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"W-wait! don't kill them, they have nothing to do with us, Gin!" Haibara said as she stare at his eyes- looks afraid but confident at the same time.

Gin looks at Vodka as he tells him to stop. She just hopes that she doesn't spoil something when she said that. But she thinks she did. Gin strokes her cheeks and then he grabs her chin. The smirk on his face is even wider when he looks at her. She knew she just messed up.

"I don't remember that I told you my name, little girl. You do know me. Still, you don't want to tell me what's your relation with Sherry" Gin said to her. Then the realization hit her. She's supposed to not called him by his name. It's because she's panicking as the kid's life is on the line. She feels like she's too dumb and useless at that time. Then, they heard the sirens- the police sirens.

"I'll let you slip this time. You know you can't run away from us anymore. I'll give her time to make decisions" Gin said to the girl as he stand up- get ready to get out of the place. As they walk to the exit, Haibara take a deep breath as she said to him.

"I'll tell you everything when she's ready"

Heck, she doesn't know why she did that. Her reflexes just take over her body just now. Haibara looks at the floor- she doesn't dare to look at him anymore.

"Very well, she better be. Time is limited" he said as the two of Black Organization members left the place- left the kids with rope at their hands that link to the pole behind each of them. Haibara looks at him as he slowly fades away from her sight. Now she can't run away from him anymore. He must know where she lives now. As she can hear a running step slowly getting louder, she closed her eyes- pretend to be still pass out.

She's sure it must be Conan and the police.

"There they are! Haibara! Ayumi! Mitsuhiko! Genta!" said Conan with a trembling voice- as he's panic too. Conan runs to them as he stops right in front of Haibara. He touches Haibara's shoulder as he slowly wakes her up.

"Haibara are you okay? wake up Haibara" he said to her. Haibara pretends that she is just awake as she slowly opens her eyes and looks at him.

"I-I'm okay? what just happened?" Haibara said to him. She tries her best to fool him.

"I'm glad all of you are safe. Seems like nothing happened. You need to tell the detail about the person you find it curious. Thank god I read the message you sent earlier" said Conan said to her as he sigh in relief. To her surprise,
Okiya Subaru is there too. She wonders why he must bother what happened to them.

Then, the kids awake and Detective Takagi ask Haibara what person did her find suspicious was. Haibara goes silent for a while. She's not sure whether she needs to tell them that she just meet the organization members. Her mind fighting with herself whether she needs to talk the truth or not. She takes a deep breath as she starts talking.

"A man, average height. Black short hair. He wears a dark red shirt with a black cap. Thin. That's all that I remember"

She ended up lying to them. She doesn't know why she wants to keep it by herself. She doesn't want anyone to get involved as she knows that her own life is on the line. She noticed that Okiya Subaru look at her. He just caught that she just lied to Detective Takagi.

"It's settled then, you kids go home and have a rest. We will find the culprit" said Takagi as he smiled at them.

They go to their home with Subaru's car. The car ride was silent. Haibara looks at the outside through the window. She can't face the kids- or any of them in the car. She feels guilty as she thought that the kids must be traumatized by what just happened.

'Poor kids, they have nothing to do with the organization, they are innocent' she thought to herself. She needs to go. She needs to go to somewhere else. She needs to keep her distance from them- with all people that she knew.

She just put their life on the line. At least, when she goes, their life is not in danger anymore. She can't bear if someone died because of her- her fault like what her sister did to her. Her life didn't cost much. She doesn't deserve it if someone going to sacrifice their life for her. She's not worth it.

As she finally arrived home, she isolate herself in her room for a day. She doesn't want to meet anybody. She doesn't want to think anything. She needs time to process all of the things that just happened. She did remember that she doesn't have much time as Gin said that 'time is limited'.

She needs to think of something- a way for her to get out of all of her problems. Her confrontation with Gin make her mind went blank. She doesn't have any plans for now. She also doesn't want to tell it to Conan. She wants him to stay out of this.

As for Subaru Okiya, she can feel that he might know something. She can feel it- she can feel that he have a link with her- with the organization. Still, she doesn't sure yet. Instead of hurting her mind by thinking about Subaru's real identity, she decided to take a rest. She spends her day doing nothing. She wanted to clear her mind.

She needs time yet her time is limited. She needs to make a move- make a plan to confront Gin in the future. She knows that sooner or later, she will meet Gin again- that man, why that man makes her life complicated and confusing.

She knows that even if she returns to the organization, it's a bad move. When Shinichi ever find out that she return, he must be disappointed and feels betrayed because of it. Also, it's not that easy for the organization to accept a betrayer like her. But why? Why the moment when Gin is nearby and even he's beside her, she feels right?

Is it because she got raised in the organization that makes the organization is a part of herself?


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