15: The Serpent Underneath the Flower (4)

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"W-what...," Fa Xiang groaned. His expression was a mix of pain and surprise as he stared at Shu Yue, who was smiling at him like a devil. Then his gaze slid down her hand clutching the sword's hilt and to the blade piercing his chest.

Droplets of blood dripped from the blade. The front of Fa Xiang's robe turned crimson. But only an inch of the sword was buried in his chest. Shu Yue could see on his face the realization that he wasn't yet on the verge of death.

"If you dare move or do anything stupid," Shu Yue said quietly, her face as gentle as a lamb, "you'll get more than an inch of this blade." She gave the sword a tiny, slow twist. The blade parted Fa Xiang's skin even more.

Fa Xiang grimaced and bared his teeth, but remained still as instructed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lu Baiyu exclaimed. Just as his hand reached for the sword on his back, Xiao Ran stepped forward.

"If you touch her," Xiao Ran warned, his eyes cold and sharp, "your corpse will join your disciple's."

"You've got to be kidding me," Lu Baiyu said with a dry laugh. "A mere half-beast is threatening me?" He pulled his sword out of its sheath, the steel blade glinted fiercely in the sun.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Shu Yue stated, freezing him in place.

The sword was dangerously inches away from Xiao Ran's neck. Despite that, the fox-human's expression didn't change. He didn't even flinch. Yet Shu Yue had noticed that his left wrist was slightly bent, likely preparing for defense against Lu Baiyu's reckless attack. Had Shu Yue not stepped in, the two would have been engaged in a furious fight. It would be too early for that. Until she got what she wanted, there would be no exchanging of blows.

"If you harm him"--Shu Yue's gaze leveled on Lu Baiyu, piercing with the sharpness of a blade--"you know what it will cost." Her eyes flicked from Lu Baiyu to the bleeding Fa Xiang and back, a small smile on her lips. "As you can see, the blade did not penetrate deeply enough to cause fatal injury, so he isn't dying yet--unless you change my mind."

Shu Yue had stabbed Fa Xiang without the intention of killing the poor young man at once. She didn't pierce his chest that deeply to avoid hitting any vital organs or major blood vessels, which could have resulted in instant death.

Instead, she'd use him as a bargaining chip.

"Young Lady Chen!" Lu Baiyu's voice echoed throughout the bamboo forest. He slowly lowered his sword with trembling hands, glaring at Shu Yue with all the rage he could muster. "I've answered all of your questions and given you the information you needed. What else do you want?

"Not an answer this time," Shu Yue replied, studying him intently. "But a book."

Before Lu Baiyu could voice his confusion, Shu Yue said, "Hand me the copy of the Claw of the Eternal Beast."

Lu Baiyu's expression turned ugly. "What are you on about? You refused my kind offer and now you have the guts to steal the manual?"

"The more you speak, the more blood your disciple loses," Shu Yue reminded with a thin smile. "Do what I say and no one dies."

Lu Baiyu narrowed his dark, flashing eyes at her and remained still. He looked so conflicted as he glared at her.

Holding the old man's gaze, Shu Yue twisted the sword slowly, causing Fa Xiang to scream in pain.

Lu Baiyu opened his mouth to speak, but bit down on the words before he uttered them when he glanced at Fa Xiang, who was groaning in pain as tears filled his eyes.

"M-master," Fa Xiang whimpered, his voice begging for salvation. He looked up and met the gaze of his master. Would Lu Baiyu comply with Shu Yue to save his life, or would he refuse in order to save his secret manual and let Fa Xiang die instead?

"All right," Lu Baiyu said through clenched teeth.

Shu Yue's eyes danced with mischievous amusement, and she felt a triumphant smile spread over her face.

"I couldn't believe I had taken such a selfish and cunning woman as a disciple." Lu Baiyu took a book from his robe, the complete copy of the Claw of the Eternal Beast, and handed it to Xiao Ran.

"Now, release him," Lu Baiyu demanded.

Shu Yue's smile widened. She knew that Lu Baiyu didn't comply with her in order to save Fa Xiang's life. He only did it to keep his reputation from being tarnished. If he chose to disobey Shu Yue, then that would mean choosing to let his disciple die. Such action was very unfitting for an elder. It would be even worse if such an act would be witnessed by someone like Shu Yue. The consequences could be used against him.

Afraid of damaging his reputation, Lu Baiyu had no choice but to comply and prioritize his disciple's life. Fa Xiang was currently his disciple. What kind of an elder was he if he couldn't even protect and save one disciple? As an elder, Lu Baiyu's options were limited and his actions were restrained due to the image he was trying to maintain. Shu Yue was aware of this, and it was how she was able to turn the tides in her favor. She could tell by looking at Lu Baiyu that the old man was aware of it as well. He knew that he was constrained, and Shu Yue was taking advantage of this.

After all, everyone had images to keep, and Shu Yue was no exception. But at this very moment, she didn't bother keeping up her act and just shed all pretenses. She was tired of playing the role of a saint.

It was time for a break.

Shu Yue tilted her head, her face half innocent, half curious. "Release him? And why would I do that?"

Lu Baiyu went white, his eyes widening in terror. Then his expression of fear and shock changed to one of frustration and anger. "Stop playing and release my disciple!"

From the corner of her eye, Shu Yue noticed Ye Fan move. She shifted the sword slightly, grazing the man's already wounded flesh. Fa Xiang broke into a scream of anguish.

"Young Lady Chen!" Lu Baiyu bellowed, his voice reverberating throughout the forest like a roar of a wild beast. "Release my disciple now; I already gave the copy of the Claw of the Eternal Beast."

"But Master," Shu Yue protested. She slowly pulled half an inch of the blade from Fa Xiang's chest, drawing another scream of agony from the man. "I don't remember saying anything about releasing him." She sighed and pulled out the rest of the blade from Fa Xiang's body.

With a groan, Fa Xiang sank to his knees and clutched his wounded chest with one hand.

"Fa Xiang, isn't it?" Shu Yue slammed her foot into the man's back, pinning him to the ground. "Don't you dare insult my fox or the entire demihuman race, Fa Xiang." Her gentle voice was laced with venom. "I despise it when someone disrespects my fox."

"What the hell are you doing?" Lu Baiyu hollered. "We had an agreement. You would let him go if I gave you the manual. I've already done my part; now it's your turn."

Shu Yue looked at him, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Did we?"

Lu Baiyu went rigid. "What?"

"If I recall correctly, I did not make any agreement with you; all I said was that he might bleed to death if you keep arguing with me, but do you remember me giving you my word that I would release him or something along those lines?"

The blood drained out of Lu Baiyu's face. "Y-you tricked me. You fucking tricked me!"

Trembling with rage, Lu Baiyu drew the sword from his back. It was the same longsword. A bluish aura enveloped the blade as he strengthened it with his chi.

"Release my disciple or I will kill you!" Lu Baiyu crowed.

Shu Yue stared at him for a moment and then sighed. "All right." She took her feet off Fa Xiang and said, "Now go before I change my mind."

With a groan, Fa Xiang scrambled to his feet and ran toward his master. As soon as he reached Lu Baiyu, he knelt on the ground, clutching his bleeding chest. He looked up at Shu Yue, his eyes filled with rage and hate.

"How dare you touched my disciple!"

As Shu Yue had expected, Lu Baiyu didn't hold himself back and charged forward like a raging beast.

Shu Yue gave Xiao Ran a knowing glance.

Obeying his master's silent command, Xiao Ran confronted the old man head-on with nothing but his hands and legs. He ducked down as Lu Baiyu's sword plunged forward, the razor-sharp blade grazing his cheek. His eyes narrowed slightly. Before Lu Baiyu could even react, Xiao Ran thrust his palm forward and hit him square in the chest.

Lu Baiyu gasped in pain and surprise, and then he was sent flying backward, crashing into the bamboo trees. "How..." Disbelief crossed his face as he got up to his feet. "Such strength!"

Xiao Ran just looked at him, a vacant expression on his face.

"That cunning bitch. You're not an E-rank. She's been plotting against me from the start!"

Xiao Ran's features darkened. "Bitch?"

Lu Baiyu gripped his longsword and adjusted his stance. "Tell me, what rank are you, half-beast? Show your other tails!"

At first, Xiao Ran did nothing but stare at him. The two glared at each other for what felt like an eternity, both refusing to give in. But then, Lu Baiyu was forced to break his gaze with him when six white tails materialized behind Xiao Ran, almost like fluffy clouds. The fox-human had a total of seven tails.

"SS-rank?" Lu Baiyu blurted out, his eyes goggling in total disbelief. "That's absurd!"

"That is treason against His Majesty," Fa Xiang spat, his gaze focused unwaveringly on Shu Yue. "Demihumans aren't allowed to advance past E-rank. But yours did. You have violated the rule of the Emperor!"

Shu Yue walked forward, stopping precisely in front of Fa Xiang. She looked down at him, her eyes were like calm lake water. "Will you tell on me?"

Fa Xiang looked up at her. He pursed his lips but said nothing.

Shu Yue took another step closer, her shadow looming over him like a predator devouring its prey.

They stared at each other in tense silence until at last one spoke.

"No wonder you treat him so nicely," Fa Xiang said, his mouth twisting with distaste. "What a nice pet you have, pretty face and strong. You even went so far as to disobey an Emperor. Hypocrite bitch. It wouldn't surprise me if I find out you're hooking up with him."

"How dare you talk to her like that!" Xiao Ran growled, his once expressionless face contorted with rage. The fingers of his left hand formed into a rigid claw and beads of water gathered on his palm. Fortunately, no one noticed but Shu Yue alone. He must have realized his mistake as he quickly clenched his fist. And, just like that, his hand was once again dry, leaving no traces of water as if it had never been there.

Like a vengeful beast who found its long-lost target, Xiao Ran pounced. His eyes never wavered from Fa Xiang. But before he could land any damage, Shu Yue called his name.

"Xiao Ran."

The fox-human froze in place, looking at Shu Yue. His golden eyes blinked in surprise. Upon seeing the look in his master's eyes, he retreated without question. Nevertheless, he didn't stop glaring at Fa Xiang, as if wishing he could kill the man with just that alone.

"You made a mistake, sister Chen," Fa Xiang remarked, his eyes on Shu Yue. "If you think teaching your demi-human martial arts is a good idea, you're wrong. You've created a monster. Just wait until he realizes he doesn't need you anymore."

Shu Yue sighed. Reaching for her bamboo sword, she pressed the wooden stick against his chest, sudden and hard, right where he had been stabbed.

Fa Xiang hunched over with pain and staggered backward, screaming in agony.

"You talk too much," Shu Yue said in a flat tone.

There were changes in the air. An approaching presence was coming fast behind her. Her ears perked up when she heard footsteps, brisk and heavy. Her mouth curled into a smile. She didn't have to turn around to see it was Lu Baiyu with a sword aiming at her back. Her eyes remained on Fa Xiang. Xiao Ran seemed to have known what she had in mind as he stayed where he was.

"Should we silence your disciple, Elder Lu?" Shu Yue asked without facing the advancing warrior. Like a blind woman who relies on the guidance of the wind, she leaped up--at the same time Lu Baiyu thrust his sword forward. Kicking off the blade to gain momentum, she flipped over Lu Baiyu and slammed her feet into his back, shoving him forward. It happened too fast Lu Baiyu didn't even have time to react. Neither was Fa Xiang.

The impact of her powerful kick propelled Lu Baiyu forward. The blood drained from his face when he realized what she had done. It was too late. He met Fa Xiang's gaze before the entire length of his sword's blade disappeared into his chest.

Fa Xiang let out a gasp of pain, his eyes widening in horror as he stared at Lu Baiyu. The impact sent him falling backward with a groan. The sword penetrated his chest so deeply that it protruded through his back and stabbed into the ground, pinning him there like a sinner. His hands wrapped around the sword in an apparent attempt to pull it out, but they stayed in that position as if he no longer had any strength left.

"Fa Xiang!" Lu Baiyu hurriedly knelt by his disciple.

"Master, I don't want to die..." Fa Xiang said in a hoarse voice, blood pooling around him. His eyes never left Lu Baiyu as his life gradually ebb away, as though pleading to be saved from his impending demise.

The words "I'm sorry" kept coming out of Lu Baiyu's mouth. Whether he was apologizing for not being able to do something or for stabbing him, nobody knew. Maybe both. Horror and despair etched on his face. All he could do was watch helplessly as his disciple's body went still and his breathing stopped.

"He didn't have to die, but, alas, he proved to be trouble." Shu Yue's voice cut through the silence, as cold and vicious as the blade stuck into Fa Xiang's chest. "It wouldn't happen if only you retrained yourself, Elder Lu. Now he's dead because of you."

Lu Baiyu slowly stood up, his blood-stained fingers curled into tight fists at his sides. "What have you done?" He didn't look at her when he spoke, his voice a bare whisper. His eyes were still fixed on the pale face of his disciple.

"You tried to harm my fox when I told you not to," Shu Yue said coolly. "But look closely, Elder Lu. Look at your hands and your sword. I'm sorry to break it to you, but whether intentionally or not, you're the one who killed your disciple."

Turning her back on the scene, Shu Yue made her way toward Xiao Ran. "You now take care of the body, Elder Lu," she added as she stopped beside her fox, watching the bamboo leaves flutter in the wind. "It's up to you what story you'll come up with. Keep my secret and I'll keep yours. Now hurry, your precious grandson is waiting for you."

"I've been wondering..." Lu Baiyu began, now looking in Shu Yue's direction." How the hell is your demi-human stronger than you?"

Shu Yue didn't respond.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Young Lady Chen," Lu Baiyu warned. "Remember this, you will regret trusting a demi-human. It won't be long until that fox shows his true colors."

"Remember this, too, Elder Lu," Shu Yue said quietly. "You will regret trusting humans. They are just as malicious as you claimed demi-humans to be, and as dangerous as beasts. Maybe even more so."

With that, she started to walk away, Xiao Ran at her side. They strode through the dense bamboo forest with hushed footsteps, their presence blending in with their serene surroundings. Shu Yue could make out the road ahead, only a few meters away. The bamboo around them bent and swayed gracefully in the wind, following its rhythm like expert dancers.

Shu Yue stopped in her tracks, feeling the embrace of the wind, then she turned to face Xiao Ran. "We have a dangerous enemy at our heels." She looked at his face, her gaze resting on the thin, shallow cut on his cheek. "I'm sorry you had to handle him alone." Her voice lowered to a murmur as she reached out and gently touched his wounded cheek.

Xiao Ran's features softened as his gaze met hers. "It's just a small cut, Young Mistress. Please don't be so concerned about me." Nonetheless, he looked pleased. There was the faintest trace of a smile on his lips as he leaned into his master's hand, reveling in her touch.

"You are my precious fox, of course, I'm concerned about you."

Xiao Ran's smile broadened as he covered her hand with his, holding it to his cheek.

Shu Yue's eyes slightly widened, surprised at the unexpected gesture.

"You should have let me kill that disciple, Young Mistress." There was a dangerous note in his voice. "How dare he touch you and even insult you. It would have satisfied me to end his life with my own hands. To cut his tongue and crush those hands that touched you."

A small smile touched the corners of Shu Yue's mouth. "I don't want your hands to be stained with filthy blood."

As Xiao Ran's warm fingers brushed her wrist, his eyes darkened with cold anger. "I will kill whoever lays a hand on you, master." He paused and stared deep into her eyes. "But only if you give me permission."

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