-Character Profiles-

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Hello, and welcome to my AU, Return of Ganon! I'm debating whether or not to censor all the curses in it or not, so the chapters may change several times after publishing. It's kind of like what would happen if you mixed Fire Emblem and Legend of Zelda together, plenty of violence, angst and utter murder, but also some fluff, comfort and happy moments! But before we get into the actual book, I think you aught to meet the characters. All of them (except a certain one that we'll get into later *wink wink*) are reimaginings of Zelda characters, with some added attributes and characteristics. If I could draw, I would've put pictures of them on here too, but because I suck at drawing I can't. Anyway, I really hope you like my versions of the characters!


Set in Rural Hyrule, at a small ranch called Lon Lon Ranch run by Time and Malon, along with their horses and their seven boys. 

The Kingdom's throne has been usurped by the Great Ganondorf, who now has the entire Gerudo army under his thumb, along with every Hylian soldier and most of the Sheikah too. He forced Queen Zelda's hand in marriage and now has control of the entire Kingdom. 

Main Characters~

Time - Malon's husband and adoptive father to six of their seven boys. He's an intimidating man who is tall enough to look Ganon in the eyes. He's a surprisingly caring soul, despite all his past traumas. The marks on his face are from when he harboured a Dark God to bring down an ancient demon. 

Malon - Time's hotheaded wife, half Gerudo, with flaming hair and a pretty voice. She's a kind, motherly figure who can cook well enough to keep the nearby Kakariko surviving off of her food. Tries her best to keep their wayward boys in check, especially when one of them falls in love with Princess Midna, Ganon's imprisoned daughter. She was friends with the Queen as a child, but got rejected after Zelda's marriage to Ganon was announced.

Twilight - Malon and Time's only biological son, who falls in love with Princess Midna. He gets a job guarding her cell in the dungeons of Ganon's Castle and often brings her some of Malon's famous cake. Gets cursed into the form of a Dark wolf when Ganon finds out. 

Warriors - The Captain of the Hyrulean Army, who's narcissistic, vain, arrogant, and often clashes heads with the other occupants of the Ranch. Is one of Malon and Time's boys, but doesn't really want to be there anymore. He's a bit of a ladies' man, and has many admirers among the Nobles of Hyrule, including sisters Lana and Cia. 

Sky - He's cute, childish and innocent, but trained as a Knight and carries a sword. He likes to play his harp and sing with the little birds who perch on the trees in the Ranch. He's sleepy, and only really wakes up when kicked. There's something going on between him and Crown Prince Ghirahim. 

Legend -  He's snarky, stressed, overworked and done with everything. Has travelled all over the world, sometimes alone, sometimes with his boyfriend Ravio. Lege hates wearing trousers, and so his red tunic doubles as a skirt. Is one of Malon's boys, but often butts heads with Warriors over the pettiest things.

Hyrule - A complete feral gremlin who was caught by Twilight raiding the horses' feed at midnight. He ran away from Twi, but bumped into Time and was immediately adopted by Malon. Always refuses food, but then goes digging through other people's houses alongside Wild.

Wind - A happy-go-lucky optimist who was raised by pirates. Has a mouth on him that needs to be washed out with soap. Knows all the swears and still manages to teach innocent Sky some new ones. He has a hatred of big birds, so Ganon's Helmaroks scare the breath out of him. Is still waiting for Tetra.

Wild - Hyrule's partner in crime. Wild likes fire, as well as stealing and often gets thrown into Castle Town's jail for thievery and arson. He's formed an alliance with the horses at the Ranch, including Time's prized mare, to cause as much chaos as Hylianly possible. Has a mouth even fouler that the Sailor's, and poor Twi has been given the job of trying to stop him from cursing. 


Lord Ganondorf - The Usurper King of Hyrule. He is a very muscly, heavy built man who wears so much armour that he can't really move very fast. Likes lavish things, and so his chambers in the Castle are said to be exquisite. Forced a marriage with Queen Zelda and now has three children. Princes Ghirahim and Zant, and the imprisoned Princess Midna. Has brainwashed Zelda into forgetting her childhood growing up beside Malon.

Queen Zelda - King Ganon's brainwashed wife and mother of the three Royal children. Was good friends with Malon as a little girl, and suddenly cut ties with the Rancher when she was 18, much to Malon's confusion. Around that time, her forced marriage to Ganon was publicly announced. Loves her attendant, Impa, in a doomed romance.

Prince Ghirahim - The older of the two Princes of Hyrule and is waiting on his father to die. Acts like he's done with the world, moody and narcissistic, but secretly sneaks out to visit the Ranch, especially to see Sky. He likes to dance and even sing when he's on his own, and is incredibly good with a sword.

Prince Zant - The middle child. He's pampered, spoilt and bratty, with a love of wearing creepy clothing to disguise his odd appearance. He's inherited some of Ganon's abilities, including magic and mind control. If he's denied what he wants, he quickly becomes hysterical.

Princess Midna - Ganon's hated, imprisoned daughter. Legends surrounding her say she's never seen the sun in her life. She's inherited Ganon's flaming hair and yellow eyes, but possesses Queen Zelda's powers of Wisdom. She fell in love with Twilight, one of Malon's boys, and requested him to become her new guard. Has a soft spot for cakes and sweets, which allow her to imagine what being truly happy might feel like.

Shadow - A shadow of a hero, who works alongside a fallen Knight of Hyrule. He has tanned skin, red eyes and a mess of purple hair that never lies flat, even when its thoroughly soaked. He's often driven out of settlements with sharp objects pointed at his neck. When Four infiltrates Lon Lon Ranch, Shadow goes too.

Vaati - One of Four's teammates, a lover of jokes, who often plays elaborate pranks on the others. Is a proper shortie, only standing a few inches taller than Four. He wears purple, but his robes are often stained more red than purple as he enjoys using monsters as test subjects for his experiments.

Four - A short little warrior often mistaken for a child. He's got some issues, usually involving the four personalities crammed into his head. He's usually quite sensible and logical, and makes plans not even Ganon can guess at. Infiltrates Lon Lon Rach to gather information, taking Shadow with him. Is friends with Vaati. Four is an ex-Knight of Hyrule who was suspended from their ranks after entering the Palace of Winds and befriending the Wind Mage.

Side Characters~

Impa - Queen Zelda's attendant. Loves the Queen dearly and the two often cuddle when Ganon isn't around. She's the leader of the Sheikah, and wishes to make Zelda her co-ruler in their little doomed romance. Four is Impa's most trusted ally, with her commanding the rogue to sneak into Malon's Ranch.

Lana - A cyan-haired noblewoman and the younger sister of Cia. Loves Warriors, but unlike Cia, knows he is not for her. She's upbeat, a powerful healer and a beloved asset to the team who work from within to overthrow Ganondorf. Her positive attitude is infectious, as she's good friends with Wind.

Cia - Princess Midna's previous guard, and the older sister of Lana. She's not very aware of emotions and often upsets people by accident. Is deeply obsessed with Warriors, the Captain of the Hylian Army, and will do practically anything for him, leaving herself injured if necessary.

Ravio - Legend's world-exploring boyfriend. He has a room at the Ranch, but never uses it as he's always on the road. Sells things he's found for more than they're worth. Friends with Zelda's younger sister Hilda, who ran away from Hyrule Castle when Ganondorf arrived. Very tanned from all his travels, and because of his purple hair, Ravio bears an unfortunate resemblance to Shadow, leading to him not being trusted, despite his green eyes.

Princess Hilda - Queen Zelda's younger sister. She fled Hyrule Castle when Ganondorf arrived to force Zelda to marry him. She's friends with Ravio, a travelling merchant, and lives with the nobles Cia and Lana. Her betrothed is Yuga, the ruler of a foreign kingdom.

Tetra - Wind's Pirate Captain and Queen of the Seas, Tetra is stubborn, strong willed and overconfident, often attacking other pirates and usually winning. She's brutal, but loves to play pranks on people with Wind, especially on Wars. Wishes she wasn't a runaway daughter of a nobleman. 

Daphnes - Tetra's noble father and Queen Zelda's uncle. He is serious and stern, but enjoys a good joke. He leads the group that works from within to bring down Ganondorf, and has discovered many of the King's secrets. Good at swordplay and was the one to teach Prince Ghirahim how to fight. Has a deep distrust of Four and his team, but he knows Impa believes their innocence.

Yuga - Princess Hilda's fiancée, and a supporter of King Ganon. He loves to paint, and although his style is strange, somehow it still looks good. He's a perfectionist, obsessed with beauty and he believes Hilda to be the the truest and fairest of all. Fights with magic, and is an acquaintance and ally of Prince Zant. Yuga can twist words in such a way that anybody can see his side.

And... There we have it! I hope you liked my views on my characters! Sorry, but Wars is kind of a jerk in this one... Queen Zelda can be any Zelda you want her to be, but to me, she's OoT Zelda. Do you want more of this? Tell me! And if you have any headcanons or little things you've thought up, tell me those too!!

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