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It is another peaceful night. That was a great day too. Haibara just finished taking shower. She sits on her bed. The kids already went home right after she accidentally tripped. Right now, she doing nothing as she stares at the floor. She doesn't feel like going to the lab to finish the antidote. She feels tired. She spends her day with the Detective Boys. Since tomorrow is the weekend, she wonders that she will spend her time with them too.

She takes a glance at the clock. It's already 12. She guesses she just going to sleep today. She doesn't feel to do anything today. She just wants to chill out and enjoy the peaceful night. The shrunken girl lay on her bed and cover herself with the blanket. Same as yesterday, the night is cold and peaceful. Instead of she close her eyes and sleep peacefully, she stares at the ceiling.

She can't sleep. She clears her mind and does not think anything, but her mind starts to think about something deep. She is afraid. She is afraid that she'll get another dream just like yesterday. No word can describe how much she wants to sleep peacefully with a clear mind during the night. And there is no word to describe how much she is afraid about the dream especially that linking about her past. She doesn't want to recall any of that.

Her mind and feelings hold her eyes from shut and fall asleep. The girl tries her best to clear her mind and distract her mind with something. She tried to distract herself by asking herself what are she going to spend her time with the kids tomorrow. She keeps distracting herself by thinking about what is she going to cook for them tomorrow. She also tries to distract her mind with something that makes her forget about the organization. At least she knows it is actually helping her from her past that keep haunting her.

She forces her eyes to shut and she keeps distracting her mind with something else. She also hopes that she not going to have any dreams about her past. She can't face any of her pasts in this current time. She is not ready to face any of that. Her mind is not that strong. As she fights with her mind during that night, somehow, she did fall asleep.


She slowly opens her eyes. She hears only beep sounds. She can feel the soft mattress on her back. She smells nothing other than antiseptic and medicine. Everything is dark. The woman tries to recall what just happened and where she is. She feel aching when she tried to move her body, she knows she is in the ward.

She adjusted her eyes and she look around. There's no one except her in the ward. She's not sure what time it is. She guesses that probably it's midnight. Around 3 or 4. She looks at the ceiling for a moment. Then, everything slowly catches up in her mind.

She did survive.

She survived the attack. There is only one person that crosses her mind during that time.


She wonders how is he. She is sure that he was the one who saved her life. She remembers that he lifts her right before she passes out. She did remember her head on his hard chest as he carry her away.

She recalled that the battle was tensed. Everything was in pure chaos. She wonder if Gin got injured during the battle but he rarely got any of that. As she finds out that she survived, she knows that the organization did not lose against the FBI.

All parts of her body are aching. She wants to sit down but she knows she can't. She needs some time to heal. As she stare at the ward ceiling and was lost in her own thoughts, someone open the door.

Her eyes quickly focus on who the person is. The person slowly enters her ward. It's a figure of a man. A tall and well-built man with long silver hair. It is someone she knows, someone that she wanted to meet so bad right after she woke up. Someone that saved her- her saviour.

"Gin?" The woman said slowly as she see the man walks toward her. She can smell the cigarettes as he getting close to her.

"Finally awake huh?" the man said as he sit on the chair beside her bed. When she heard the word 'finally', she's sure that she was in a coma.

"How long?" the woman asked the man that sit beside her.

"Almost a week" he said as he stare at her face. At that time, she wonders why Gin come to her ward at the midnight. She thought that maybe he was the one who take care of her every night by her side when she was still in a coma. Since he smells like a cigarette, he is probably out for a while just to smoke.

"Thank you for saving my life and guard me during the night" the woman said with a small smile to the man. She just thanked him. She did owe him a lot of time. Knowing that the man beside her is fine, she knows he maybe got a minor injury during the battle which makes her feels glad.

"Heh, you just imagining thing Sherry. You need time to heal completely" he said to her. The way she replied to her make her slowly smile. There are things that the woman hate about Gin. He never want to admit if he did something good to her. He will say that she imaging things and she just dreamed.

There is no way to make him admit what he did to her. That's the only thing that she hates about him. Well, at least he doesn't deny it either. So it was him all along- guarding her when she's unconscious. Even though she knows that Gin is the coldest assassin in the organization, she knows there is actually a tiny piece in his heart that makes him good.

"Deny things like always. Whatever you say, I know you did that. You can't change my mind Gin. I owe you a lot" the woman said to him.

"You always talk nonsense, Sherry. Now you need a rest. Now sleep. Tomorrow they will check on you" Gin said as he lean on the chair. He still doesn't leave her ward. It is true, Gin did guard her room when she was in a coma.

The woman stares at his face with a weak smile. She knows that he will never admit what he did. Somehow, these things make the affection toward him grow. She closes her eyes and enjoys his presence in her ward. She feels safe when he is around. She takes this opportunity and clears her mind. She drifts off to sleep while Gin keeping her company in her ward.


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