Forty Three

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Haibara slowly opens her eyes. As soon as she awakens, she feels great pain all over her body. Her head aching when she tries to remember what happened before. The only thing that she remembers at the moment is her dream- which is her real pasts with her sister and Gin.

Her eyes snap open as she thinks of Gin. She got several shots from Gin and Akai somehow 'saved' her as well as Conan. Now she remembers what truly happened.

The only thing that she can see is darkness. She's sure it's nighttime already. Haibara can't move her body much as she immediately feels the pain attacking her whole body. Her eyes shift around the room. She sees a silhouette of someone at the window.

Haibara focusing her eyes as she tries to identify the identity. She sees a figure of a man. As she finally can identify the guy, she feels hatred? She can't describe it much as she is just awake. She doesn't even know what time and what date is it today.

"You're finally awake, Haibara san" said the man. It's clearly Akai. The lover of her late sister and a member of the FBI. Haibara still can feel the fire inside her. She wants him to leave her alone. She doesn't need anybody to guard her. His presence doesn't make her feel any better.

"Go away" said Haibara. She looks away as she completely avoids his gaze. She doesn't want to face that man for the moment. She needs time to accept things that she just knew.

The silence fills the air as Akai doesn't reply to her. He only looks at the girl who was once a high ranking member of the organization. He totally understands why she behaving like that. It's not her fault after all.

"I told you to go away. I don't want even to look at your face. Even as Subaru, don't you dare to show your face in front of me" said Haibara as she still looking away from the man. Looking at his face only grow rage in her.

At the moment, she already knows who exactly Subaru is. She can tell it he's Subaru when Akai was with Conan when they saved her. That Kudo, he knows his identity all the time. It is why he keeps backing up Subaru all the time. Somehow, she feels betrayed.

When she knows the secrets that both Conan and Akai keep, it makes her hatred for him grow. He's been right around her all the time and yet he is a total coward for never show his true self in front of her. Learning that he actually watching her by using a disguise all the time indeed make her hates him. She wants him to disappear from her sight right now.

"As you wish. I realized it was all my fault. I'll give you time and I request that we have a talk. Of course, when you're ready. I am sorry" he said as he slowly walk to the door and he leaves her in her ward alone. She doesn't feel to accept his apology right now. She needs time to accept all of this as her body, her mind, everything.. everything is hurt right now. She feels like she wants to scream out of her lung and throw herself into a deep and dark hole.

The thing that only accompanies her during the night is only darkness. The darkness embraces her for tonight. She feels confused and wonders why all of these things happen to her. Somehow she can feel like she can't take it anymore. This is too much for her to hold.

She feels tired, she feels tired physically and mentally. Every moment and time that passed slowly drive her mind to go crazy. She needs time to relax and clear her mind. She did felt the pressure in her, trying to taking her mind. Haibara desperately needs a rest.

Haibara stares at the ceiling as she is lost in her thought. She releases a big sigh. She closes her eyes as she tries to clear her mind. She doesn't want to think of anything but her mind opposes it. Her mind still thinking about her life, her past, her present and the future that will hold her soon.

Then, something hits her. It does make her stuck in her own thoughts. Instead of feeling disappointed and betrayed, isn't she need to feel happy? Isn't she going to thank Akai and Conan for coming at the right time because they just saved her?

Isn't she going to at least feel better because Gin is hurting and they have the advantage to take down the organization? Isn't she going to be grateful that the FBI is here to end the organization and the fact that she's technically under their protection? Isn't she going to feel good and way better?

All the thing that she feels right now is hatred, betrayed and pain. She doesn't even feel a little bit of happiness. She asked herself why- why she feels like this. The thing that matter now is herself. What is wrong with her? She refuses to think about it. She acted based on her emotion.

Haibara feels exhausted. She feels exhausted to think more. The more she thinks, the more it makes her mind hurt. The more she knows the truth, the more her heart hurt. The more she tries to find out what is happening, the more her body feels sore and stiffs.

She's done with everything. She feels like ending her life but something holds her to do so. Haibara doesn't realize that a single tear escaped her eyes at that moment. She feels like she tried to continue her life.

She wants to join and meet her family but there's a thing that tells her not to do so. Something in her heart refuses for her to end her life but to continue and choose the right thing to make her life getting better, to make her feels happiness all over again. Something in her mind tells her that she only needs time. She needs time to rise again and make decisions. She needs a certain amount of time and the right time to come.

Haibara slowly drifts off to sleep as she feels the tiredness taking over her body. The shrunken woman needs a rest. She needs a good amount of rest and she will rise and shine again. If the time arrives, she will make the right choice and no one going to stop her.


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