Chapter 3: Training and... a nun?

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Y/N Pov

I'm walking towards school with sores all over my body. Ugh... It's so hard to move!

Orochi: Seriously, just how weak are you, mortal?

Y/N: Well, I'm sorry that I'm not an evil God trying to destroy mankind!

Orochi: Well, I hope you can test out your strength today.

Then, I bumped into Koneko on the way. She looks at me a bit.

Koneko: Are you hurt?

Y/N: No, it's just sore... first time getting forced to train...

Orochi: Your body is too weak.

Y/N: 😖😭😭 Koneko! Save me please!!!

Koneko: As much as I want to, it's for your own good, so...*thumbs up* good luck. 'And I want to see you cry...'

Y/N: Waaaah!!!

Orochi Pov

Hmm... is there a Dragon? Well, it must be nothing.

Y/N Pov

I'm in the Occult Research Club since Rias called me here. Issei later comes in and was surprised to see me.

Issei: You! What are you doing here?!

Y/N: Well... Rias just called me to come here.

Issei: No way! Are you a devil too?!

Orochi: Don't mix me and this boy into that group!

Issei: Aaaah! Who's that?!

Rias later comes in and replies.

Rias: That, would be the work of what's inside Y/N.

Issei: What is inside him?

Rias: Yamata No Orochi.

Issei: Orochi?! As in that snake?!

Orochi: Excuse me, that's my pet!

Akeno: Ah! Y/N my favorite pillow has arrived~!

Akeno runs towards me and tries to hug me. I got panicked and suddenly disappear and reappear on the other side of the room.

Y/N: What the...

Issei: You can teleport?!

Orochi: Oh? Do you use that without even knowing how to? Guess I really have to train you properly.

Akeno: I'm still gonna get you~

Koneko then gets in front of me and spread her arms.

Koneko: If you want him... you're getting through me!

Issei: Argh!!! Y/N! You lucky bastard!

Y/N: What is going on?!

Akeno: Ara Ara, looks like Koneko is going defensive eh~?

Rias: Akeno, stop. You're gonna get yourself arrested.

Akeno: *pouts* No fun~ oh well~

Y/N: By the way, why am I here?

Kiba: To explain to you about the three factions.

Rias then starts to explain about the three factions which consist of Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. Apparently, they got into a war and now their own race is kind of extinct, especially the devils. Then, Rias spreads her devil wings from her back, same goes with the others. Issei was surprised, then he looks at me.

Issei: Don't you have a wing?

Y/N: I don't know. I haven't tried it yet. Do I have a wing, Orochi?

Orochi: I don't know. Why don't you try it by yourself? I never use wings in past.

I focus my strength on my back and try to have wings. Suddenly, I feel something coming out of my back. Everyone looks in shock. I look behind to see my wing.

(Your favorite color)

Y/N: Woah! It's so big!

Issei: How can he have cool wings?!

Rias: Because he's a God's Disciple. Well, he can already be counted as a God.

Issei: No way!!!


I'm in my house, doing exercises for training my body. Then, Orochi stops me.

Orochi: Now, try to transform.

Y/N: How?

Orochi: Focus. Focus and gather all the power you have in your body and transform. Try it.

Y/N: A-alright.

This transformation thing has been going for some time now, but I still can't get a gang of it. I try as many as I can, but unable to do it.

Orochi: *sigh* This is troublesome. Hmm... alright, how about this. Do an action that makes you feel strong as if you're going to unleash a powerful form to win a battle.

Y/N: You mean... like how the Dragon Ball guy does it?

Orochi: Yes, but minus the screaming.

Y/N: Alright... Let me think... aha! Got it!

(This is what you did)

I open my eyes and see that... I'm taller!!! I'm same as Orochi's height!

Orochi: Well done! Hmph! Looks like you won't be weak after all!

Y/N: Alright!

Orochi: Time to bring you to a place to train you how to fight! Wouldn't want to destroy your home now, don't you?

Y/N: Agreed.

Suddenly, I was brought into a cave and a lot of stone statues there.

Orochi: This used to be my living place. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!

First, he calls me to stab my hand into the stone. Even though with this power-up, it's still painful for me. I can feel my fingers break every time I do that! But thanks to my regenerative abilities, this is no problem.

Orochi: Come on! You gonna lose to a stone?! Try harder!

I kept on stabbing it, giving whatever I got until my hand went through the stone, breaking it.

Y/N: Finally!

Orochi: That's not all! You still have a long way to go!

After a few hours, I learned what Orochi called it a basic technique. The first off, Kaijo, a technique that allows me to cast a more of bluish white light forward that creates a void rift as it travels.

Second, Utsushi Iwai, a technique that allows me to create a shield of energy that blocks an enemy attack. Orochi said that I can use it when fighting the opponent hand to hand because the shield shatters when the opponent hits it, damaging my enemy.

The third one is Tadasu, a technique that allows me to create a momentary rift in front of me to swallow any incoming projectile and disgorge a bolt of violet fire.

The last one is Hono no Susori, a technique that allows me to summon a pillar of bluish-white energy to strike the enemy down from the sky.

Then, some basic of his own fighting style, Divine Orochi Power. And that One kicking technique that is hard to pull off for me... Genocide Cutter...

Orochi: Calm down. For now, just focus on practicing all these moves every day, got it?

Y/N: Yes, Master.

Orochi: Good! Now, the class ends! Go home and do your... what you humans call it homework!

I teleported home and clean up, grab dinner and get to work. I'm in my bedroom, writing my essay until I felt a presence behind me. I turn to see a bump on my bed. Someone is sleeping here... I stood up and walk towards it and take off the blanket to reveal... Koneko sleeping in her underwear and bra!!!

Y/N: Aaaaahhhhh!!! *closes eyes*

I fell down on my butt and this seems to awaken her from her sleep.

Koneko: Hmm... oh? You've come back, Y/N...

Y/N: C-can you wear some clothes?!?!

She looks down and blush and quickly wear her clothes. She walks towards me and put out her hand.

Koneko: Don't worry, I'm dressed. Let me help you up.

I grab her hand and she pulls me up but with a lot of strength?!?! We ended up falling on my bed and I'm on top of her. She looks at me blushing. My face became red and quickly got off her and run out of my room as fast as I can.

Koneko Pov

Koneko: Hmm? I thought this kind of thing attracts boy... maybe when it works when Akeno does it?

Suddenly, my phone rang.

Koneko: Yes?

Rias: Koneko, where are you?

Koneko: I'm in Y/N's bedroom.

Rias: Wha- why would you be in- *sigh* Never mind that. Anyway, I need you here, right now.

Koneko: Got it. Should I call Y/N along too?

Rias: No, there's no need for his help. It's just a stray.

Koneko: On my way.

I walk out of the door and went downstairs to see Y/N sitting in the corner, mumbling.

Koneko: Y/N, I'll be off now.

Y/N: O-oh ok! Take care! It's night already!

I smiled a little and walk out of his house.

Y/N Pov

She's out. I can claim my room back!

Orochi: You know, you could've just paid no mind to her and just do you work.

Y/N: B-but she's... distracting...

Orochi: Oh? Someone got a crush already~? Tell me, how long has it been~?

Y/N: *blushes* Stop talking! I got work to finish!

I run back into my room and starts to write down the essay as fast as I can.

Orochi: I must say. She has a good body.

Y/N: Shut up!


I'm walking towards school as I yawn. That damn essay... Suddenly, I bumped into Issei and we start to chat while walking to school. As we were walking, I didn't notice but bumped into a girl. I shake my head and open my eyes to see a nun.

???: Oh no! I'm sorry! Are you okay, little boy?

Issei starts to laugh, covering his mouth. I pout and answer her.

Y/N: First of all, I'm not a little boy! Second of all, I'm a high school first year! *flapping arms*

???: O-oh, I see, I'm sorry I bumped into you!

Y/N: It's alright.

I got up and give her a hand. She accepts it and... *sigh* my dignity on height is gone...

???: A-are you alright?

Y/N: I'm fine...

???: Hmm? There's no cuts or anything.

I look at my palm. Yeah... there's supposed to be some scratch...

Orochi: Regenerative abilities. Did you forget?

Y/N: Oh yeah...

Then, we start to walk together, chatting.

???: I'm so glad to run into someone like you guys.

Y/N: *closes eye smile* It's nothing, really! People should help each other out anyway!

Issei: So... you're a nun?

???: Yup!

Y/N: That explains your clothes.

Then, Issei saw the cross on her neck and look away.

???: Is everything alright?

Issei: Y-yeah, it's nothing.

Y/N: Umm... he's just got sand blown into his eyes, that's all!

???: I see...

???: Owww!!!

I was about to help the boy until she put her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

???: Don't worry, I got this!

She runs towards the boy and heals his scratch... what?!

Orochi: Oh? She have a Sacred Gear? Interesting.

Y/N: Sacred Gear? You mean like the one Issei have?

Orochi: Yup.

Issei: No way... She has it?!

Y/N: Sh!

Issei: Oh yeah, sorry.

The boy is grateful for it. I smiled but the mother quickly takes the boy away.

Orochi: Damn mortals... can't appreciate what kind of help she gives...

Y/N: Calm down, Orochi.

Then, we walk again. Issei seems tempted to ask her question but he asks anyway.

Issei: So... the power to heal?

???: Yes. It's a wonderful gift bestowed on me by God.

But... her eyes... there's sadness in them... Issei is about to ask her but I pull his sleeve and shake my head. He was about to ask anyway until.

Orochi: You ask that girl, and I'll crush your soul.

Issei was afraid and got the message.

We arrived at the church. Did they even plan to renovate it?

Orochi: I have a bad feeling about this church...

Issei looks sad and wants to talk to her more.

Orochi: Don't even think about. A Devil and a nun shouldn't love each other. It's for your own safety and hers.

Y/N: Let's get going, Issei.

Issei: Understood.

???: Wait! Would you like some tea? It's the least I can do for all of your help!

Y/N: Sorry to say this, but... we got to go to school. We can't be late for it.

Issei: Yup! He's right!

???: But...

Issei: I'm Issei Hyoudou! This little guy here is Y/N Aoki!

Y/N: H-Hey!

???: Huh?

Issei: Well... at least we got to know each other, right?

???: Y-You're right! My name is Asia Argento! Nice to meet you guys! You can call me Asia!

Issei: Nice to meet you, Asia! Well, we gotta go now, so... see you next time!

Asia: Yes, I'll definitely come and see you guys again!

Both of us walk away, waving at her.

Orochi: You idiot.

Issei: Huh?

Orochi: That's false hope. You know we're not going to meet her again.

Issei: But... It's for the best!

Orochi: It's about you being a jerk! You know you're in danger if you visit her again! She is with the Fallen Angels! Y/N can handle it because he got me! What about you?! You're going to meet her with that body and that dragon?! With your current condition, you probably won't be able to make it out alive!

Issei: I...

Y/N: Let's just go to school...

To Be Continued

Shin Author: Alright! Chapter done! I can't add those gif about Orochi's move set though... I got a problem with it... but you guys can imagine, right? Anyways thank you for reading this book, it's what keeps me writing, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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