Chapter 4

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The pelican landing snapped me back to reality, I put my helmet back on and so did the twins. The doors opened and I followed them out into a large docking bay, I looked around carefully getting the familiar feeling again. I followed them down a series of hallways and finally to the commanders office, they opened the door and a strange yet familiar man looked up at us.
"Ahh Agent Canada(Harry) and Agent California(Larry), I see you have returned Agent Australia back to us," he greeted a smirk on his lips, both twins gave a nod in greeting.
"Her memory was wiped sir, we have reason to believe our enemy wiped her memory when they captured her, we found her in the Arbiters camp alongside Master Chief and Kelly, we have reason to believe she told them nothing about us since I already dug through her memory unit and she only seemed to remember that one night when the enemy captured her sir," Agent California informed, I rolled my eyes hating the lack of privacy.
"Well since she is back we will set to work training her again, I want Agent Carolina to train her since she seemed to be so caught up in her self victories, go fetch her for me would you," the Director ordered, both twins turned and walked out he door.
"Now that they are gone Agent Australia I wanted to talk to you about your memory wipe, it's rare that anyone can even find the technology to do something like that so I have reason to believe our enemy has been trading with the few Covenant that still have the old war weapons to try and get rid of us, since you don't seem to have been harmed aside from your bruising and burns I want you to start training right away," the Director explained then ordered, as he finished what he was saying a Spartan with bulky aqua armour walked in her helmet by her side. He red hair flowed down to her shoulders like silk, she acknowledged me with a nod and turned to the Director.
"Director, you needed me?" She questioned glancing sideways at me, I sighed and looked away.
"As a matter of fact I do, I want you to train Agent Australia back up since our enemy seems to have erased her memories," the Director explained motioning towards me, I could see the annoyance in her gaze.
"Of course sir, she will be a fit fighter in a few days," Carolina promised, the Director nodded and she led me towards the training room.
"Now before we begin Australia I'm going to say this now, you ruin my chances of beating Tex and I will personally kill you, got it!?" She growled as I entered the training room, her words hit a nerve making me fear her slightly.

"Alrighty first things first, hand to hand combat," Carolina added, we began to circle each other. I made the first move throwing a punch then kicking out at the same time, she blocked so I kicked out with my other foot doing what came instinctively. She flew backwards which shocked me, I didn't think I had that much power. The second I was distracted she pushed herself off the wall hitting me square in the face knocking me over as she passed, stunned for a moment I didn't move but I then jumped to my feet blocking as the next attack came. She then began to throw punches and kicks at me which I narrowly dodged, suddenly I got an idea and I pretended to fall to my knees. She walked over her hands on her hips, I began to smirk and I launched myself up knocking her helmet flying off her head with a powerful punch. She flew back and landed with a thud, I could tell she was pissed now. I dodged to the side as she charged at me and I knew she had an AI, I missed what she said as she charged again this time going faster then usual. My eyes widened as I felt the full force of the punch, my visor cracked as I hit a wall. Now it was my turn to be pissed, I pulled myself free and we began to circle each other again. We began to throw random punches each one scoring as we both exhausted ourselves, memories burned at the edge of my mind but I couldn't remember them. I pretended to be distracted as Carolina charged, I held my leg out and tripped her over. I then jumped on her and began to throw punches, she tried her best to block them but I felt a sudden hate for her. Finally some other Spartans raced into the training room and pulled me off her, she stood up holding her side where I hurt her the most.
"That's enough you two, no more training for one day," a spartan in a dark goldenish brown sort of armour puffed, I turned to him and stormed off. I glanced behind me one last time to see them all helping Agent Carolina to her feet before the door closed, I headed for my room where I would put my armour. I entered and saw pictures of all of us happy together, I tilted my head not remembering anything aside from that fateful night. I picked one off my wall and held it in front of me, we stood together as little kids. I read the back and found out that the Director had raised us to be the Spartans we were now, my head began to spin and I collapsed.


I ran through the open field being chased by the other kids, we all laughed as we played. The twins looked ever so much the same while York and the others actually had smiles on their faces, we kicked a ball around before a ship landed nearby. We ran to investigate only to find a most troublesome sight, elites dragged a man from the ship who we would soon know as the Director. I felt anger at the sight of my most hated enemy and grabbing a random gun that lay nearby I began to shoot at the elites, they turned their attention to me as the others began to join in. The elites dropped the Director and fled seeing their numbers drop quickly, we ran to the Directors side to see if he was ok.
"Thank you children, you all have warrior blood in you, come with me and we can destroy the covenant together," he offered holding out his hand, without thinking I took it and didn't realise what I was getting myself into.

*end of flashback*

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