Thirty Seven

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It's Sherry's day off. She is currently at a cafe with her sister. She decides to meet her sister and have a nice talk with each other. It's been a while since they talk and spend their time with each other. The two siblings just chilling at the cafe as they enjoy the morning coffee that is just served at their table.

"It's been a while right Shiho chan. I miss having this kind of moment with you. Say did you doing well this week?" asked Akemi. Even though she knows that Sherry is keen when doing the organization's mission, as her big sister, she needs to take care of her little sister. Akemi wants her sister to do well and she doesn't want her sister to caught up with any problems.

Akemi knows that her sister is one of the high ranking members of the organization and she knows how big her sister's commitment is to the organization. Sherry not only do the research about the drugs that she currently works on, but she also does some outdoor tasks that given by the organization.

She knows that her sister did kill people before. She actually did felt sad and disappointed for knowing her own sister did that. But she knows that it is the organization order- or to be specific Gin's order so they can't object or disagree with it.

Akemi still tries to accept that her sister is a murderer. She failed to shape her little sister to be a better person as she feels like she turn their parents down. She keeps apologizing to her parents each day as she feels she failed their parents' hopes. Akemi promises to herself as she will take her Shiho to be free from the organization one day with her. It's the last thing that she can do to make their life being normal again.

"I'm doing good. Don't worry about me. Everything is fine also with my work progress. How about you? Are you doing well? How's your love life doing. Any progress yet?" said Sherry as she looks at Akemi teasingly.

"I'm glad knowing you doing alright. As for me, I'm doing fine too. Talk about Dai, I find that he acting weird lately. He also doesn't see me much often like before. I wonder if he has a lot of missions. And also, if we meet each other, he'll ask me about you" said Akemi.

Sherry raises an eyebrow at her. Of course, she finds it weird that her sister lover asking about her.

"About what exactly?" asked Sherry.

"He did ask me what kind of work you did and progress about the drug. He also asked me about your relationship with Gin. Well, I only tell him that you do outdoor and indoor missions but I never tell him the details since it is out of his concern. And about Gin, I only tell him that the two of you are only a partner when doing missions" said Akemi.

Sherry feels grateful as she got a sister that understands her well. She hates it when people ask her what kind of work she's doing and her relationship with Gin. Sherry also wonders why would Rye ask her sister such things. Everything about her is indeed out of his concern. She feels something fishy about Rye. The last thing that she wants is Rye to fake his relationship with her sister as he only using her.

Sherry pushes Rye out of her mind as she only wants to talk with her sister today.

"Thank you for not telling him the detail. If he getting any weirder just tell me. I'll do something about it okay" said Sherry. Her sister only nodded in response as she smiles at her. The two of them enjoy the coffee as silence fills the air. None of them talks as they enjoy each other presence at that time. Then, Akemi breaks the silence.

"The cold couple" said Akemi. Sherry looks at her sister with a questioned look. Sherry wonders what make her sister said that suddenly.

"I heard the rumour lately about this cold couple around the organization. It's you and Gin. A lot of members of the organization spread this rumour. I need confirmation, Shiho chan. I did noticed you and Gin always stick together lately. The two of you don't have such relationship right?" said Akemi as she looks her with concerned eyes. Sherry knows how much her sister hates Gin.

"Onee san, it's only rumour. I swear Gin and I have nothing to do with each other. He's only my partner and nothing more than it. You know me well and you know he's not even my type. Just don't believe the rumour that spread in the organization. Put your trust in me alright" said Sherry to her sister.

"Okay, I will. I have faith in you Shiho chan" she said. Sherry thank her sister as they continue having their breakfast that day. Sherry knows about that rumour with Gin. She admits that she recently stick with him. They did have a lot of missions together before and they also had each other during the night. At the same time, she did hear that the members of the organization said that they make a perfect pairing and the most frightening couple that exist in the organization.

Of course, some of her lab partners and the members of the organization asked her about this as they were too afraid to ask Gin about such things. Most of the time, she denied all of that and sometimes she ignored the question.

Indeed, she and Gin is not a couple at all. In her mind, she can say it's an only sexual relationship between them. Gin doesn't even talk with her about their relationship. So, Sherry just let their relationship just like that. She doesn't want to confirm it just yet. They only have each other when they only want to release their sinful needs.

As for now, Sherry put Gin aside as she want to focus on her sister that day. She doesn't want to break their siblings bond because of the organization and her works.

"Now, let's put all of the organization's things and relation behind. So what's your plan next? Is shopping good?" asked Akemi.

"Hmm, If I'm not mistaken, Fusae brand release a new handbag this season. What do you say?" asked Sherry her sister as she smiles.

"You sure love that brand so much right? Well, let's go shall we?" said Akemi. The two of them leave the cafe as they go to the shopping mall.


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