Fifty Three

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Shiho is alone on the balcony. She sits on a chair and places her hand on the table. She stares at the dark sky. It's almost a day she lives on her own. Nothing has happened so far. She doesn't feel the Black Organization's scent throughout the day.

At least she knows she's safe for the moment. Nothing chaotic and nothing suspicious happened. Everything is normal except the fact that she needs to adopt the new surrounding.

It's too quiet and she's all alone by herself. Of course, she feels something lost in her heart. She feels a little bit lonely and boring to live on her own. She needs to get used to the new surrounding in her new apartment.

She thought that having a pet will be good. At least she has a friend in her new apartment. Besides, she loves animals. Also, she never has the experience to have a pet. Well, it's not hurt to get one, right?

Shiho has thought about herself as she stares at the dark sky. The breeze is soft but somehow gives her chills. She is asking herself what she needs to do in the current situation. Does she only need to hide until the organization doesn't exist anymore? She knows she can't just sit there doing nothing. Yet, the woman doesn't know what the right thing to do.

The organization is hunting her down and she's pretty sure that Kudo is finding her. What she hopes for him is that to keep surviving. She also gives him the right whether to take the antidote right now or later. She let him decide this time. She hopes he still doesn't take it yet or the news will quickly blow up and attract the organization's attention. He will put himself in danger.

Yet she knows, Kudo is not a dumb person. So she certainly feels that he still doesn't take it yet. Even though his feelings on how much he wants to return to his old self and meet Ran is great, still, she is sure he put those feelings away and focus to take the organization down.

As the woman was totally lost in her own thought, her phone ringing. An unknown number pop up on her screen. She already knows it's Hakase since he is the only person she trusts enough to give him her number and the only person that she is allowed to contact her.

She grabs her phone and accepts the phone call as she put the phone at her ear.

"Hello Hakase" she said, knowing the other person that calling her.

"Ai kun, sorry, Shiho kun" he said. Shiho smiles as she heard the way Hakase calling her name.

"Ai kun is fine for you Hakase. Tell me, why are you calling me? Is something happen?" she asks Hakase.

"I-I'm just missing you" the old man said. Shiho can hear the tone that he made. It's sounded like he almost cries.

"Now Hakase, you're already an old man. Don't cry. I'm not dead yet. Look, I'm good. Living here feel much safer. I want you to not worry about me. Can you do that Hakase? You know where exactly I'm coming from" she said.

"Alright. Ai-kun" he said. A slight pause between them before Shiho continues.

"How's the kid? And that guy, I hope he doesn't take the antidote yet" she said. She has been wondering if they doing alright.

"Yeah. The kids are upset with you because you don't give them a proper goodbye. Shinichi-kun on the other hand was pretty mad and he tried to look for you. Akai-san was there too, good thing he stopped Shinichi-kun from doing so" he said.

"Oh, that FBI guy was there too" she said. What a busybody person he is. Shiho can't blame the kid for being mad with her, it was her fault in the very first place.

At least, she's trying to make them happy by giving them the present. As for Kudo, sure he's a stubborn human being. She knows he will try to find her- and she can't blame him either.

It was all her fault in the very first place- her existence is the main cause of all of this happens.

"Anyway Ai-kun. I have a thing to tell you" he said. Shiho who was almost lost in her own thought, snap back to reality- she was still on the phone call.

"What is it Hakase?" she said. Somehow, she notices a hint of seriousness in his tone. Something not good going to happen- she's not sure whether she's ready to hear about it or not. She can feel it- she can feel that Hakase going to talk about something that involving the organization.

"They already got a plan to take down the organization" said Hakase as if he's whispered to the phone call. Shiho eyes widen. A plan already? It's been a day she left them and is something big going to happen? Not sure whether she likes it or not.

"Any details Hakase?" she said. She's truly interested in this. She needs to know why they got a plan already- no, she needs to know the whole thing.

"Akai-san said most of the members of FBI who tried to infiltrate the organization has been killed. The organization might have a hint that they know Akai-san is still alive. I heard they will make a move a week from now, or maybe earlier" he said. Shiho keeps her silent for a while.

"I see" she said, then she continues "Please keep me up to date with that. I need to know about it okay Hakase?"

"I will" he said.

"One more thing, please remind Kudo to stop being a reckless fool. He's not dealing with any normal criminal out there. This is a big deal for him. Please tell him that because I am not there to scold him anymore. Sometimes he can get pretty off hands" she said as she sighs and looks at the sky.

Hakase laughs at her words, then he said "You do care about him, no?"

"I do. He's the most reckless person when it comes to antidote and the organization. Just prevent him from doing any stupid things" she said.

"Don't worry, will do" Hakase said.

"You need to sleep, it's pretty late already. Goodnight. We'll talk later okay?" she said.

"We will. Goodnight Ai-kun" he said, then he end the phone call.

Shiho places her phone back on the table. She stares at the sky for several minutes and enjoys the moment before she enters her apartment and walks to her room. She yawns as soon as she enters her room. She needs to sleep, a good night of sleep. It was such a relaxing day for her, well, except for the part about the organization.

She just hopes everything will get better tomorrow- even though she knows it will slowly get worsen each day.


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