Things changed final

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Wolf was shocked then Thomas grabs his shirt and pinned him against the wall.

"ah" wolf winced as pots and pans fell on the ground.

Unfortunately for wolf, Arthur's speech was too loud for everyone to hear the ruckus in the kitchen.

Wolf looks up at Thomas who was at his patience with him.

"I told you to stay out of it, stay out of my way"

But what he didn't know was that wolf turned on Thomas body worn lavalier microphones it was there his microphone took over Arthur's speech.

"Last chance wolf stay out of my way if you want to stay out of prison"

"I rather go to jail then have you hurt princess"

Everyone gasped as Arthur starts to panicked.

"Don't you get it wolf" Thomas threw him across the floor and he started to become hysterical, "I won, it's over with you and your friends and once I released the prisoners from jail, there will be no one left to stop me"

"Ok fine but please let princess go"

"She is my daughter not yours and when I turn her against you, it'll be you that lost now"

"I won't let you do this"

"Oh and Who's gonna stop me...not you, you clearly don't no what me and my brother are capable of"

The bad guys overhear Thomas and they all get angry at him.

"We'll see about that" webs says clearly Thomas can't hear her but she has an idea.

"I'll tell them about your plan"

"Oh who are they gonna believe an ex criminal or the mayor's brother, you have no prove"

"I'll find a way to take you down"

"Oh please i framed Diane as the crimson paw, I can frame you too, face it lost it's over and once Arthur raises the crime rate we'll finally be able to control this city as the shame it is, it's over wolf, your dove, I'll be sure you and your friends are arrested" he was about to walk out.

But instead of being intimidated, wolf smiles Mischievously.

"Oh I won't say that"

"What do you mean" Thomas turns to wolf looking confused.

"Let's just say....your microphone is on" wolf whispered.

Thomas looks down at the microphone in his pocket, "oh no" he panicked as he ran and saw that everyone was looking at him with faces that would hunt just revealed his plan.

Reporters took pictures and started talking all at once when Arthur came in.

"Whoa! Ok everyone let's just calm down a bit" Arthur was sweating and he smiled nervously.

"That was....that was not real...obviously a trick by mr wolf"

Then Piranha, disguised as a reporter made his situation worse.

"Sir over here, is it true that you are going to raise the crime rate when you just promised that you would stop it"

Everyone then agreed as they being hoarding Arthur with questions.

"Whoa ok everyone that is not true and even if it were they gave no proof that it is" Artie chuckles but at that moment.

Shark brought out the projector and played a video of Thomas revealing their plans.

"As for princess she is for now, let's talk, you must have questions to have I'm planning"

Wolf and the other bad guys sit down, "isn't it obvious you reveal Diane her secret identity so she would be sent to prison" wolf lay out his plan.

But Thomas just chuckles, "that was part of phase 2, phase one was to give Diane an ultimatum and make her look bad"

"So you had your brother in as the new governor"

"once we revealed Diane's secret, he would become the new mayor, phase 3 was to get me out of jail then phase 4 was-"

"Taking took princess away from us" wolf growled.

Thomas bends down to him, "don't feel bad wolf, you did all you could, you raised princess Well...but now it's my turn take my role as her father now...although you did failed I have to thank you for dealing with the child stuff now that princess is grown now...I'll be taking that Arthur is her living relative I asked to bring her back changing the child's legal rights to chose"

"You monster" wolf growled now that he found Thomas took princess purposely.

"It is a amazing What being mayor cantidad get you...but hey you tried your best was obviously not good enough"

"I swear if you hurt her-"

"Oh please that'll be too easy"

"Then what now...are you gonna take us to jail now"

"Oh no...that would be too easy, no...if I'm going to get even with'll have to be something that hurts you the most"

Of course he was taking was talking about princess.

"You already took princess away from us...wasn't that enough"

"Oh see i spend 10 years in prison thanks to you, princess and Diane, you were all gonna pay and I knew exactly how, I have something big for princess"

Then wolf started to get scared, he didn't wanted to know what Thomas was going to do to hurt princess.

"Thomas wait! Please you can do whatever you want to us but please don't hurt princess, she had nothing to do with this, we are the ones to blame, she is just a kid"

"Oh you like that Wouldn't taking my revenge on you and leaving my daughter off Scott free..bit no she's the reason I was sent to prison but don't worry I'm not going to hurt her...I'm just going to turn her against you"

"Wha?" Wolf was confused and scared.

"Take a look" he pulls out his phone.

"I found a way to finally get back at you...I'm going to brainwash my daughter into hating you but...after years of  being raised by you, she's become stubborn so I turned to other means to Turing her against you"

Then in the video, they see princess getting electrocuted by an obedience collar.

"AH" wolf watches princess screams in pain and she fell on the floor.

"Shocked therapy" Thomas says.

"PRINCESS!!!" Wolf tried to call for her but she couldn't hear him.

Then they looked up at Thomas who was laughing.

"Thomas leave her alone please, this is between you and me" wolf begged.

But obviously Thomas had a black heart that was the difference between him and princess, for his daughter had a heart of gold.

"Oh I'm just getting started: you see I planing to shock princess till I broken her spirit and she's become my puppet and I turn her against you, once that's out of the way, Arthur will hold a grand ceramony congrating him for exposing the crimson paw, then when he gives me the signal, I will secretly press the relase switch" he holds a remote revealing his rigged the prison cells, "to every prisoners cage to cause havoc on the rich people and cops and once the city is over run, then I will finally have my revenge"

Wolf was horrified by Thomas plan as he laughed sinisterly.

"You're crazy" snake says.

"Oh...but i finally's over for you five"

"Ok but why princess, she doesn't deserve this kind of pain and I'm the one you want"

"Aw" but Thomas mocks him and pinches his cheeks.

"You still think you can save her...face it wolf, you are two different people: she's a cat that you once kidnapped and your a ex con wolf and that's you'll ever'll never be a good father to lost...she's mine now, you couldn't save her before, you can't save her're never see her again"

And just like that, Thomas broke wolf down, he fell on his knees realized that Thomas was right.

"But since I'm a kind man thanks to my brother I'm going to let you off with a warning, stay out of my way if you want to avoid jail again"

Both Thomas and Arthur looked guilty as they were caught on red handed, Arthur rigged his collar and Thomas just stared at the crowd with open eyes, all their hard work was coming to an end and this was going to be a bad look for Arthur, this was very bad for Thomas.

And in that time Diane came downstairs, she saw Thomas and Arthur were being exposed at the criminals they are.

"Ok everyone let's not get the wrong idea" Arthur was about to explain when webs pulled out of the security video in princess room that she was being electrocuted.

"AH" everyone frowned as they watch princess was being tortured and shocked.

Then police officers came back glaring at Thomas and Arthur.

Misty pointed at them, "arrest them"

Thomas and Arthur gathered together as they try to flee but the police arrested them.

"Whoa hey you can't do that"

Let me go"

Then Tiffany reported to the scene, "Tiffany fluffit, I'm here live at the chesterfield mansion where minutes later I just discovered that Thomas chesterfield along with his brother mayor Arthur chesterfield just admitted their plans to increase the crime rate and that they framed poor Diane Foxington as the the crimson paw so Arthur could take control, as of now Arthur is now resigned from mayor and is sentenced to prison with his brother"

The camera showed Arthur and Thomas being taken in and they both get shoved in the police car, Arthur and Thomas are very angry.

"Oh way to go genius" Thomas glared at his brother.

"Hey it's not my fault"

"It is so your fault"

"Well you just had to reveal our plans to the bad guys didn't you"

"I didn't know they had a camera with them"

"Their your archenemies, you're supposed to know everything about them"

"0h and as if you know everything about being a villain"

"I hate you"

"I hate you too"

The police car takes them away, the camera looking back at Tiffany.

"With Arthur in jail and Diane's named cleared she is going to take her role back at Governor and as for princess she is going to be given back to her original family...the bad guys, I just hope she is ok"

After the bad guys watched Thomas and his brother get taken in.

They remembered, "princess!" Wolf yelled as he dropped the remote he stole from Thomas and stomped on it to piece.

He and the others ran upstairs trying to open the door when they forgot the key.

Wolf and shark try to bust the door open when Piranha steps in.

"I got this" he kicks the door open and snake slither down the vent with professor marmalade's babies.

When they got in the room, their hearts dropped, especially wolf when he saw the most horrible thing.

"Princess" wolf whispered, muttered and stutter her name.

Her body was lay dead on the ground, lifeless....did Thomas....killed her?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He dropped the remote that shocked her and ran towards her, he fell on his knees, he picked her up and lay her on his knees, she faced him, her face facing him.

He was shaking, like the whole world stopped around him.

His breathing became heavy, he looked down at his daughter it brought him back to day she nearly died.

He starts to get a flashback of him holding the dead little girl, in his hands, coming back to holding that same little girl who is now a teen and she just started her life.

Then Wolf started to cry as the other bad guys started to mourn.

He hugged her princess as his tears ran down his face.

But when her face lay on his shoulders...she stared to groan.

"I'm sorry princess I lied to you...I just wanted to protect you and now-, I'm so sorry" he whispered.

Then she spoke, "it's ok wolf I'm sure whatever you did wasn't that bad"

He and the others opened their eyes, realizing she was...alive.

He held on tight, hugging her, she hugs him back, still feeling tired.

Then they both let go, they both looked at each other still feeling tiresome.

"You are a terrible liar" she said as she fluttered her eyes open.

He smiles and kisses her forehead, "I know...I know"

She looks at him all tired eyes, "can we go home now"

"Sure princess" he picks her up bridal style, "sure"

"Oh wait one more thing" she turns to snake, "snake give marmalade his kids back"

"What kids?" He smiles nervously.

"Snake!" He glared at him.

"Ugh alright fine"

He hands marmalade all of his six kids back, "I just don't see why you couldn't let me have one, it's not like he would miss one" snake says as he slithers up to him and shark takes the obedience collar off and throws it on the ground.

"Snake I'm pretty sure he would noticed"

After the party everything went back to the way it was.

Princess was having breakfast with the bad guys as they personally made her breakfast, she was still recovering.

She sat in the middle, she looks up at wolf as he stands behind her and grabs her shoulders rubbing them tenderly.

After what she's been through, she needed and deserved it.

The chief got her job back, Misty was putting on her badge, she looked at herself in the mirror then she walks inside her office.

Professor marmalade was reunited with his family, he sees his nieces and nephews in the playpen playing.

And Diane got her old job back as governor...but it wasn't enough to make her happy.

She's glad that everything is gone back to normal, Thomas and his brother are are rested and in jail (in prison Thomas shares a cell with Thomas, Thomas is reading the newspaper about how him and his brother in jail and Arthur is glaring away from him) she's the governor again, princess is back with the bad guys and everything is how it supposed to be....

But a part of her realized, maybe she wanted to be caught, was she the crimson paw the greatest criminal ever...yes but she's a changed women and she help changed the bad guys, along with princess and professor marmalade

This whole thing has diane having a little guilt over the whole thing and dosen't feel confertable being the govenor anymore, so it's time she ends it.

She walks out on the stage where she is welcome back as Governor.

"Diane, Diane, Diane" reports called out for her as the bad guys watched her on tv.

"Yes one at a time please"

"How does it feel to be welcome back now that you are no longer wanted" one male reporter asked.

"Honestly it feels great not to be chased away"

The bad guys cheered for her.

"How did it feel when arthur framed you as the crimson paw, do you think he edited the video" Tiffany asked.

Diane stopped right there and she stared to think....this was it.

"Actually when Arthur exposed me as the crimson paw, it scared me when everyone turned against me and I was forced to go into hiding but after this whole experience it made me learned something, there are some fears I need to conquer"

Wolf was smiling at her but then...."but I have to come clean about something"

"What?" Wolf says as they all begin to panicked.

They knew what she was about to do, she was going to admit that she is the crimson paw.

"I. Diane Foxington Admit that I am the crimson paw"

Everyone gasped, including the bad guys, "uh oh" shake says.

"What is she doing" webs asked.

"Is she crazy" piranha added.

"Well this can't be good" snake says.

"Did I do horrible things in the past....yes but you all must know that i become a changed woman, I changed to help this city and I will admit that what I did was bad but I do regret it, I became Governor to help this city and I inspired the bad guys as the bad good they are today, I mean look at them"

Wolf then begin to smiled as he realized she knew what she was doing.

"She must've lost it" snake says.

"Actually guys I think she's making the right decision" wolf says surprising everyone.

"They saved a poor girl from her aggressive father and raised her to the perfect girl she is today, they took princess in when she had no family to turn, they raised and loved her as their own and they were willing to risk going to jail just to save her, I may have made some mistakes in the past but things changed...I changed for the better"

Then after her speech everyone cheered for her for speaking the truth.

But just then, "that is why I am resigning from government" everyone was shocked again including wolf.


"I decided to let someone else take my place because I'm going to focus on being a legal adoptive mother to princess and during my time...I...have been secretly daunting mr wolf...and I am his secret wife" she shows them her wedding ring.

The bad guys were shocked and turned to wolf to smiles nervously.

"You got married...and you didn't even tell us" snake says as he slither up to him.

"We weren't ready to share that with anyone yet and it was my idea to keep our engagement a secret I didn't wanted to tarnish Diane's reputation if anyone knew she was dating an ex con she would be ruined"

Then Tiffany added, "but Ms. Foxington, if you aren't going to be Governor, who is?" She asked.

"I'm glad you asked, ladies and gentlemen, meet your new elected Governor, professor marmalade"

Everyone gasped when they see professor marmalade entering the stage smiling and waving.

"Yes I, Rupert Marmalade the Fourth promised will do a better job keeping this city safe for my nieces and nephews"

Everyone clapped and after Thant things were never the same again, although there were some changes.

Maybe marmalade helped clean the city with the help of Diane who as the crimson paw used her skills to expose criminals and when wolf and Diane were announce as a couple, they were expected...a new gray fox wolf cub.

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