Chapter 31: Come Back

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Aragorn was confined in his place for almost a week. When he was finally healed he was allowed to go with Elladan and Elrohir and visit Gimli, who had been healed for two days.

"How are you feeling lad?" the dwarf asked.
"A little sore, but I am well." he replied.
"I can't believe that all of these elves have been hiding here all this time," Gimli continued, "perhaps now we have a chance against Sauron."

Aragorn tensed. He didn't want anyone to know, but he feared going into battle against Sauron.

What if they failed? What if all they managed to accomplish was bringing more and more people to their deaths?

And Eldarion, he couldn't leave his son. He'd already lost his mother, he couldn't have him lose his father too.

"I see you're alive and well Aragorn."

Aragorn turned and smiled at Haldir.
"We are thanks to you. We are in your debt."

Haldir's smile faded.
"I have not saved everyone yet."
"What do you mean?"

Haldir glanced at Elladan. Elrohir looked at the floor.

"What's going on?" Gimli asked.

Haldir looked up at him with grief in his eyes.
"Legolas is dying."

Aragorn staggered.
How could Legolas be dying? He couldn't be! He wouldn't believe it.

"That's impossible!" Gimli exclaimed.
"I wish it was Gimli," Haldir replied sadly, "but he is refusing to allow himself to heal. He's letting go, he is going to let himself die."

Aragorn felt as if he'd been stabbed. Legolas couldn't die, not after everything he had survived.

"Let me see him." he demanded.
"Estel." Elladan pleaded. "There is nothing you can do-"
"Take me to him!"

Elladan looked at Haldir who nodded.
Sighing, Elladan led them to where Legolas rested.


Aragorn had prepared himself to expect the worst, but it had all been in vain.

Legolas lay motionless and pale on the ground. Aragorn almost thought for a moment that he was already dead, only the faint rising and falling of his chest showed that he was still alive.

Aragorn went to his side and grabbed his hand, it was cold.

"Legolas, please wake up. You cannot die. You have to fight, please."

Legolas made no response. His eyes were closed, the black scar on his face seemed fouler than ever.

"He cannot hear you." Elladan said, his voice choked with grief.
"He is leaving."

Aragorn shook his head, he wanted to scream at the elf. Shake him, yell at him, make him keep fighting. But there was nothing he could do.

He turned back to the others. All of their faces were stricken with grief.

"Is there nothing we can do?" he asked desperately. He couldn't lose anyone else.
"There might be one thing we could try." Elrohir started.

"What?" Aragorn asked desperately. He would try anything.

"Elrohir," Elladan said sharply, "we cannot ask him to do anymore, he has done enough."
"He may be the only one who can save him!" Elrohir argued.
"Who?" Aragorn asked.
"Legolas' father." Elladan told him coldly.

Aragorn was caught off guard.

Thranduil is alive?

"Where is he? He needs to help his son!"
"He has done everything he can for Legolas! He is consumed in grief, we cannot ask him to watch his son die." Elladan snapped.
"I will not let Legolas die!" Aragorn shouted.

Elrohir grabbed his brother by the shoulder.

"Ada would have done the same for us."
Elladan looked at him in pain. He knew that their father would have. He looked back at Aragorn, and then at Legolas. Turning to Haldir he said, "Find Thranduil. Tell him that his son needs him."


Legolas was between living, and death. He was in a sea of darkness. Fighting to stay above the waves, but he was getting tired, and it would be much easier to stop struggling, and let the waves take him.

What did he have to live for anyway? Everyone he cared about was dead, or would be dead.
Aragorn, Gimli, and the hobbits. They would all grow old and die, then he would never see them again.

What was the point of living anymore? He should just quit fighting. It sounded so easy.

He felt himself sinking under the waves, all the pain he felt, all the misery, was slipping away.
He was almost under, his life was leaving him.
He didn't care. He had no reason to stay.


That voice, he knew it.

No. It wasn't real. He was imagining things.

He continued to sink under the waves.

Legolas! Listen to me.

Who was that? What did they want? Legolas felt something trying to pull him from out of the waves, the moment he realized it pain returned to his body.

He forced himself away from whatever it was and continued to go under the waves. There was no pain down here, it was so peaceful...

Legolas! Please, do not leave me. Come back, I need you...

He felt himself being pulled again. The pain returned.
The waves fought to claim him, there was bliss and escape in those waves, all he had to do was let them take him.

I cannot lose you Legolas! Not like I lost them. Please, come back to me son...

Son? Why would someone call him that? It couldn't be...
He was dead.

Legolas! Come back...

What if it was him? He couldn't leave him if it was...

The waves fought harder, wrapping around him and pulling him under, but the hands that held him burned with fire, bringing him back.

He had to go back, but the pain, what if it wasn't him? What if  it was all in his head?

The waves almost had him. They were extinguishing the flames.
All Legolas had to do was let go of the hands, he could be free.

Legolas! Come back!

No. He gripped the hands tighter.
He would not let go. He would fight.

He clasped the hands as tight as he could. His hands burned, he screamed but no sound came.

The waves wrapped around him, like long, black ropes trying to pull him down.

He clasped the hands tighter. The fire burned him but he refused to let go.

Suddenly the hands pulled him free from the water's grasp. He was yanked into the air, and then there was silence.

Legolas felt the cold ground underneath him, he felt the pain in shoulder, the scar on his face. All reminders of everything he had been through.

But there was something else, a hand clasped around his. He looked up and saw a familiar face. He had to be dreaming.

"Ada?" he asked in confusion.

The figure turned to him, tears running from his icy, blue eyes and down his face.

"I am here ion nin."

Legolas sat up slowly. He never took his eyes off his father.

"You're alive..." was all the young elf could manage.

His father said nothing as he pulled his son into his arms.
Legolas put his arms around his father. Tears running down his face.

They held each other tightly, one thought ran through each of their heads.

You're alive

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