Sixty Five

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"I'm going to meet Rum for a while. We're going to have a discussion. We shouldn't let people know you're back yet" he said. The two of them just having breakfast together as they sit facing each other at the dining table. Their relationship seems like it's slowly turning back like the old good time.

"I understand that" she said. She is still unready to show her face to the members of the Black Organization. And the fact that Bourbon is still in the organization will probably tell Shinichi and the rest. She's not prepared for that just yet.

"Rum might even want to interrogate you" he said telling his thoughts to her.

"I don't see why he shouldn't do that. He might trust you but not me. Well, why should a betrayer like me coming back? Of course I draw suspicion to him and the others as well" she said.

"Very well. Seems like there's nothing for us to talk about" he said as he stands up, get ready to leave the apartment. He takes his stuff as he walks to the door. Shiho follows him from behind.

"Keep me updated" she said before the man walk out of the apartment. Gin nods as he leaves the place- leaving the woman alone. As soon as Gin was out for a moment, Shiho quickly make herself ready.

She shouldn't be worried that Gin might come back shortly because he never forget his thing. This is a great opportunity for her. She quickly changes her outfit and grabs her hat and sunglasses. She wearing a mask to cover her face.

Then she just realizes something. Her Harley- probably broken due she leaves it around the battlefield area. She sighs in frustration. Whether she likes it or not, it seems like she needs to take a cab.

Before she leaves her apartment, she writes a message on a piece of paper and places it in an envelope. She put the letter in her bag as she leaves the apartment to go to a certain place. She hopes she's not being seen by someone that she knows.

She can't help but feel anxious at the moment. She needs to be brave to pull this out. The ride somehow feels like taking forever. Her mind is full of negative thoughts and this is not good at all. She takes a deep breath as she leans on the seat. There's nothing she should be scared of. She should be fine.

As she arrives at the place, she looks around. It seems like it's safe for her to go out.

"Sir, please wait for me, it's just a quick visit. Less than 5 minutes" she said. The driver seems okay with that then she goes out of the cab. She's right in front of Poirot Cafe which is right below the Detective Agency. Anyone that she knows live around here.

She takes a deep breath and she starts taking her step to enter the cafe. She looks around. Only some customers and Azusa, the employer. She can't find the man that she wants to meet there- Rei Furuya. Whatever it is, this letter should be ended in his hand. She decided to talk to Azusa who currently talking to one of the customers.

As she approaches both of them she realizes it's Ran. She's starting to sweat. Well, Ran doesn't even know her in this state and she should be okay. Plus, her face is fully covered- it should be fine.

"You're waiting for Shinichi? He must be on his way now" said Azusa to Ran.

"It's already 30 minutes I waited for him!" said Ran as she sighs.

Is Shinichi going to be here soon? This is no good. She needs to do this fast. She approaches both woman and Azusa turn her body to her as she greets her with a smile.

"Welcome to Poirot! You must be new here. May I know what you're going to have?" Azusa said with her usual cheering tone. Ran move her eye to look at her as well.

"Thank you but I'm good. May I know where is Tooru Amuro san?" she ask as calm as she could. For some reason, she feels the pressure on her.

"He's taking a break for a while. He's out for a moment. I believe he's going to be back in 5 minutes" she said. This doesn't work at all. 5 minutes is too long for her to stay. Instead, she takes out the envelope and hands it to Azusa.

"Make sure to give it to him. Tell him he will regret it if he doesn't read this instantly. It's an important matter" she said with a cold tone which made both of the women beside her shiver. Azusa takes the envelope from her hand.

"W-will do" she said.

"I'll leave then. Thank you" she said as she leaves the place. Then another problem appears. The cab basically leaves her alone.

"Cursed that cab" she said. As she waits for another. She can't stand still. Anyone can appear in front of her. Shiho pulls the hat down as she looks at her feet. She hopes the cab won't take too long.

On the other hand, Ran and Azusa still chatting with each other.

"Azusa san, isn't that woman have a scary aura?" asked Ran a concerned face.

"She did, I rarely get scared with a customer especially a woman. It really seems like an important matter for her. I should give Amuro san this letter as soon as he comes" she said- determined to hand him the letter.

"Yeah" Ran said. Then the bell rings showing just enter the cafe. It's Shinichi who's panting. He's aware that he is late so he's rushing there.

"Geez, you are late!" said Ran with rage as she smack his arm.

"Ouch, okay it's my bad! I won't do it again" he said. Ran pouts as she is unsatisfied with his lateness. Azusa on the other hand just looks at those two who's having a small fight. What a cute couple.

After some moments they chat together, Rei enters the cafe as he greets the three of them with a smile. He wears his apron and is ready to do his job but Azusa interrupts him as she hands him the envelope that she just got.

"Another letter from the high school girls?" He asks. He got a ton of letters from them but he never read any of it. He just keeps it in his place.

"No, this one seems important. Even the woman who sent me this gives me chills. This is scary. Tell me Amuro san did you ever made any mess with any gangster out there?" she said as she start panicking. Rei expresses his serious face as he takes the envelope.

The only woman that he has in mind is Vermouth. But she can just text him if she needs anything.

"There is no such thing, you can stop worrying. Excuse me, I need to read it first" he said as he enters a room. He takes out the piece of paper from the envelope. It's just an ordinary paper. He unfold it as he read the message. His eyes widen. He read it twice to make sure he read it right.

'They knew who you are, Bourbon. Stop infiltrating them anymore and stop meeting any of them. They knew your true identity, Bourbon, Rei Furuya a PSB member. Please be careful afterwards since they are going to hunt you and kill you'

This is bad news. Truly bad news. He doesn't think it is a prank because the letter tells the truth about his identity. He walk back to the counter as he couldn't hide his seriousness anymore. This is truly a bad thing and he's curious how they know his identity. Someone might be spilt everything to the organization.

Shinichi who notices his expression ask him what's going on. Rei pulls him away as he gives him the letter. Shinichi reads the letter as his eyes widen.

"This is bad" he said as he walks back to Azusa.

"Azusa san, do you know who gives you the letter? Her outfit? Everything?" he asked. Both Azusa and Ran looks at each other as they recall.

"A woman. Wearing a hat, glasses and a mask. I can't see her hair colour. It's a little bit different I guess but she gives a threatening aura" said Azusa.

"Average height and lighter skin colour" said Ran.

Both Rei and Shinichi look at each other. They know who's they are talking about. Besides, both of them saw her at the front of the cafe. They dash outside to find the woman. The only thing that they can see is a cab that's slowly vanished in their sight.

"Why?!" said Shinichi as he sighs in frustration.

Everything seems to become worse each day and it couldn't be any better for them.


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