Chapter 17: The Weakness of Love

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Shade's face felt wet. He could hear screaming and roars of anger and hate. He opened his eyes a little because of the pain to see his father's eyes closed and tears running from his once stone face. "YOU BASTARD!" Shade heard his father yelling at someone. "MY ONLY SON! SON! SPEAK TO ME! PLEASE! SPEAK TO ME!"

Shade groaned a bit, and looked at his father ever so slightly, "Nice day for a bit of jog, huh, dad?" he groaned out.

Shadow pulled up into his arms and squeezed the life out of him. "You, idiot," Shadow was able to get out. He released his sons and looked around. "Son," his stern face returned, the tears shed a forgotten memory. "I specifically told you and the others to stay in the base."

"Well," said a cocky voice to the left, "excuse me if your plan was a little boring."

Shadow sighed at his blue copy. "My plan didn't include sending our own children out into the battlefield. What were you thinking? Who am I kidding? YOU WEREN'T THINKING! I see you brought my children, as I can see my daughter hiding behind you with little to no effect."

Crystal came out from behind her uncle with guilty smile on her face. "Hey-y dad? Awkward situation, huh? You don't wanna mention this to ma, do ya?" She tried to a pouting face that seemed to work on him in times past, but now his face was still set as stone.

"We'll all discuss this back at the base," he said sternly, emphasizing all. Crystal hung her head in defeat. "How many others did you bring along on this suicide mission?"

Sonic grabbed his arm and chuckled nervously. "Well, I wasn't the one who originally did the roll call. But I think Lucas came with us," Shadow held one finger up and his eyes showed that Sonic was already in sooooo much trouble, "Whirl," two fingers, "Storm," three fingers, "and Emily!" Four fingers went up finally.

"Sonic," Shadow said without any emotion, "I know you've done some dumb things, but this tops them all. Not only did you bring my children up here but your own, Manic's and to top it all off you brought Lucas! I hate to be you when Cosmo and Tails found out that you had their only son up here in the war zone. Your ass is gonna be so burned when we get back."

"Now, now," said a cold voice from above that was almost sounded like an echo, "no profanity allowed in front of the children, little brother."

"YOU!" Shadow screamed at the trench coat covered man who stood on top of building. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID?"

The man-like-creature boldly jumped from the top of the building with ninja like speed and grace. He started to open the buttons on his trench coat but with a face of innocence and confusion upon it looking at Shadow. "Why, brother, I'm appalled. To think that my own brother would loss his rational senses to think that a normal little cut like that could cause someone to pass out! I am responsible for it but do you think that normal cut would cause something to lose consciousness, especially one of Superior Blood?" The trench coat fell to the ground to reveal Robert Eclipse.

He was rather skinny and wore a thick black t-shirt, black cargo pants that were filled with something, and strapped across his chest were the holsters for two M1911s. They were full loaded. In his left hand was a remote. A normal three button remote. "Why don't we change the channel?"

He pressed the top button. A flash of light appeared. Shadow and the others were temporarily blinded. Dang it! What is it . . .?

Shadow opened his eyes to see . . . a bubble?

Yes, a bubble. But it what was in it that got his attention. Inside were three anthros: a plant-like-fox, a blue hedgehog with ruffled front quills, a brown hedgehog with spiked up quills, and an albino bat with eyes the size of pancakes.

"EMILY!" screamed Shade at the top of his lungs, his voice starting to crack. He turned back to his demonic uncle. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?"

Robert only smiled.

Shade banged on the bubble trying to make it pop. No avail. It wasn't a normal water bubble. He kept on hitting and hitting it, but it only made a reverberated sound each time he tried. Robert laughed.

"Ah . . . young love," he said mockingly. "You won't be able to get them out of that. It is made of energy, pure and simple. The unfortunate side effect is that it is unbreakable and it conducts electricity extremely well." In his free hand, lightning crackled in it, and it began to arch all around. Robert faced the four in the bubble and smiled wickedly at them. "Enjoy!"

"WAIT!" screamed Shade. The shape shifter looked at the boy.

"Good," said the commander, the wicked smile growing wider and the lightning ball starting to dissipate, "very good. Anger. Fire in your eyes. I'll let them go on one very simple condition."

"Name it!" Shade had tears welling up in his eyes. "I'll do anything!" Only then did he realize what he had just said.

"Very well," Robert said tossing one of the M1911s. Shade caught it and looked at with confusion. "You are to go inside an old Soviet Armory designated CCCP-2853. In the inner most part of the armory is an item I want. Get it and I will release them. Do we have a deal? If you refuse I would rather enjoy having some new lab rats?"

Shade looked back to his father, to get his assurance. What are you doing? said a voice in his head. Shake his hand! Make the deal! You love her! This is no time to ask daddy for permission! Do it! Shade was surprised by his own thoughts. He was confused, but thankfully Shadow nodded, albeit reluctantly. "We have a deal, Umbra."

Robert Eclipse smiled. "Wonderful!" he exclaimed. "You must bring the item to me in the Sanctuary of the Church of the Savior on Blood at six in the morning. Otherwise, I will believe you have double crossed me and I will terminate the young fellows in the bubble one way or another." Even though it seemed impossible, the wicked smile seemed to grow wider and wider with each sentence, as though ever second pleased him, more than the last. "That gives you four hours to retrieve the item for me. You'll know it when you see it. You now see before you the weakness of this planet, the weakness of all non-full-Black Arms: the Weakness of Love."

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