Prologue - Dead Man Walking

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3rd POV


That's how Y/n would currently describe the situation within almost the middle of nowhere on Tatooine. It all started after the infamous bounty hunter delivered the somewhat equally infamous smuggler Captain Solo within carbonite from Bespin after doing a job for Darth Vader, who was a client he has worked well with and taken many jobs from, and Y/n was paid handsomely for this recent job. After a year, the princess of the now long destroyed planet of Alderaan, Princess Leia Organa, who is a pivotal figure within the Rebel Alliance, concocted a plan with her allies to free Solo. She and a Wookie known as Chewbacca, the smuggler captain's first mate and best friend, had infiltrated the palace of the infamous crime lord of the Hutt Clan Jabba the Hutt under the guise of a bounty hunter capturing the Wookie. 

It worked... sort of. She freed Han from carbonite, yet he had hibernation sickness due to being within carbonite for a prolonged period of time. The reunion between the two lovers didn't last as they were caught by Jabba. The Hutt crime lord had Solo be thrown in the same cell that Chewie was in and made Leia wear a very revealing slave outfit. The gangster even sent Leia to the hunter's room to "entertain" him, yet Fett declined due to his own moral code, but he didn't send the woman back as he knew it would've insulted Jabba. Instead, the Mandalorian and Princess passed the time by arguing about the Rebellion's wrongdoing and the Empire's actions. After that, the Jedi known as Luke Skywalker, someone who Y/n had encountered before during a contract he took from Vader, entered the palace. Skywalker attempted to negotiate to Jabba to release Solo and his friends, but that only wound up with the Jedi in the rancor pit, with Y/n watching the fight between Luke and Jabba's rancor. 

After the beast was killed, which enraged the Hutt, Jabba sentenced Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca to be cast into the Great Pit of Carkoon. On the way there, Y/n knew of the large reward for Skywalker's capture. Unfortunately, Jabba would not take it or even allow Fett to negotiate for it, which understandably greatly frustrated the Mandalorian. Once they did get to the Pit via Jabba's Sail Barge with a few skiffs that held some of Jabba's grunts and one with the Jedi, smuggler, and Wookie, Y/n remembers everything before the way it is now. He remembers what Jabba had the protocol droid that belonged to Skywalker, designated C-3PO, reluctantly relay to the others under orders from Jabba as mostly everyone, Fett included, watch from within the barge.

C-3PO: "Victims of the almighty Sarlacc, His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas."

Y/n also noticed that the astromech droid he remembers vividly from during the days of the Clone Wars, designated R2-D2, beeps and whistles as it wheels away to the top of the barge as Han Solo speaks up.

Han Solo: "3PO, you tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us! Right?" he says the last part to his best friend.

Luke: "Jabba... this is your last chance. Free us or die."

That's when Jabba took the microphone and spoke in Huttese and gave his orders.

Jabba: (Huttese) "Move him into position."

One of the guards, a weequay, uses his staff to move Skywalker forward and onto the single board off from the skiff so he could jump into the Sarlacc Pit. The tension between everyone and this moment was very high. That's when Y/n saw Luke nod to one of the guards, who in turn nodded back to the Jedi. Then Skywalker two-fingered saluted to his droid with a small smirk on his face before Jabba gave the order once again.

Jabba: (Huttese) "Put him in."

That's when Luke jumped off the plank, but instead of falling into the Pit, he turned around mid-air, grabbed onto the plank, and used it as leverage to flip back onto the skiff as he reached his hand above him as he caught something that was thrown to him. Y/n immediately recognized what the Jedi had as soon as he saw a familiar green blade ignite.

And that's how this major brawl within the desert sands of Tatooine started at the present. Right now, Y/n quickly rushed up the stairs to the upper deck of the barge with his EE-3 blaster rifle in hand, the twin suns of Tatooine reflecting off his Beskar armor as he activates his jetpack to join in the fight as he flew over to the skiff that has Skywalker and his friends.

As Y/n flew over to the skiff, he raised his blaster and shot towards Luke and his friends, which made Luke use his lightsaber to block each bolt as the hunter continued his assault from above. Fett also noticed someone dangling from beneath the skiff whom he recognized as Lando Calrissian. Y/n then raised his left arm as he fired a stream of flames from his wrist-mounted flamethrower on his left gauntlet towards Luke. Compared to the multitude of Jedi Y/n fought and killed, Luke barely struggled to block the fire as he could feel the intense heat of the fire, causing two smaller streams to fire on either side of the Jedi's hand as he also made sure the flames didn't hit Han and Chewie. Some of the stray flames that Luke was blocking also came into contact with other guards aboard the skiff as they all yell in agony as they could feel their skin melting off before falling overboard and into the Sarlacc below. 

Seeing that this would get him nowhere, Y/n stops the streams of fire before he shoots out a few more blaster bolts to keep the Jedi occupied. Deciding that he would want to finish this Jedi up close like how he has done with many before, and his father before him, along with the bounty on the Jedi's head, quickly descends to the skiff below as Luke is distracted from another blast from the heavy canon mounted on the railing of Jabba's barge a few yards away as it's manned by another of Jabba's grunts. 

As soon as Y/n lands, he raises his EE-3 rifle to shoot at Skywalker, but before he could get a shot off, Luke cuts his beloved rifled in half. Then another shot from the mounted gun upon the barge hits the skiff again, but Y/n doesn't fall down as he kept his balance before he engages Luke in a rather intense fight. Despite not having a lightsaber on him, Y/n is giving Luke a challenge. After sidestepping an overhead strike, he push kicks Skywalker back. The Jedi also takes note of Fett's body posture, noticing that the hunter is rather confident in taking him on.

Luke: "You seem too confident in your abilities in fighting a Jedi."

Y/n: "I've fought Vader on two occasions, boy. He was an opponent I took very seriously. You on the other hand... not as much."

Deciding not to talk any further, Luke attempts to swing at Fett's neck to decapitate the Mandalorian, to the Jedi's surprise, Y/n merely raises his right forearm and blocks the emerald blade with his vambrace before he raises his left arm to get a shot off as he blasted Luke in the gut with the wrist-mounted blasted within his left vambrace, causing the Jedi to let out a yelp of pain.

Using this distraction, Y/n pushes the blade away with his gauntlet and push kicks Luke backward before he raises his right arm and shoots his fibercord whip from his right vambrace as it wraps around Luke, immobilizing him.

But Luke isn't entangled for long as he uses his lightsaber to cut the whip. Luke then begins to fight Y/n again, with the latter blocking each strike of the lightsaber with one of or both vambraces. Then Y/n blocks an overhead strike with his right gauntlet. As Luke was focused on Y/n, he didn't notice the hunter reach for something from his belt before it was too late as Fett once again pushes the blade back before he threw a flashbang to the ground towards the Jedi. Luke attempted to use the Force to move it away, but it went off before he could move it anywhere, causing his ears to ring and sight to be blinded for a few seconds, but it was enough time for Y/n to close in on Luke and grab Luke's left wrist that was holding the lightsaber and twists, using his superior strength to disarm the Jedi, the lightsaber clattering to the floor. Before Luke could use the Force to call back his lightsaber once he came back to his senses, the man everyone knew as Boba Fett began his hand-to-hand assault on the Son of Skywalker. The Jedi felt two punches to his gut where his current injury is by Fett before he blocks a punch and uses the Force to push Y/n away a little bit, causing the hunter to let go of his wrist, before the two begin their unarmed brawl. Thanks to his superior training, Y/n blocks and redirects most if not all the attacks Luke threw at him, even if Luke does have some experience in unarmed combat, which Y/n was at least a little impressed with, but the hunter is still able to get a few hits in on Skywalker.

As Luke throws another punch at Fett, the bounty hunter simply catches the Jedi's fist and goes to punch him with his free hand, but Luke catches Y/n's forearm. Both do struggle in a bout of strength to move, but Luke knows Fett is stronger than he is. So, in the spur of the moment decision, Luke headbutts Y/n's helmet which resulted in a loud CLANG, causing the Jedi to groan in pain as his forehead hits the Beskar metal, regretting his action immediately. In retaliation, Y/n also headbutts Luke, with the impact letting out another loud CLANG, sending the Jedi backward and to the floor of the skiff from the impact as he attempts to regain his bearings, but it wasn't as bad as the flashbang. Still gave him a headache, though. 

Once Luke quickly regains his senses again, he sees his lightsaber and uses the Force to pull it to him as he kips back up, using the Force to push Boba Fett to the ground to give himself some breathing room. Seeing that Fett is on the floor, he goes to once again reengage their fight, but before he can continue his fight with the hunter, Luke notices the other grunts from the second skiff shooting at him and his friends as they drive the vehicle closer. So, he runs towards the other end of the skiff he's on and jumps to the other skiff as he reignites his lightsaber. Y/n then gets up from the impact of the Force push as he silently curses to himself before he sees Luke on the other skiff blocking some blaster bolts. He then raises his left arm and takes aim with his wrist-mounted blaster on his left gauntlet in an attempt to hit Skywalker. 

As Y/n did this, Han looks over to Chewie, who is currently injured as he took a blaster bolt to the knee, as the former picks up one of weapons Jabba's grunts uses as Chewie speaks to him.

Han Solo: "Boba Fett?"

Y/n doesn't notice what's happening behind him due to his obsession with capturing Luke, wanting to be paid for the bounty on the Jedi's head. Meanwhile, Han is still conversing with Chewie.

Han Solo: "Boba Fett? Where?"

As Y/n got a shot off, he didn't hit his mark because as soon as the smuggler turns around with the stick, he hits Y/n's jetpack from behind, accidentally activating the manual controls to said jetpack as it sends Y/n flying as he rockets through the air and against the sail barge before bouncing down onto the sand, rolling into the awaiting maw of the Sarlacc below as said beast lets out a loud belch as the infamous bounty hunter has become one of its meals of the day.

Within the Sarlacc Pit

As soon as Y/n came to, he takes in a deep intake of air as he reawakens within the belly of the Sarlacc. He soon catches his breath after being in the belly of the Sarlacc for an unknown amount of time to him without much air. Probably been a few days or hours, Y/n doesn't know. After a few moments of taking in his surroundings, he already noticed that he can't really move due to some of the tentacles within the Sarlacc have wrapped around his arms and torso. He also spots some of Jabba's grunts attempting to move and try to escape, key word being "try". Y/n also notices the stomach juices and acids of the Sarlacc are on him in some places, but his Beskar armor is protecting him enough to have them not be fatal, yet he can still feel the burning sensation through his under-suit. 

Once he's finished taking in his surroundings, Fett activates the hidden blades within his right gauntlet to try and cut through the tentacles, but the Sarlacc feels the pain and proceeds to wrap a tentacle around Y/n's neck to strangle him. Not wanting to have the life choked out of him, Y/n activates both of his flamethrowers in each gauntlet, causes the tentacles to loosen their hold on him quite a bit, but this also causes more stomach juices and acids to spray on him. After he deactivated both flamethrowers, Y/n uses the hidden blades within his right gauntlet to cut through the tentacles, with the first one being the one that was wrapped around his neck. Before he could continue and cut through the ones around his torso and left arm, he had an idea. Using his free hand, he reached into his belt and pulled out a thermal detonator, armed it, and merely dropped it within the Sarlacc, hearing the explosion go off as it weakens the Sarlacc. 

Y/n then cuts the remaining tentacles off him as he once again uses his flamethrowers to weaken the Sarlacc, noticing its mouth opening wider and wider as it was before since he's been using some of his tools to hurt it. Once he saw the opening was big enough, he took out some more detonators, along with any other explosive he has on him, and threw them all around the Sarlacc before he looks up through the maw of the Sarlacc as he can see some sunlight shining through. Then Y/n cuts a piece of his cape off, takes another detonator and an improvised explosive he made with ship fuel before he places both explosives within the piece of cloth and wraps them together and throws them in a random direction. 

He soon notices that more tentacles were going after him, so Fett once again uses his flamethrowers to fend them off, with some more juices and acids spraying on him as the flames come into contact with different parts of the stomach of the Sarlacc. Once he sees he's in position, activates his jetpack and shoots through the maw of the Sarlacc, pressing a button on his left gauntlet, setting off the bombs within, the multitude of explosions going off as this ultimately kills the Sarlacc as he hears it let out a screech from above without looking back as he's finally escaped.

As soon as he lands on the sands of Tatooine, he takes a deep breath of fresh air in what feels like forever. He also notices that he's landed quite a distance away from the now destroyed Sarlacc, along with the burned remains of Jabba's Sail Barge in the distance. He figured his hunch about being within the belly of the Sarlacc for a few days was correct based on the burned wreckage. Afterward, he soon began to make his trek through the desert of Tatooine, the twin suns beating down on him. After what feels like hours of walking, Y/n can feel himself getting tired more quickly than normal before he gets on his hands and knees to try and keep himself awake as he breaths heavily before he collapses upon the sands of Tatooine and turns over on his back before he soon passes out from dehydration. 


Y/n has been laying unconscious within the desert for hours as it's now currently dark within the night of Tatooine. As he is lying still, a shadow falls over as an engine is heard. The engine's origin is then revealed to be from that of a sandcrawler, which is habited by Jawas as the large vehicle stops. Then the ramp to the crawler opens up as close to a dozen Jawas exit as they speak their native language as they walk up to Y/n. They all briefly have a conversation before one of them poke Y/n's body with a stick to see if he'd wake up since they all assume he's dead. Seeing that he's not moving, they begin to strip Y/n of his armor. As one of them pulls off his helmet, there's clearly some fresh wounds on his face due to the acids from the Sarlacc, along with some scarring on his face due to some wounds he gained around a decade ago. Thankfully his head of black hair is intact. And even more thankful for the Jawas because once they're done "procuring" the Mandalorian armor from Fett's "corpse", he still isn't moving. Once they're sure they have everything, the group of Jawas quickly walk back into their sandcrawler, Fett's Mandalorian armor in tow, before the ramp closes back up and the crawler slowly drives away from Y/n.

Once the early morning hits, two people with cycler rifles on their person and what appears to be goggles and some cloth around their heads to make sure no sand gets blown in their faces, along with wearing some robes and makeshift leather armor who are presumably hunters are walking through the desert, as the cool temperatures of the night slowly begin to heat up as the twin suns begin rising above. The two people then notices a group of scurriers sniffing something on the ground, not noticing the two people a good few yards away from them. Seeing that the group of animals would do well for them and others to eat, the two crouched down and took aim with their cycler rifles and proceeded to shoot every one of the animals. As they got up to walk over to pickup the corpses to take for food, they soon noticed a body on the ground. One of the two people there, the shorter of the two, who appears to be a woman in build, rushes over and proceeds to check the body. The other person with the woman walks over, albeit wary, to where the woman is kneeling over the body. The way they walk indicates it a man, which is supported by the build of him.

Man: "He's already dead. Let's just take the scurriers and go."

Woman: "We can't."

Man: "Why not?"

Woman: "I got a pulse. He's still alive, but only just. He must've been unconscious for hours."

Man: "We don't need to worry about him nor do we need another mouth to feed."

Woman: "But father taught us to help people if they really need it. And it looks to me that this man needs our help."

Man: "We can't just bring another stranger to our village. He'd just be more baggage to deal with, especially with the current problem we've been dealing with for months."

Woman: "I know we have, but can you please stop being so overprotective for once? I understand where you're coming from in not only wanting to protect me, but the entire village, but we've helped people in the past."

Man: "Yeah, and what did they do? Sure, we provided them with shelter and food for a time at our village, but at some point they became more hostile and caused more problems. What makes you think this guy won't do the same?"

Woman: "I understand your concern dear brother, but we can deal with it when we get home. So can you please just help him?"

Man: "No."

Woman: "Please? For me?"

The man, clearly the woman's brother, thinks about the current problem he's trying to deal with. Either A: help his sister with the guy who's alive albeit unconscious on the ground back to their village for help, or B: leave him out in the blazing suns of Tatooine to slowly die. He lets out a deep sigh before looking down to his sister.

Man: "Alright Vi, you win. We'll help him, but don't be surprised when I say I told you so when this blows up in our faces."

The woman, Vi, smiles underneath her mask before she looks back down to the unconscious man as she notices the scars on his face and some on his chest due to part of his under-suit being burned.

Vi: "Can you help me out, Jax?"

The man, Jax, nods before he gives Vi his cycler rifle before he picks up the man over his shoulders as his sister proceeds pick up each scurrier and put them in a large rucksack before the two of them make the trek back to their parked landspeeder, which is clearly weathered due to time on this planet, that was quite a few yards away as Vi places the rucksack and cycler rifles in the back of the speeder before Jax places the man in the back as well. The siblings then get into the front of the speeder as Jax shifts it on before he drives back to their village.

Vi: "See? Was that so hard?"

Jax: "I'm already regretting this."

Vi: "Oh, don't be such a downer."

Vi playfully hits her brother in the shoulder before she looks back at the unconscious form of the person Jax put in the back. She notices that he is very well built, his muscles while big are more on the leaner side. She then sighs in content at helping another person before she looks forward as both her and her brother can see their village in the distance.

Unknown to the two siblings, they just picked up the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Once he soon wakes up, things are only bound to get interesting from there, especially for what Fett will encounter next in his life.

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