Sixty One

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"Oi Haibara?! Answer me Haibara! Damn it!" said Shinichi as he slams the table in frustration. He throws his earphone away as it lands onto the ground, break into pieces. He's been trying to contact her after her signal was lost for about half an hour already.

He is currently at their base with the other agent as well as Jodie sensei and his parents. As he's about to run to the door and find Haibara on the battlefield but someone grabs his hand from behind.

"There's no use to go there again, you'll get yourself killed" said Akai. The others move their gaze to look at those two.

"There's still hope Akai san! I can't leave her like that. She needs our help. I can let the organization have her. She can't be killed by those people. I don't want any of that to happen!" said Shinichi- furious.

To him, she's someone that he really cares about. He promises to take care of her no matter what happens. He doesn't want to break his promises to her.

"Do you think you really can save her under these circumstances? Do you really want to risk your life? What if you fail?" he said- stating the fact. Shinichi is in rage after hearing his reply.

"I promised to take care of her Akai san. Don't you promise her and her sister as well? You're going to make the same mistake twice? You disappoint me" he said as he pulls his hand off him. The air around them getting intense. None of them dares to interfere as they stand there with shock.

Shinichi's words manage to make Akai shut his mouth. What Shinichi said is right after all.

"Shin-chan calm down okay. We will find her soon" said Yukiko as she slowly approaches her only son- if anyone ever dare to calm Shinichi down, it's her. Shinichi keeps his silence as he shifts his sight to another place. He did felt guilty about what he said to Akai. He didn't mean it. Rage took over him and make him bring up that sensitive situation on him.

But still, he needs to find Haibara. A slight pause fills the air before the high school detective speaks.

"I-I'm sorry, I need time alone" said Shinichi as he leaves the room. Akai still stands there for a moment. What Shinichi just said did hit him hard. A pang of guilt quickly fills him after he heard Shinichi's remarks.

"Excuse me" said Akai as he slowly walks out of the room and takes out his cigarette. Akai stares at the sky as he smokes.

"I'm sorry Akemi" he said slowly. He failed to protect her little sister. He doesn't even know where Shiho whereabout. He failed to keep his promise. Guilty take over him. If he didn't let her participate in the very first place she should be here, with them.

Akai takes out another cigarette as he keeps staring at the sky. He is such a failure. He fails Akemi. He wishes he could find her soon. For some reason, he still believes Shiho is still alive. He'll find her soon enough and he's not planning to stop.

Shinichi on the other hand isolates himself in one of the empty rooms. His head is such a mess. He is mad. He is mad both with himself and Haibara. He is mad with himself because he couldn't make her feel safe. He did promise to take care of her yet he failed. He also never listen to what she said and even listen to her genuine opinion and feelings.

At the same time, he is mad at her, he mad because she's being stubborn all the time. When the moment she decides to leave all of them, he couldn't contain his anger. He tried to find her too back then, but he failed. That stubborn woman couldn't even at least listen to what he said.

If he is able to stop her, she shouldn't be missing in the very first place.

He actually knew Hakase has been contacting her all the time. But Hakase just won't tell him anything. He tried to ask him about Haibara's whereabout but he never got any reply from him. Once again he sighs in frustration. Next time he'll try to force Hakase to spit everything to him since Haibara is missing.

As he walks back to the door, he hears several footsteps walk in front of the room where he's in.

"Do you want to know? I couldn't believe my eye" an agent said.

"What is it about?" another said.

Shinichi decides to hear their conversation as he places his hears at the door.

"I was observing this one Black Organization member during the battlefield, I was ready to shot him but he got shot by someone else" the first agent said.

"That's the only thing you want to share? How boring" the other agent said.

"I am not finished yet. He got shot by their own member. I'm so sure it was Gin, that silver-haired man. He shot their own members. I am sure he is Gin but he was injured and someone supported him to walk" the first one said.

"How weird is that, there's no way he did that" the other said.

"I know Gin because I was trying to infiltrate them before but I had to left since they found out about my identity. What's more interesting is that, the person who helps him wearing the same outfit like us. I believe it's a woman because of her body size" said the first agent.

Both of them walk past the room and go to where everybody is. Shinichi on the other hand stand firm as he looks at the ground. Did Gin shot their own members? A woman from their side helped him?

His eyes widen in realisation.

"No way, that can't be...right?" he said to himself as chills start to run on his body. His hands and feet slowly getting cold.

"We're lovers. Can't you even figure it by our conversation? We did love each other so much that we can't resist each other well back in the organization"

"Just kidding. We're colleagues and we're close enough. Do you ever think Gin have such feelings in him? Are you forget he's a cold assassin? There's no way we are together. For Gin, feelings are a weakness for humans"

He suddenly recalls what Haibara said back then. What if all she said was a lie. It's the only thing that is plausible with what he heard from the agents. He doesn't want to believe it just yet. He quickly exits the room and finds Akai. It takes him a while to find that man. He still feels guilty about what he said but he should talk to him regarding this.

As he finds him who is still staring at the sky. The first thing he did is apologizes to the FBI agents.

"It's fine. I understand that you're frustrated with what just happened. What do you want to talk about?" said Akai.

"Thank you. It was such a childish thing for me to say" said Shinichi. Without wasting any moment, then he explains everything to him.

"Such a rare thing for Gin to shot his own members unless it's the fake and the one who failed to do the mission" said Akai as he's in deep thought. Both of them have the same idea. Akai takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"I hate to say this, but she might betray us for real this time" said Akai to Shinichi as he touches his earphone to contact Furuya. Shinichi has the same thinking as Akai, but he refuses to believe until he sees it with his own eyes. There's no way Haibara betrayed him and return back to the organization. She's not that dumb to do such things.

"Do you find Gin anywhere?" asked Akai.

"No, he has been missing this whole time, everyone has been searching for him" he said. Both Akai and Shinichi look at each other.

"There's no doubt anymore" said Akai.

Shinichi stands there as he feels like he just got hit by a car. He's in shock. There's a lot of things to take in. He tries his best to refuse to believe it, but everything just makes sense to him. He can't take it anymore. The thought of Haibara choosing the organization over them do send his chills. He clenches his fists even tighter.

"Some things need to be accepted. We should be prepared for this" said Akai again as he looks at Shinichi whose face was full of sadness and disappointment. He put his hand at Shinichi's shoulder- to comfort him.

For Akai, the thought of Shiho turns her back to them make his heart aching. But he is experienced enough with betrayal and loss of his loved ones. He is actually concerned about Shinichi. Everything is too much for him to handle for someone around his age.

"I can't take it anymore Akai san. I feel betrayed yet I refuse to believe it" said Shinichi- stating the truth. He is also confused with his own feelings.

What are you thinking Haibara?!


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