Fifty Five

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Shiho sits on the chair on the balcony with a fluffy white cat on her lap. It's part of her routine now- to sit at the balcony and stare at the moon during the dark quiet night. Shiro, who she named the cat exactly the same with her own dream is comfortably resting on her lap. Both of them develop a pretty nice relationship with each other as the cat seems to trust her right away.

She pats the cat softly. Somehow, the cat does make her less lonely. The fact that the cat portrays certain someone makes her mind fill with that man every time. She doesn't know whether it's a good thing or not.

So far, there's no news that she got from Hakase. So, there's nothing for her to worry about. She hopes all of them is doing well. As she stares at the moon enough, she shifts her gaze to the cat.

"Let's sleep, shall we Shiro? I am sorry it's a bit boring for you. Let's just hope tomorrow will be better" said Shiho as she places the cat on the floor and she walks to her own room. The cat follows her from behind. As Shiho lies on the bed, the cat rests itself right on her side- snuggle with her. Shiho looks at the cat as she smiles.

"You're a great cat, don't you? Now let's sleep. Let's hope I don't get any weird dream this time" said Shiho again as she closes her eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep.


Shiho slowly opens her eyes as she moves her body- she can't move much since she's in someone's embrace. She finds herself in her own room, nothing different except the presence of the man that embraces her from her back. His strong arms are around her waist and her cat, Shiro is sleeping at her side.

Shiho can feel that her body is sore as soon as she wakes up. Obviously, she did something with the man behind her last night. She slowly put her hand on top of his huge hand. She can feel his breath behind her neck that sends tickles to her. Slowly, she turns around to face that man. She's being extra careful to make sure both her cat and that man to not awake.

She stares at his face for a while. She loves staring at his face when he's asleep. Quickly, she give him a peck and she buried herself in his chest. She's not sure why she's blushing with that simple stupid behaviour that she did. They even did even worst than that and yet she's embarrassed with her own little act.

The presence of the man beside her actually fills the hole in her heart. She feels happy about it. Sure a lot of things happens back then. The moment when she was unsure to betray Kudo and the rest just to reunite with this man. She's not sure whether to regret that act or not.

She feels happy with her choice, even though she betrayed all of them. Sure, they will tell them it's wrong, they even will tell her to come back to them.

But they never know what exactly in her heart.

Shiho decides to put that thing aside, what's done is done. It's not like she can change the past anyway. She prefers to focus on her future- the fact that she works with the organization back, with the man that she admires a lot. For some reason, she can't find the courage to use the 'L' word yet- but, she can't hold herself to use the words in front of him, even now.

She desperately wants to tell him how much she loves him even though she knows how he'll react to her. It's Gin after all. She doesn't expect much from him in terms of romance. The fact that he actually accepts her back in the organization is enough to make her happy. He even prefers to work with her like in the old time.

She smiles as she realizes that Gin doesn't actually hate her.

"Stealing a kiss is not a great behaviour I think" he said slowly as he tighten the embrace between them. So, he's actually awake this whole time. Shiho buried herself on his chest more. "Said the assassin of the organization" she said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm not a robber or a thief" he said.

"True, but a killer is even worst. At least thief and robber only take the object, not a life" she said.

"So, do you hate it?" he said. His question makes her mouth shut for a moment. Does she hate it? Does she hate the fact that Gin is a killer, a murderer?

If she hates him, then why she's in his embrace right now?

"What are you talking Gin? Of course, I don't hate it. If I do, I won't betray my friends back then. Now, let's drop the subject. It makes my head hurts. My body is sore enough for me to handle that. Well, it's all thanks to you" she said.

"Yet you like it" he said. There's a hint of satisfaction in his voice after he heard her remarks.

"Of course" she said, admit the things. The two of them stay in that position for a while. They don't make it official yet- never make it official because Gin is such a hopeless person when it comes to romance.

For Shiho, he's part of her life. She like his presence around her- she even feels safer around him than Kudo. She can't describe how great is it when he's around. Surely, she actually falls deeply for him. The moment when she decides to betray the good side is enough to point out how much she falls for that man.

Somehow, she can't hold herself to confess to him- she might as well tell him right now. She gains the courage to tell him. She might regret it later.

"I love you" she said with a very low tone- as if she's whispering. She's unsure whether he actually heard it or not. No reply from him. Only silence in the room. Guess, he didn't actually hear that. Such a relief. She might jump off the window if he heard that.

"Now, I need to make some breakfast. You, take the shower first" she said as she frees herself from his embrace and sits on her bed. Gin stands up as he takes the towel and covers himself. Before he walks out of her room, he stands right in front of her and ruffles her hair. Shiho looks at him with questions all over her face.

"I heard that and I am aware of it a long time ago, but you know exactly what my answer is Sherry" he said with a little smirk as he walks out of the room. Shiho can't help but blush and hide her face with her own bangs.


The woman snaps her eyes open as she looks at the ceiling. She takes a deep breath. She feels relief as she finds herself in her own room, alone with her cat at her side. The sun rays show that it's morning already.

Then, her mind recalls her dream- her dream with that man. Probably, the dream telling her what will it look like when she choose the organization over her friends. Her mind is full of the dream that she got. That's the life that she'll live if she chooses him over the others. She doesn't know how to feel anymore.

Another thing that bothers her is the fact she actually confessed, and his little smirk as he leaves the room make her face tinted with red pigment.

"Stupid dream" she said to herself slowly as she shakes her head. She tries her best to not think about it, but she fails. The image of the man keeps sticking to her mind. The impact of his image on her is great. She's not sure herself why is it happening- as if he's already glued in her mind and heart.

"Ugh, I need a shower" she said as she finds her way to the bathroom. She keeps making her mind busy and not thinking about her dream and that certain man again.


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