Chapter 2

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I awoke strapped to a bed, my armour was still on but my helmet sat beside me. I was alone in the room which gave me some relief, I gave an annoyed grunt as the doctor and both Spartans entered the room.
"Finally awake I see, that hit earlier knocked you out cold long enough for us to transport you to a much more secure location, now please answer me truthfully, what is your name and where did you come from?" Came an agitated question from Kelly, I glared at her starting to lose my patience with the same fucking questions.
"For the last fucking time I don't know!" I shouted, it was then that the little blue AI appeared in front of me.
"Cortana I'm going to put you in her helmet, see what you can find out," Chief grumbled, he pulled the AI chip out of his helmet and put it in mine. I snap out of my restraints and glared at them, I make sure to look around carefully before I pay attention again. I turned to stare at my helmet half curious half furious, suddenly the AI whom was known as Cortana appeared again.
"Interesting, everything in her systems have been erased as well, maybe she was a traitor and no one wanted their secrets getting out??" Cortana suggested as Chief pulled her from my helmet, I grabbed my helmet angrily and put it back on hiding my scars. I turned my head as an elite with golden armour walked in, my eyes narrowed and he gave a grunt in acknowledgement.
"Master Chief I wish to have a word with you, alone," he pressed, the green armoured spartan left the tent with the strange elite.
"Ok so before you get any ideas about killing him that was the Arbiter the one who sided with Chief and formed a peace treaty after they worked together to stop the flood from killing everything," Kelly explained, I tilted my head confused.
"Then what does that make them," I hissed, she folded her arms and put her weight mostly on one leg.
"They are known as the Swords Of Sanghelios, you must show respect to them or we will happily watch the Arbiter tear you apart," Kelly chuckled, I took a step forwards threateningly when the other elites took a step forwards as well. I look around at them all knowing I was well outnumbered, I fake collapsing and lay there. Soon medics were at my side and I shot up grabbing the pistol from one of their belts, I was getting out of here weather or not I had to shoot my way out.

"I wouldn't try that foolish spartan," the elite with white armour from earlier warned as he walked in, I aimed my pistol at him and made sure it was ready to fire if he dared challenge me. Hearing footsteps next to me I swung my arm hitting another elite in the stomach making it jump back in surprise, while I had been distracted more elites had pinned me down. I thrashed about managing to get my hand with the gun free, without thinking I yanked my whole arm free and shot hitting on of the elites in the head making it collapse. The Arbiter and Chief rushed in at the sound of a gunshot as did a few other elites, I got myself free and jumped back making sure no one could attack me from behind.
"Right my patience is running low with you demon, either you stop this or we WILL not hesitate to kill you, we outnumber you greatly so if I were you I would think about my choices before shooting again," the Arbiter warned, I looked around and saw many elites had their swords out and I took a step back feeling the tent wall against my back. I smirked through my helmet shooting towards the Arbiter before breaking out of the tent and running, energy crystals flew at me but I easily dodged. I was about to be free when I felt an energy crystal hit the back of my leg, my memory flashed back to that night.


I was running fear filling my chest, I fell to the ground as an energy crystal shot into the back of my leg.
"Go take this and run!" I scream at them, I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I watched as my two greatest friends ran holding the chip in their hands, I turned back to see I was surrounded. A full grown man who seemed very well dressed walked over to me, he knelt down a smirk on his face as they took my weapons away from me.
"Looks like the traitor has come back, stealing that intel was a very, very bad move," he growled as he stood up, a few of his men dragged me though as hard as I fought I was no match for them. They dragged me into a large room filled with strange devices, my heart sank as I knew what was about to come.

*end of flashback*

My eyes widened as I remembered that night, I only remembered that small segment but none the less I remembered. I lift my head to see the Arbiter standing in front of me his sword in hand, he had it pressed against my neck but I barely noticed.
"Arbiter calm down she panicked, we keep asking her questions when she doesn't even know who she is, Arbiter we need answers and we need to help her remember in order to get those," I heard Halsey beg, he turned his head to the old women who I only now noticed was missing an arm.
"If she kills any more of my men I will personally kill her myself," Arbiter warned as he walked away, I stood up holding my open wound. Luckily for me he had used one of the non poisonous energy crystals so I wouldn't die to the toxic poisons, I shoved anyone away who dared try to help me as I limped back towards the medical tent for some supplies.

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