Chapter 6

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That night Yunlan introduced Shen Wei to his team as the new consultant, surprising them with his overly-enthusiastic attitude, but he felt so good after spending the whole day with Shen Wei that he had no will to hide it.

They joked and ate together, then Yunlan drove them both home.
Still in a playful mood, he teased him. "Feel free to visit me if you want, you know, if you're too excited to sleep after today."

Wei shot him a warning glance, Yunlan grinned and they separated, each in his own apartment.

Yunlan threw himself on the bed still fully clothed, but he couldn't sleep. He went to make himself a drink, to relax a little, agitated as he was. He gazed at the door wondering what was Wei doing, if he was thinking of him, if there was the slightest chance that Wei might really knock on his door.

He doubted that very much, the proper professor, the righteous Envoy, he wouldn't make that step on his own.
He sighed, laying on the bed with another drink in his hand, but he couldn't take off his mind the image of Shen Wei... his soul was still full of the emotions connected to his visions; he hadn't thought too much of it when it happened, but he had been only a kid with his mother at home to make him feel loved.

Back then, the coldness of his father was balanced by the love that she showed him every day. He loved her so much.
Since she passed away, he had never thought he could feel like that again.
He had experienced pleasure, fun, but nothing like what he felt every day he spent with Shen Wei.

He would never be able to explain it in words, it was like those feelings he had experienced in the past were felt only on the surface, not able to reach the soul.

With Wei, every little thing was felt more deeply, his entire soul felt involved, and even a glance, a word or a shared meal filled it with a sense of being complete, comfortable, safe, of finally feeling good for real.

He grabbed the wine bottle he had put on the nightstand and poured himself some more, thinking back at the day before, when he had kissed him out of impulse, a sudden need taking over him.
He cursed his bruised knee, what would have happened had he not bumped into that table?

Wei had been reluctant at first, but then he had responded to his kiss, quite eagerly if he could say so himself.

When he had moved closer he had felt Wei's arms pulling him forward, making him lose balance and hit his knee. Shen Wei had wished for more as well, he was sure of it.

Yunlan sat up on the bed, sleeping was out of the question now, with those thoughts in his head.

He looked at the bottle, it was empty, so he stood up and went to grab another one.

He sighed, he couldn't even try to get him drunk to help the mood going, he didn't want Wei to pass out again.

He emptied his glass and went to open the door. He looked at Wei's door for a moment before moving forward and knocking.

The door opened so fast that he stumbled forward. Wei looked at him. "Are you ok? Does your knee still hurt?"

Yunlan didn't have any plan but he seized his chance. "Yeah, could you come over and help me with that? I think it's gotten worse."

Wei looked worried but also a bit upset smelling the alcohol in his breath.
"Do you want to come in?"

"No, you gave the medicine to me remember? And it will be easier if I don't have to get up again later."

Wei looked doubtful but accepted his words and helped him back into his apartment.

Wei motioned for him to sit on the couch, but that wouldn't do.
"Let me sit on the bed so I can lie down, my knee is killing me, it's better if I don't bend it."

A bit hesitant, Wei helped him sit on the bed. He stood there, watching him, and Yunlan put on a hurt expression. "Aren't you going to help me? Don't you want to see the wound?"

Wei opened his mouth and closed it again, at a loss for words, then he just nodded.
Feeling quite cunning, Yunlan didn't even try to lift his pants, he took them off directly.

Wei gulped, then looked at his knee, trying to focus his attention on it and avoid looking at other parts of his body.

It was nothing serious and it didn't hurt Yunlan one bit, but even a small bruise like that, on Zhao's body, looked like an offence to Shen Wei who said:
"It's still bruised, I'm sorry I hurt you."

Yunlan didn't comment, he didn't like making him feel guilty, but he had a specific goal in mind. He gestured to his nightstand. "The medicine is in there."

Wei got closer and opened the drawer, revealing the small bottle he had given him, along with another kind of bottle that made him blush. He tried to ignore it but Yunlan didn't miss the way he had looked at it.

Now that he was closer, Yunlan lifted himself just enough to put his arms around his neck. As Wei turned towards him, Yunlan silenced him with a kiss, then pulled him down and rolled him onto the bed.

"Yunlan! Wait, your knee..."

"That's not the part of me that needs you right now."
He pressed his body against Wei's, letting him feel clearly the true meaning of his words.

"You're drunk," Shen Wei said, still feeling the taste of alcohol in his own mouth after their kiss.

Yunlan wasn't really drunk, only slightly intoxicated, nothing he couldn't manage, but he said anyway:
"That's because you let me drink alone, why weren't you here, don't you care about me?"

"I..." but Shen couldn't formulate a coherent thought with Yunlan sucking on his neck and his breathing became irregular.

Yunlan palmed him through his trousers. "You need me too", he murmured against his lips, licking them in a way that drove Wei out of his mind.

Shen Wei couldn't take it anymore, having a semi-naked Yunlan teasing him like that was too much. The words "I do, I need you," came out of his mouth then he gripped his hold on his back and flipped them over.

He spared a second to get rid of his own clothes, while Yunlan watched his hot, muscular body and took off the rest of his own clothes biting his bottom lip, and the next moment Wei was on him again, kissing and biting his neck, pressing their bodies together.

"Babe, you're so hot," Yunlan said before lifting himself into a sitting position to attack his chest with his mouth, wanting to taste every inch of his skin.

Wei groaned and Yunlan tried to push him down but Wei was stronger and pinned him down instead.
Yunlan saw that his eyes were dark with want, and softly called out, "Babe?"

Shen Wei's eyes got even darker. He grabbed him by the waist to pull him closer and parted his legs.

"What...? Wait!" Yunlan said, things were not going exactly according to plan.

"No," was Wei's reply. "I need you," he repeated, and got dangerously closer.

Yunlan began to panic, was he going to do what he thought he was doing? Without even the slightest preparation?

It seemed like it, because when he said again: "Wait!" Wei repeated: "No," his eyes clouded; Yunlan realised that with or without his black robes the gentle professor was also the feared Envoy, he knew that nobody had ever been able to stop the Black Envoy when he was set out on a mission, and after all it wasn't like he would give up having sex with Shen Wei so easily, so he did the only thing he could think of.

He screamed, "Shen Wei! You will hurt me!."
Wei stopped, for a moment caught between his lust and his soul's repulsion at causing Zhao Yunlan any harm.

Yunlan took his chance and quickly rummaged thru his nightstand drawer to fish out the bottle of lube, wasting no time in pouring a generous amount on Wei's arousal first and then on his fingers.

Wei looked at them, and Yunlan gave him a pleading look. "This way it won't hurt, you ok with that?"

Well, it did hurt, but not nearly as much as it would have the other way, and the pain eventually subsided in favour of a better sensation that he quite enjoyed.

Wei made love to him with a passion that surprised him, he had seen the interest in Shen Wei's eyes, but hadn't known just how much he wanted him.

The Envoy thrusted hard into him making him scream and the word again came out of Shen Wei's mouth twice before Wei was satified enough to let him sleep.

If he had trouble resting before, now it was no more the case and he fell into slumber the minute Wei hugged him laying beside him, his eyes back to his normal shade of brown.

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