhere. Your heart stopped and your hands were shaking.

On the other hand, Jungkook's muddled eyes advance to a troubled and terrified Taehyung who was backing away from a lady with his hand rubbing the lower half of his face.

Why? Wasn't he dancing so peacefully? Is he alright?

As both of us went our different ways, to protect our friends, you ran to Raya in worry. Your heels stamped the ballroom's marble trying to reach her as you finally did and paused near the man who was holding a stumbling Raya who didn't even seem conscious or okay enough to walk. She was so drunk.

You slap the man's hand away who was holding her as he asks in skepticism, "Excuse the fuck out of me?" His eyebrows meeting and questioning as to why his hand just got smacked.

"Who are you?! And where are you taking my friend?!" You shout, a little bit protectively as the people around you start looking in your direction out of inquisitiveness. The guy in front of you ruffles his hair looking around as he finally exhales turning to you, a bit tired.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Min Yoongi. I am one of her boyfriend's friends. Her boyfriend had some work with someone so he left her with me in a hurry. It's not my fault. Did I look like a kidnapper to you?" He was frowning so badly and you blushed in revelation. You were so embarrassed. You had taken the step in a haste and worry since she was alone. As you a woman, you had to be careful of everything.

"Oh, I am so sorry. My mistake. I just wanted a friend to be safe. I really am sorry." You apologized again and again, troubled and bowing to the man.

"You should be." He rolls his eyes, walking away.

───── ☾ ─────

It was late, Raya's boyfriend took her with him, so now you had to take a cab to go home. Although, the moment you're gonna get ready to go out, you got a text from your brother.

Jimin : "When will you come home? 😬 do I call the police? Are you kidnapped? Is that it? Or are you dead? 😔 it's Dad's fault. He's gonna go to jail."

YOU : chill bro, I am alive! 🙄"

Jimin : "Then come home~~"

Now he's whining. You breathed out a sigh dropping your phone back into your purse. You're going to leave the mansion irritated now since it was gonna be so hard trying to find that cab this late at night.

───── ☾ ─────

The heels you were wearing were killing you. You groaned while slipping your heels off standing just outside the mansion's doors and leaning against a pillar. Your full attention was on your heels as you struggled to try to take them off.

These heels. Agh! What should I do? It's hurting.

"Need help?" You heard a voice, it was familiar. Even if it was, it seemed kind of mysterious at the same time. Having a dangerous tone to it. Your heart started thumping faster because of it.

───── ☾ ─────


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