Sixty Three

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"If you truly doesn't have any intention. Then what do you expect next" he asked- breaking the silence. He still hasn't finished his meal yet.

"If you want my honest answer. Death it is" she said as she avoid looking at his face. She can't face him.

Then silence fills the room as both of them shut their mouth. Gin doesn't say anything. Shiho sits there- having a deep thought. Her life is a mess. She doesn't know where to go anymore. No one will accept her everywhere she goes. How sad her life is. 

After he finishes, Shiho does the dishes and leaves the man alone in her room. Initially, she doesn't want to enter her room after she finished doing the dishes but she heard Gin is talking to someone.

"Meet you later, usual place" he said and he ended the call. Shiho walks to him and she sits on the chair back. She looks at him and their eyes meet. 

"You're leaving?" she asked. She knows it's such a dumb thing to ask- she just wants to make the situation less awkward.

"You're not expecting me to stay here, no?" he said. He moves his body to the side of the bed as his foot reaches the floor.

Is he just going to leave her just like that? He's not going to kill her? Instead of asking him that question, she asked for another question.

"Well..mind to tell me who's you're going to meet? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she said. Obviously, she shouldn't have minded what he's even going to do. It's none of her business. Yet she can't help herself, her curiosity takes over her.

"Since when you're being a busybody?" he asked. The chat between them is getting casual. Probably, both of them avoid talking about it.

"If I remember correctly, back then I'll always ask you where you're going. So, I am always being a busybody" she said as she come up with their old memories. It is true, she did ask him about his schedule back then. She even knows his whereabouts when he's doing his mission.

"Meeting Rum, interested to join?" he said with a sarcastic tone. Shiho freezes. Rum, the Black Organization second in command. For some reason, she can feel that person knows what's going on. Rum's deduction is never wrong. Shiho sits there in silence. Shivers start to run in her body- she realizes that death is the high possibility that going to be next in her life.

"Thank you for your invitation Gin, how rare is that. You can meet him on your own and discuss together. I should've not interfered with your business anyway" she said- with a calm tone.

"I'll use the bathroom" he said as he stands up without needing any help yet Shiho on the other hand standby at his side- afraid he might need her help to stand up. But, he's doing alright. It is Gin after all.

As Gin using the bathroom, Shiho makes herself busy by clean her apartment- to stop the uneasy feeling that she gets when he mentioned Rum. She just can feel it Rum knows that she helped Gin. If he really knows then, it's confirmed, she'll get killed by them.

They didn't like betrayer in the very first place and she is a betrayer. Every people who betrayed the organization will get killed- no exception. She's afraid because she will instantly get a kill.

She takes a deep breath as she continues to tidy her apartment. Having a negative thought doesn't help her at all. The uneasiness keeps growing and growing inside her. She still has time to run. But where? There is no place for her to go anymore.

As she was deeply in thought, the bathroom door open, snap her back to reality. She stares at him who just wrap his body by using a towel. The dripping water across his body makes her heart flutter as her face slowly getting red. She quickly moves her gaze away as he enters her room to wear his clothes.

His body never fails to amaze her as she suddenly feels hot all of sudden. She put both of her palms on her cheeks as she squishes her face.

"Come on now, you're not a pervert" she said to herself slowly. Just looking at Gin is enough to make her body on fire. She sighs in frustration. Her hormones getting wild all of sudden. She doesn't like it at all. She pinches her cheeks.

"So, our dear Sherry is finally out of her mind?" he said as he walk out of her room. He's about to leave the place.

"Maybe" she said as she avoids looking at his eyes. Gin starts to take his step to walk out of her apartment.

"You're not coming here back, are you?" asked Shiho as she looks in his direction. She doesn't want him to go away yet. Can't he stay here a bit longer? It's only been a short moment.

"Depends. I might hunt you back, Sherry" he said as he opens the door- ready to leave the place.

"So, no thanks at all? Well, I am not actually expecting something like that to come out from your mouth but yeah a little thanks will work for me you know? I had a hard time taking care of your wounds" she said.

"I never want that at the very first place" he said. Of course, that's the thing that she expects him to say. There's no way he says 'thanks' even to her. She doesn't even know when the last time he said such things to anyone else.

"Can't you at least be grateful?" she said. Gin ignore her as he continues to wear his shoes. Shiho looks at him- a little disappointed. But she brushes it away quickly. It's not that easy for him to say such things. As he was about to close the door, he stops halfway.

"Maybe, I owe you this time" he said as he closes the door. Shiho eyes widen as she stays there- completely shocked. She's sure she's not hearing that wrong. Her face getting red. It does make her feel happy. It's been a while since the last time she feels something like that- how refreshing.

"Guess, he is still a human after all" she said to herself as she smiles.


"You want to talk about her, don't you?" said Gin as both of them settle down, facing each other. He's sure that Rum probably going to talk about it.

"I saw you two left, I saw everything that both you did" he said. He was on watch during the battle. He did saw Gin shot their members and that woman who was beside him all along. He also indeed know that both of them once close with each other back then.

"Then?" asked Gin, unbothered. He's the only one who dares to talk him back. He is never afraid of anybody- Rum is not an exception either, yet he still follows his order when they have a mission.

"Did you kill her?" Rum said as he looks at him straight in the eye. Short silence enters the room. Gin was expecting Rum to question him such a question.

"No" he said- telling the truth.

"So, you do have a soft spot on her, do you Gin? Well, she did help you after all" said Rum again as he smirk at Gin. Gin rage starts to build up.

"If you want to meet me just to say something nonsense, you're wasting my time" he said. He's about to leave but he decided to stay for a while- maybe Rum does want to say something important to tell him.

"Vermouth will mock you if she knows about this" Rum scoffs as he teases the third in command of the Black Organization. Gin lose his temper as he stands up- ready to leave the place. He moves his back to Rum as he starts to walk away.

"I leave Sherry to you, Gin" he said with a serious tone. Gin stop on his track as he shifts his body to look at him.

"What?" Gin said- confused with what he said.

"You're the one who decides what you're going to do with her. Take her back into the organization? kill her? let her go? I don't mind. Perhaps having our top scientist back is great indeed" said Rum.

Gin doesn't reply as he continues to walk away from the place.

"I trust your judgement Gin, after all, she was raised in the organization.. same as you" he said.

Gin continues to walk leaving the place as he enters his car. He does have a deep thought about what he's going to do with her. Instead of driving back to her place, he decides to meet the other members first.


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