Chapter 4

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"She really nixed the memorial before?" Natasha asked

"Yes. Your Bade Papa, Gautam, was to have a street named after him." said Chirag

"Oh." said Natasha."Thank you for getting the recognition for my family."

"Natasha, I know that we have had our problems before, as I was stubborn in my thinking, that you were going to break my family. Only I did it myself. You see, I had nobody to oppose me when the boys were growing up, and Ma's thinking was orthodox. It was the way things were done. Everybody followed what I said. But I realized now that I was holding back my brothers. They were not independent. Dhawal became independent because of you. And slowly, everyone was going to be independent. I would lose everyone. Then, the demolition of Pandya Store. In my arrogance, I thought I could control things. I ignored Dhawal's condition when I manipulated him for your divorce. He was devasted, I knew he loved you. He gave you up in return for your Pandya Store. I saw how much he still was attached to you during his wedding to Suhani. He beat up Sundip for you. He was always jealous of men around you. Whether it was college or in Sabar Bazaar. He wouldn't do that for anyone else, not even Suhani. He didn't care if she was talking to another guy. But you, he went crazy. Kattu had mentioned that he wanted to shoot Sundip before he even knew that he was a scumbag, all because he saw you with in a couple of times. He went after you, but I stopped him, trying to get him married to Suhani. I thought that Suhani was a better match for our family since she was easier to control. But he couldn't go through with the wedding. He loves you only. Then his accident, and I blackmailed you back into coming back to Makwana house. It was only when he left Makwana that I realized I was wrong. Then Chikku took over the Makwana properties, and you lost everything in returning the property. You lost your brother. And then we found out that most of everything that has happened was caused by Ma, not you. I am sorry. When I figured out I was wrong, that you are perfect for our family, Shalini Dave had come back into my lives. And we tried our best to protect everyone, but Shalini got to Ma and Hetal, you were blamed for my 'death' but we couldn't let them know yet as Shalini had started to make threats. We didn't know that Ma had requested Shalini to break you and Dhawal up. Then you left Somnath, and we found out the truth. Chalbali was giving out information to Shalini. First on Ma's orders, then for money. Then, in anger, Chhabali had told us what Ma had been doing. We were so angry at Ma, but slowly we have realised, Ma included that change is needed. That our family will be ruined if we still follow the old ways. Dhawal had already decided that once Shalini's chapter was over, he was going leave and make his family with you. But Shalini was a lot smarter and sneakier than we thought. We didn't realize that she would get Chalibali to spy on us. So it took longer than expected."

"Oh." Natasha said, looking down

"And I wasn't far from you. I was always around. Whether it was at the hospital or as your boss. I was there when Kiara was born. You had scared me when you fainted, but the doctor had told me that you fainted due to exhaustion, I was relieved. Then I held Kiara for the first time, and I was amazed that we had created her. That she was our daughter. The company you work for is mine."

"You were my boss?" questioned Natasha."You were never away from me?"

"Never except for the first few months when I didn't know where you were. We found you in a hospital when you almost lost the baby. Mots had to call in some favors, and we moved you to a private hospital. Then, the ABCD Events Company was formed. I took on the few contracts in Mumbai so I could stay near you without any suspicion. We couldn't let Shalini know where you were. Supposedly the goons sent to the house were from her, she didn't know that Dolly Bhabi was alone at the house, she had overheard me talking to you about going to the Makwana house, and had sent them. She had gotten angry at you for refusing to discredit the family. Instead, you defended us and got angry at her." said Dhawal, surprising Natasha.

"After you left, she started to obsess over Golu, as she was trying to find where we sent Golu. She was trying to kidnap Golu as she was stating that Golu was her son with me. We sent Golu out of the country. And then she was trying to find out where you were because she blamed you for her loss of a family." said Amrish

"I'm sorry you all had to go through that." said Natasha

"Please, Natasha, come back to us. Complete our family. Give us another chance." said Amrish

"Please," said everyone.

Natasha looked at everyone and then said, "I need to feed Kiara, please."

"Bhabi, Kiara must be in Sahil's room. Bring Natasha and Kiara to our room, please." said Dhawal, knowing that Natasha is being a little stubborn right now.

Hetal tried talking to Natasha, "Natasha, I am so sorry. I blamed you. I took Shalini's word over yours. Please forgive me. "

"Bhabi, it's ok. The situation wasn't the greatest." said Natasha stiffly as they walked into Sahil's room

"Kiara Baby?" said Natasha. As Kiara rushed into Natasha's legs, Natasha picked up Kiara. She walked over to Sahil and went down to his level. "Hi Sahil. Dolly Bhabi, he's beautiful." said Natasha as Sahil became shy and hid behind Dolly.

"Natasha, your Kiara is precious. Sahil, say hi to Chachi, " said Dolly

Natasha pinched Sahil's cheeks, "I will see you later, Love. Bhabi, can I use a room to feed Kiara, please?" As she stood up.

"Natasha, come. I will take you." Hetal led Natasha to Dhawal's room. "Here you go." Hetal walked away before Natasha could say anything.

Natasha walked into the room and realized it was Dhawal's room. As she looked around, she noticed a lot of pictures on the walls. Her pictures, his pictures, Kiara's pictures, even their pictures together from before. There was a picture of their first and second wedding on the night table.

Her missing outfit was on the sofa. She was wondering how it got there. She thought she lost it, that she must have thrown it out.

Kiara started fuss more, Natasha sat on the bed and opened her top. As she held Kiara in her arms, stroking her head. Dhawal walked in and locked the door.

Natasha looked up, shocked. She quickly covered Kiara and herself with her dupatta. "What the hell, Dhawal? Go away!"

"You are my wife. Kiara's my daughter. It is my right to see you feed our daughter. I missed these moments in this last year."

Natasha tightened her lips and looked away. Dhawal sat down beside her and gently caressed her face. Finally, Kiara finished feeding, and Natasha fixed her top. She quickly burped Kiara and noticed that she had fallen asleep. She laid Kiara in the middle of the bed and got up, ignoring Dhawal.

"Natasha, please don't ignore me!" said Dhawal

"Then what am I supposed to do?" said Natasha, trying to keep her voice low. "You were angry with me because I didn't trust you in the blackmail issue. But you did the same thing!"

"I am sorry, Natasha! I was trying to keep everyone safe!" said Dhawal

"Why was I the only one to be kept away from the family."

"You weren't the only one. We had Chirag take Dolly away for a bit, too."

"Dolly came back. She wasn't kept away from the family!"

"I didn't want to lose you!" yelled Dhawal

"Well, you lost! You lost your wife and child!" said Natasha

"No! I refuse that! You are my wife! And if I have to keep you away for a little while to keep you safe! I will! You didn't read the letter I left in your bag. Things were tense in Makwana house. I thought that at least you would be stress free in Pandya Niwas. But you didn't read the letter and then Daama passed away. I came to pick you up that evening, and you were gone! You left me! You didn't even think of us for one moment!" said Dhawal as he shook her.

"How was I supposed to know? You didn't even give me a hint?" said Natasha as she pushed him away from her.

"The letter was the hint, damn it!" said Dhawal

"Sshh. If you wake up Kiara, I will smack you!" yelled Natasha.

Dhawal grabbed Natasha by the arm and pulled her behind him. As he got to the door, he called for Dolly. "Dolly Bhabi, Kiara has fallen asleep on the bed. Can you keep an eye on her. I need to talk to Natasha." Dhawal then pulled her along with him. The next thing Natasha notices is that he had brought her to the roof.

"Now we can finish this!" said Dhawal

Natasha turned her face away from him.

"Don't you dare turn away from me. We lost two years. I made mistakes, but so did you! We make mistakes, but we don't give up on each other! You left me! You left the city! I didn't know where you were. We had a pyscho after us! After you! We did the best we could!" yelled Dhawal

"Fine!" pushing him away from her. She walked away, trying to calm herself, when she found herself back in Dhawal's arms.

"Damn it! I love you! And I don't want to lose you!" cried Dhawal

"I said fine!" shaking him. "I will stay! I seem to have no other place to go! I am dependent on you! Work and home! Nothing was mine!"

"Everything is yours! Me, my family, our business! I am yours! I have always been yours! YOU always ran away from me! I've always wanted you! Even with all our issues, I've only wanted you. Even when we were to marry other people, only you mattered to me! You're mine, Natasha. My wife! I won't lose you again!" yelled Dhawal, grabbing her close, holding her face in his hand.

"Fine!" pulling his hands away from her face. "I need to check on our daughter!"

Dhawal smiled as he watched her rush down the stairs. He slowly followed her down. As she went towards their room, Dhawal went down to the living area where the rest of the family, excluding Pranali and Dolly, were discussing the recent developments.

"Dhawal? How did it go? What did Natasha say?" asked Amrish in a rush.

"She's staying. We haven't finished our talk yet. We still have a lot to discuss. But she is angry with me. I will gain her forgiveness! I refuse to accept anything else."

"Good." said Chirag as he saw Natasha come down with Kiara.

"Dhawal, I need to go back to the hotel and grab our stuff, please." said Natasha

"Let's go." said Dhawal

"Natasha, why don't you leave Kiara here?" asked Chirag

"Chirag Bhai, she just got up. She's a little grumpy. It will be easier to just take her with us." said Natasha.

A couple of weeks later, Natasha had settled in at the Makwana house. Kiara was happy as she had a playmate around all the time. Natasha was a little reserved with Amba and Hetal, but she was slowly interacting with her Pranali and Dolly.

Natasha noticed that a lot of things were different. Yes, everyone had their own suites, with their own mini kitchens. Everyone had dinner, together except on Saturdays. Breakfast was done together unless there were plans made. Most days, everyone ate dinner together, catching up with their days. It was just like she dreamed her married family life would be. But she was scared that it was all going to disappear. Dhawal was also breaking down her walls, one brick at a time. He helped with Kiara. He would make dinner or help her make dinner on the nights that they had dinner in their room. He had changed in the last two years. He had become serious in the last two years, but there were times when the old Dhawal would surface.

Natasha was folding their laundry when Dhawal walked in the room and locked the door, puzzling Natasha.

"Why did you lock the door?" she asked.

"I wanted to spend time with my life. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to reassure myself that this isn't a dream and you are really here." pulling her into his arms.

"I won't forgive you this easily." said Natasha."Don't think that your cheesy lines are going to work this time?"

"What cheesy lines?"

"Don't you remember what you said last time?" asked Natasha

"A person who you are angry the most is the person you love the most." Repeated Dhawal

Natasha rolled her eyes at him.

"You are the only one that makes me crazy in anger, yet I worry the most about you." said Dhawal

And just like that, all the anger that Natasha had simmered down.

"Fine. Let's take a timeout on the anger. I just want to spend some time with you please." said Dhawal

"What do you have in mind?" asked Natasha suspiously

"Well, since Kiara is still young, and we can't leave her yet. Either we take her with us or we can have a nice family dinner here?" asked Dhawal

"It would be nice to have dinner out. If you can get permission to go out, then yes, we will go out with you." said Natasha.

"I will tell Ma that we will be dining out. I know that you still remember the rules of the house, but trust me, things have changed. We aren't perfect, but we are trying. And change was needed. Mots realized his love for Hetal Bhabi, and we discovered the truth of what really happened. All the issues that you faced were the results of Ma's interference. Your presence was deeply missed. So Hetal Bhabi, Pranali Bhabi, and Dolly Bhabi sat Ma down and had a serious talk with Ma. And since that day, things have started to change. I like to think for the better."

"Fine. I accept and acknowledge that things are changing. Happy now, " said Natasha

"Where do you find these words?" muttered Dhawal

"Huh?" questioned Natasha.

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