Chapter 3: Medal of Honor

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A few days after she had received this news, she got on her bike and started to head for Central City where Shadow's funeral would take place. She wore a completely black dress with a veil that laced over all of her face.

Every since that call, all she could think about was who was to blame. The first on the list was Shadow, but she knew she couldn't blame him. He didn't choose to die. He was trying to protect his friends. She couldn't blame the members of his team either. They were her friends. They didn't do anything wrong. But there was one person she could blame: Cm. Sharon Loveless, the new commander of G.U.N. She had sent Shadow on this mission. He hadn't wanted to go. He wanted to stay with his wife and not worry about that mess. She has sent him to his death.

The funeral was held at noon on April the 19th. It was a cold day because it was raining, but even colder for those who had known Shadow. Sonic even gave a speech for it. He said that Shadow was just who he was. He was quiet, but thoughtful; he was powerful but only used it to help his comrades. But he was sad person. He had been rejected and used for so many years. Sonic tried to finish his speech but he choked on his words. Amy led her husband off the stage and let the President come up to do the eulogy. "Shadow was not only a hero in the life of this planet, but he was a close friend. Someone who was always going to fight for what he believed. During his mission to destroy a factory of Dr. Eggman, Shadow went back to make sure his comrades had a way of escape. He destroyed the enemy forces and made sure his friends could escape. He then forced them to go while he fended off the enemy. They escaped and waited for him at the rendezvous' point. They saw the factory explode with Agent Shadow inside. They searched the remains of the factory but only found this." He pulled out of his coat jacket, a gold bracelet. One of the bracelets that Shadow wore around his wrist to keep his power in check. "I would like to present this as well as this Medal of Honor to Shadow's widow." He pulled out of a case a gold star hanging on a solid blue ribbon. Sonia walked up to the stage to the President, tears already forming in her eyes. She took the Medal and the bracelet and went back to her seat.

Manic put his arm around his sister. He had combed his quills back for mourning. He and Shadow had gotten along pretty well and Manic had been very accepting of Shadow into the family. Manic was just a good friend to everyone.

Sonia looked at the Cm. Sharon Loveless in complete and utter disgust. The woman was tall with long jet black hair with steel cold eyes. Her face was set completely calm and stern like she couldn't show any emotion even on this solemn occasion. She wore her commander's uniform with black gloves as her only sign of mourning. Sonia couldn't stand to see the human commander. The woman had sent her to his death and she had the nerve to show up at his funeral.

Sitting next to Loveless was a man, about in his early thirties. He had a mop of dark brown hair and deep brown eyes with a good bit more compassion in them than Loveless. He wore a long black trench coat that stretched to his ankles. He looked at the empty casket that had been placed with a wetness in his eyes and his hand was on Loveless'. Sonia didn't know this man well but she had seen him before. For she knew this was Loveless' right-hand-man, Ltc (Lieutenant Commander). Robert Eclipse.

Sonia looked at Loveless utter hatred. Yes, she blamed the GUN commander for this and she always would. She would never forgive Sharon Loveless.

Many more speeches were made by many people. The entire Team ARK had attended and some of them made speeches. Many of them had scars from their adventure. Tails had a scar over his left eye that stretched down to his chin, Rouge had gotten a large gash on her back, Jet lost two fingers, and Silver lost an eye.

A statue had been erected in his honor. It depicted Professor Gerald Robotnick, his arm on his granddaughter, Maria, Shadow in front of them with Sonia in his arms both looking forward. On Shadows face was one of his rare true smiles.

Every time his name was mentioned, Sonia started to cry. It wasn't fair. She had married the most wonderful person in the world and he had been snatched away from her. First her mother now her husband. It wasn't fair.

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