09 | Blood Sucking Monster

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"I sometimes think, what would you do, If you knew the beast, that I am hiding? A monster people despise. A creature which I kept hidden till now. But if you knew, Will you detest me like everyone else?"

- Jungkook.


"So, you really are a vampire?" You inquire with an ironic smile curling on your lips. A vampire was your boss all along. Your life is a mess, it really is. You still love him in the end.

"You were a fucking liar, you know that?" He was still looking at you as if he was craving for the blood. The blood that was spilling out of fisted hand. You clench it more, moaning in the pain as he takes a step with wanting eyes. He wanted it, the blood, and also you. He wanted both.

He comes back to his senses a few seconds later. His stretched hand pulled back, but his gaze still lingering on your blood.

"Y/N," He says trying to rotate his gaze on you taking another step in your direction.

You inhale deeply, as you couldn't control the water rushing out of you, out of your eyes, "Stay away from me! I loved you, and you played with my feelings! So, Taehyung was a vampire in the end too? You both are liars . . . You are a monster." You laugh painfully looking around. The hurt in your eyes was so clear. Another stray tear trickles down your cheek after you wipe so many of them.

"Hey . . ." He murmurs; you could see it. Was he in pain too? He was crying, while staring at your injured hand. He looked pathetic. So pathetic. More tears start to fall from your cheeks, after seeing him hurt. You take a step back, in hopes to protect yourself, protect your heart.

"Y/N . . ." He comes towards you, and immediately wraps you in his embrace, tightly. So to not let you go, and to not lose you. In hopes to have you just there, with him. "I—I was sca—red. Please don't leave me." He pleads, stuttering in the middle. His salty tears grazed your shoulders.

"Why were you scared, Jungkook? Did you think I would leave just because you were a vampire? If you did, then you were completely wrong. You were always wrong. I loved you. You get all flirty with me, give me hope, and then cast me away. You do this cycle every day, and now you're saying I shouldn't leave you? I don't understand, Jungkook! Tell me in a way that I can." You gaze into his eyes, searching for answers, while he does the same. From the way, he was looking at you, with nervousness in his eyes, it was obvious he was contemplating. There was a fifty percent chance he would reject you, but you weren't ready for his rejection. Not again. So you push him away and walk out of the room throwing the knife on the floor.

"Y/N!" Jungkook screams, your ears were ringing with so many issues. Issues that your heart was carrying right now. Too much pain in it. Jungkook's voice was cracking as he was yelling your name.

You're crying too badly; you definitely look like a mess. You bump into Taehyung and push him away as well. He gives a confused look, raising his eyebrow as he pulls his hands out questioning you with his movements as to what the fuck was that. Before going into the office room, you hear the actor ask his friend, "Did you both have a couple fight?"

You hate him. You hated Jungkook. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't. You felt as if he played with your feelings. He had so many girls, he shouldn't have kissed you. He shouldn't have given you a lift in the first place if he didn't want you. Why did he? He started it. He started everything. He created your pain.

Your working hours were over, anyways. So why will you stay? You hurriedly start arranging the files to put them away, with your tears falling. You did your best to make sure those tears didn't touch the files. Or Jungkook would do another drama about it, saying how you ruined his works. After arranging them, you take your purse, walking out immediately.

You didn't know Jungkook was still standing outside troubled. "Y/N!" He yells and starts to follow you. However, you ignore him. You didn't have the energy to hear more of his shit.

The employees were looking at you both in surprise with bewilderment covering their faces. They didn't understand. They didn't know they were working for a vampire. You weren't ready, you needed time to think about this, to process this. What were you doing? You fell for a vampire? And comes the cherry on top. He's a playboy and has a girlfriend? Maybe he does. Maybe he's playing with her as well.

You step out of the building and see Jimin in the car waiting for you. Of course, he thought to get you. He was worried Jungkook would try anything with you if he had time. After what happened with Taehyung, of course, he was. You walk out, aggressively wiping your tears. Oh no! He's going to make fun of you for a whole week about how you looked like 'a baby whose toy was stolen'. But when Jimin saw you, his eyes were worried.

"What's wrong?" Jimin questions, worry slipping out of his gaze, as he gets inside the car.

You go to the passenger seat and slam the car door shut. He was shocked, he sees Jungkook coming out of the building in tears. Taehyung following him, his eyes carried a sadness in them. You had a cold look on your face, after taking a glimpse at them.

"Y/N," Jimin utters looking at you in the driver's seat.

"Let's go, Jimin. I really want to go home right now. Please?" You beg, tears gathering in your eyes. You hated yourself for crying so much.

Jimin's eyes soften, he grabs the stirring wheel and drives away. You're looking outside the window, blinking your tears away. Jimin didn't ask you anything about the situation. After arriving home, you go up to your room, close it shut, and cry a whole river. This was so emotionally hard on you.

He said he was scared. If he was, then did he mean he liked you too? But if he did, then why was he with those girls? Why did he have a girlfriend? Is he a cheater? Was she, not his girlfriend? Does she even know that her boyfriend is a vampire? What did he mean by 'I can explain'? Did he mean he cared about what you thought about him? Or did he think of you as just a secretary who got to know his biggest secret? Were you getting your hopes up? Then why did you cry? If he really did like you, why was there a hint of rejection in his eyes?

You had so many questions you wanted to ask, but you were scared of the answers. You're scared he would reject you, and he really did have a girlfriend; who he was cheating on. It was midnight, and you had received a text. You swivel checking your phone to see your boss's message.

Playboy Boss : "You don't have to come to work tomorrow. I'll do something about your leave."

You reply, gathering all of your courage to do it.

YOU : "You don't have to, Mr. Jeon. I will do my work."

You're laying on your bed, and the lights in your room were turned off. You had kept the phone on your nightstand, and resumed staring at the ceiling, thinking about what happened today.

You're thinking about him. You still didn't care if he was a vampire, or werewolf, or whatever! You just wanted him. Just thinking about him makes your heart beat non-stop. There's a fear in your chest of losing him to another girl. Wait, why didn't he attack you? Like he had done to the other girls. You're so confused right now.

The whole night you're awake. You woke up to see under eye circles, and your eyes and cheeks puffy. You had taken a shower and applied makeup to hide your pain. Makeup really was useful in times like these. You walk down to see Jimin having his cereal deep in thought, but he didn't have milk in it. You laugh because of it, catching Jimin's attention.

"Oh, Jimin, you don't have milk in it." You say smiling and walking to the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of milk, and pouring it into his bowl. He was giving you a fretful look. You ignore his look, your smile widening. You try to hide every bit of your pain. You didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

"Y/N—" He starts to say in a low voice, his eyes on the cereal. You sit on the chair of the dinner table cutting him off.

"I like cereal so much. I don't know why." You inform, humming through the taste.

Jimin sighs, understanding that maybe you didn't want to talk about it. "Y/N, I am always here for you. If something happens, you can talk to me. I will listen to you, whatever you have to say. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. Okay?"

Stray tears start falling down at your brother's words. You try to relax, even if he didn't love you, there were other people who did. You smile with tears falling down your cheeks. Your eyes turn into crescents, looking at your brother.

"Hey . . ." He walks towards you, taking you in his embrace as he stands just there while he cried in his arms.

───── ☾ ─────

As you walk down the hallways in search of your office, you finally pause near it. When you had arrived inside, you sit on your desk's chair and start working. You had already gone to Jungkook's office and informed him about his scheduled meeting today.

"Mr. Jeon, you have a meeting at eleven a.m. Please get ready for the scheduled time." You say professionally. Not giving a shit about his surprised gaze that was stuck on you. But maybe, it was fretting he was showing from the way his eyes were so puffy. What? Why? It looked as if he was still crying, and wiped his tears a while ago.

"What's wrong, Mr. Jeon?" You're still scared. You didn't want to ask him about his answer, even if he was crying. You could see in his eyes, it was you. He was crying because of you. You hadn't realized how you showed fear in your eyes to him.

"I am sorry." He forces out. His voice cracking.

"It's not your fault, Mr. Jeon, about you being a vampire. It's my fault, I was getting my hopes up because of the whole flirting thing. It's common, right? To feel like this? You always do it with girls. I was in the wrong. I am the one who should be apologizing." You mock openly about how bitchy he was. It was all his fault. You had tried to seem as sincere as you can be to give the sarcasm and to feel better.

He's a vampire, and you weren't even a little bit scared about it. You didn't know why. Strange. A normal person would be. Was it because you fell for him?

"Right." He confirms, getting up and going back to his boss mode. But you had given him a weirded-out look, which was stating 'What the fuck? You think it's my fault? Of course, I was being sarcastic.' He was afraid, his eyes show fear. A vampire, being scared of you?! It's thrilling, man.

"Now, sit down." You say leaning on the desk, your elbows resting on it. You both had time before the meeting. So how about using it for better work. "You know what?" You ask as he stares at you. Your eyes beaming contently. "You are dead." You stated with a fake smile.

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