Chapter 29: Converging Forces

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Jacque De Peue hated the aliens. Even a man of his fifties couldn't escape the misery that followed them. They had ruined his job, his home, taken his youngest son in combat, his elder son in St. Petersburg when they went to help the Russians and his wife when she went across the Channel. His entire stock of newly caught fish that he had caught himself had been lost in a fire. Unfortunately for the beast that started it, he had a Colt-89 on his side.

That's why he was more than eager to help the figure before him. A cloaked Anthro had come to De Peue with a proposition. He had said that he was Special Forces and needed to get out to the island out in the Atlantic. De Peue didn't ask any questions why nor about the sword on the shrouded Anthro's back. All he wanted was justice to be served on the monsters that had ruined life.

He was a bit concerned when the Anthro had told him where exactly they were going. He had stories about this place from men in the French Royal Navy that he had been in his younger years. But now this place was the Enemies' headquarters. The Anthro showed no fear. He seemed, in a rather unproven way, rather eager. He scoffed at the Jacque's apprehension. Well, this old man was never one to stand down from a challenge.

The old fisherman's schooner was soon on the high seas again.

Mr. De Peue still didn't know the name of his passenger. That didn't bother the passenger though. Shadow just stood on the prow the ship. He had chosen the old fishermen for this because coming on a full military assault of this new fortress would be impossible. For one, they knew virtually nothing about the defenses. Umbra had gotten around to disabling all the spy satellites. Secondly, the old man was just as eager for blood as Shadow was. Shadow needed someone who was willing to help yet was subtle enough. This boat was so quiet that the Black Arms wouldn't here it and it was so relatively small that their radar wouldn't be able to pick it up. It also didn't hurt that this old man was a war veteran. Unfortunately for Shadow, his French was still a little rusty and France was the closest country to the island. Thankfully the man knew perfect English and could speak it without his native accent.

Shadow still was not careless to let the man know his identity. He had dressed for the occasion, so to speak. His cloak covered the black vest with all the ammo he would need. Four of his S-32s were at his side tied to the two belts that he wore and his black cargo pants hand enough explosives to bring down the Great Wall. Now all he had to do was kill the Devil himself and blow up a veritable Key to a Very Alien Hell.

The boat landed on the sand with silence. Shadow helped De Peue unload the larger bomb that they had loaded onto the small boat. They hid it behind a small out cropping of rock. This bomb was only a distraction. A very, VERY big distraction that Shadow could use to move most of the forces away from the Eclipse Ray. Once the arms were away he could use the C-4 to remove the Ray from the face of the Earth.

Jacque tied his boat to anchor. He knew he might not get back on it. That didn't worry him. He would meet back up with Death as an old friend. Even if Death took him home, he would be able to see his family again. Besides, this old Frenchmen would take some damn lizards with him.

Although, he was beginning to wonder about his comrade in arms. The Anthro had yet remove his hoot and Jacque didn't even know his acquaintance's name. How did he know if there weren't aliens that could speak French and English? If they could master the technique of space travel, shouldn't they be able to learn a Earth language?

Jacque put these questions from his mind. He may not have proof but he knew that this figure was of this Earth. He just knew this sort of thing.

Shadow and Jacque placed the bomb in the rock cropping. They buried it with dirt so not to alert much attention. It didn't have to be a perfect job. The disguise was only for a few minutes anyway. No need to go all out. Keep it simple.

After they were done, Shadow removed his hood in front of the eyes of the shocked veteran. "Your—"

Shadow clapped his hand over Jacque's mouth. He shushed the old man. "If you want the Enemy to hear you," he whispered calmly, "I suggest you scream my name to the heavens. They have their own version of a bounty on my head. So I suggest you shut your blow hole!"

Jacque nodded and pulled his old gun from his holster on his side. "Comment prévoyez-vous d'obtenir à fort? Le fort sera probablement réparé depuis que vous avez attaqué en dernier.- How do you plan to get to fort? The fort will probably be repaired since you attacked it last."

Shadow nodded. "Si je les connais, je vous suggère de rester ici. Ou mieux encore, de revenir au port. Mon renforts seront bientôt ici. J'ai besoin de vous parce que votre bateau ne serait pas reconnu comme mes compagnons de véhicules seront connus dans un battement de coeur.-If I know them, I suggest you stay down here. Or better yet, go back to the port. My reinforcements will be here soon. I need you because your boat wouldn't be recognized like my companions vehicles would be known in a heartbeat."

The old man shook his head. "Je ne suis pas aller n'importe où sauf en place. Je vais à obtenir que la justice est due à ma famille. Je sais que vous êtes difficile. Je ne suis pas aveugle au monde en dehors de ma petite zone de pêche. Je sais de vous, et je sais que vous êtes plus que capable de prendre à l'ennemi. Mais je ne vous permet pas de les traiter tous. Je veux que ma juste part. Ils ont pris ma vie en dehors, je vais maintenant prendre les leurs.-I'm not going anywhere except up. I am going to get the justice that is owed to my family. I know you are tough. I'm not blind to the world outside my little fishing zone. I know of you, and I know you are more than capable to take down the Enemy. But I won't let you handle them all. I want my fair share. They took my life away, now I will take theirs."

Shadow subsided and let the old man joy him. They trudged on up the cliff face, with no more a word between the two old veterans. They climbed in silence.

When they reached the top of the cliff, a gasp escaped their mouths.

The entire island was like the inside of Black Doom's comet. It had been turned into one large biotech mass. Poison ooze slimed down wall faces into ditches. Tentacles and tendrils swayed and swung from walls and floors. Black Arms crawled all over everything looking for the next morsel of enemy life to devour.

"Mary, Mother of God!" Jacque exclaimed as he performed a cross over his chest. Shadow's nod concurred with the man. This was the most advanced Black Arms structure he had ever seen, other than the Black Comet. It was true that the old fort had been turned into a Black Arms monstrosity when he had blown it up before, but now . . . It was a monster in its own right.

If there was one thing had learned while on the Black Comet, it was that the thing could think and attack. It was alive. That made it almost impossible to enter unnoticed. Right now, they had gone under the radar since the fort hadn't spread its venomous tentacles of influence. They stood on solid earth, but the moment they stepped on the fleshy ground, some form of alarm would go off. Right now, subtly was needed. He knew his show of force would come later. He needed the shadows and silence to accomplish this mission.

"Frightening, isn't it?"

Jacque came out of his panic-stricken stupor. He nodded to the Anthro beside him. "How are we supposed to get it let alone attack?"

Shadow gazed out on to the malformed terrain. He could only imagine the numbers of Black Arms that were starting to breed in the hell hole. If left alone for many years, this place could become a giant factory of them, spitting out millions a day. If he set foot on the demented soil, he would be under heavy fire. But if he got some form of air vehicle to fly over, he still would be spotted. He had to do something. His entire plan centered on being able to get into the center of the complex. To the Eclipse Ray.

He kept of scanning the landscape for any form of inspiration. He saw Black Arms troops marching, their weapons in hand. Next there were Black Arms riding on what looked like pads with cargo. They were propelled by what looked like dark red flames-!

There lied the answer before him. He could use his jet boots to glide over the tormented soil; the fort would believe that it was just like the cargo pads. As long as none of the other Black Arms saw him, he would be fine.

"Frenchmen." Shadow whispered to Jacque. "I want you to climb on my back. If you really want your revenge do as I say. Otherwise, I will leave you here."

Jacque complied without a word. He climbed on Shadow's back which made them look like a lopsided Igor from the Frankenstein.

Shadow braced himself, and charged forward. "Let the counterattack begin."


Tails steered the fleet south-west. He was in command of the flagship of the Protectorate: EPS Enterprise. And no, Tails had not named it for the fictional ship, instead for the multiple real warships that served in multiple wars.

It was worthy of the name. The ship was grand in both size and looks. It was about twice the size of a USA aircraft carrier. And three time the armament of that of both a modern US battleship and a Russian. It was shaped like his old Blue Tycoon yet much larger and could easily destroy the old model. And that wasn't the only thing that Commander Prower and brought with him.

Behind his flagship, there were many more ships, though smaller in size. Each one held one of his comrades. To the annoyance of each of companions, each one was a dark grey. He said it was for the purpose of hiding who was the commander of each of these vessels, when really it was just so their egos didn't get in the way of fighting.

In the middle of the diamond formation of ships was a medical frigate. However it wouldn't stay in the air for long. It was to land on the surface, put up its force field and help the wounded. Also it had come with equipment ready to dismantle the corrupted land that the Black Arms controlled.

That wasn't all. Two more fleets were coming through at different directions. GUN was leading an all out offensive. They were done with small strikes. They had sent the full blown airships. And the lead commander of the force was Commander Sharon Loveless. Yep. That's right. Loveless had been able to scrounge up enough ships for this mission. Although many of the higher command weren't happy about the other air fleet that had been called to destroy Umbra.

Flying in from the south, were air ships each bearing smiling mustached man as their insignia. Shadow and Tails had convinced the Doctor to come out of retirement to face off the only true force ever to kick his ass. He was able to rebuild and redesign many of his forces. Now, older warship flew along with new brand new ship to destroy one very old enemy.


Umbra Eclipse tinkered with his most wonderful weapon. Though the Ray could not blast an entire army out his way, it could bring soldier after soldier to him. No Black Arms, whether they be in another galaxy could resist the call of both him and the Ray. The loss of Doom had made his mind link with the rest of his race. Though he could still make them follow previous orders and add new orders to go along with the original Doom orders, he could not make them attack a new planet. He needed this machine. It was his failsafe. Once he had the other Emeralds, he could power it. He already had four in place. The other three were soon to be collected. And the last one would be the most fun. Taking it from his young brother's cold, dead hands.

Little did he know that the 'fun' was about to begin.

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