Twenty Six

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Sherry closes their gap as she makes her chest touch his arm and she slowly puts her chin on her arm that rests on his shoulder. She just wants to tease him and wonder what he will do. For her, it's fun to tease him and she did enjoy having a little chat with him.

At the same time, she doesn't know where she got this strength to do such things to him- she boldly makes a move first to touch him which is rare since she usually doesn't dare to do so.

"I don't get it that some people still look at us like there is some sort of threat. I wonder why they are so scared of you, Gin. I think you need to communicate with them sometimes" said Sherry to him. The members of the organization indeed do scared of him as well as herself a little- of course, he's the number 3 in the organization so he has the power to make people bow and respect him.

His cold and his assassin aura make his presence are way too frightening to the others. She also did hear from the members in the organization that if they meet Gin, they only think of death- nothing more. Gin never hesitates to kill a person- after he takes a person's life, he acts like nothing happened. He has her respect as she doesn't dare to do that- of course, she did kill someone before but it took her time to accept the fact that she just did that.

"You're just the same. I don't see you communicate and make friends with any of them. Besides, who I want to communicate and getting involved with is not your concern. I communicate with people if I want to" he said to her. She admits that she doesn't communicate with the members much as she finds it like she wastes her time to do so.

She can't find any reason for her to communicate and make friends with others. She's fine by herself. Sherry slowly looks at him as she and focus on the side of his face with an admiring look. He's too perfect for her.

"So, is that mean, you want to communicate with me? You do enjoy my presence right, Gin" she said teasingly as she still keeps her eyes on the man's face- his presence never failed her. She did admire his look a lot. She admits to herself that Gin actually has a great look and figure.

"Don't imagine things, you're an exceptional woman. Even so, you'll keep trying to make me talk to you all the time. I don't know that you lack attention from your own sister until you pleading mine" said Gin. Gin sure is teasing her right now.

"How rude. You will never admit things Gin. I told you before to throw that attitude of yours away. What keeps bothering me is that you never ignore me like you did to Vermouth yet you still treat me way better. It's not wrong for you to admit things Gin" she said. She still looks at his side face. The woman just wants to make the conversation long. She knows how hard to make Gin having a chat with her.

"Hmph, I did tell you countless times that I dislike Vermouth very much. Don't put her name as a subject, Sherry" said Gin. Sherry is unable to look at his eyes because of his bangs- it's hard to tell where is he watching right now. Sherry decides to tease him again.

"So, basically, that means that you do like me right, Gin? Oh, I can't believe it and yet you still deny everything I said" she said to him as she smirks. She wants Gin to admit it- even it is a little thing, it will make her satisfied. The major problem is that this man is too stubborn to do so- because of that, Sherry will never stop teasing him. She's not going to give up easily on this man.

Gin slowly moves one of his toned arm underwater and put it over Sherry's back and he pulls her closer to him. Sherry freezes at the spot as she doesn't expect him to do anything like that. His hands, which is basically underwater finds his way to her thigh as he shifts her bathrobe a little bit and put his hand on her bare thigh.

Sherry is on fire right now- with the onsen and Gin's sudden move make her face red. Her whole body feels hot, too hot as soon as he put his hand on her. She can feel her heart starts to beat abnormally. She finds it is hard to breathe properly as she literally can feel his touch on her bare thigh- stroking slowly. Somehow, she is glad as no one noticed what he did.

"Tell me, what exactly you want from me, my sweet Sherry?" he said slowly as he shifts his head to look at her face and slowly smirks. Sherry is totally blank at the spot. The two cold eyes met each other.

Sherry tries to control her breath and calm herself down. She won't let him get her this time. She stares at his eyes boldly as she makes their faces gap closer. She can't tell how red her face is now as she totally feels the heat on her face.

"It's you Gin, what exactly do you want from me? It seems like you can't resist me huh?" she said as she raises one of her eyebrows and she smirks at him. She can feel that every eye is on them- yet the two of them keep ignoring them as they don't want to lose with one another.

Sherry tries to keep her bold look at him as they keep staring at each other's eyes. At the same time, she tries to restrain her lust as she truly can't hold herself against him- he's too seductive for her. The atmosphere in the onsen suddenly become tense and silence slowly fills the air as the two of them get the other attention.


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