Self Sacrifice

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It was was as if certain persons from amongst Sahabah e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهما  sacrifice themselves, so that these laws become known and understood, and also applied.

If the Nabi of Allah Ta'ala صلي الله عليه وسلم had committed any action which fails within the purview of disobedience to Allah Ta'ala -نعوذ بالله من ذلك -we would have questioned the authenticity of his Nubuwwah (prophethood). ....Who would have then obeyed a prophet who ,himself,sinned?

Thus ,a few incidents transpired,offering guidelines, whereby the umm ah was taught the Shariah practically, and need be ,how to apply the punishments prescribed. In the book of Ahadeeth just these few incidents himself on average been mentioned . Yet ,reflect over the fact that these Sahabah رضي الله عنهما had only just abandoned Kufr (Disbelief),Shirk (Polytheism),Fisq (Sin)and Fujur (immorality).

On a very general note,many had been habituated to grave and major sins prior to their acceptance of Islam. Drinking,gambling, fornication, adultery, war , murder ,usury and the likes ,were the norms in the lives of many ,during the period of Jahiliyyah (ignorance).

Despite this , the moment they embraced islam , there was not a trace of those sins , except for the few cases mentioned . As has been said, such incidents transpired so that people may know , until the Day of Qiyaamah, that if person commits a certain sin , then the law of Shariah should be executed in a particular and specific manner.

Then again ,we will find that those Sahabah who committed some major sins , there were those who were punished upon theirown confession. There is a very well-known incident of a woman who confessed to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم to having committed zina (adultery).

This is not an easy thing for any person to do .However, on account of their fear of Allah Ta'ala, The Sahabah رضي الله عنهما have preference to the punishment and even shame , here ,in this world , than to that of the Akhirah  (hereafter).

We ,on the other hand,brag and propagate our sins. Zina (adultery /fornication ),which is the scourge of our society, is no longer even frowned upon....rather , it is promoted and encouraged. The television, the cinema , the cellphone, the Internet,newspapers, novels and magazines glorify these types of sins . There is an open invitation to commit any sin you like.

In an intoxicated frenzy of emulating the disbelievers , many Muslims have become blind and indifferent to the reality of the Hereafter. Many of us have forgotten that there is a Day of accountability, when we will have to present ourselves in the court of Allah Ta'ala for a reckoning of our deeds and for judgement.

We will all have to face Allah Ta'ala; we will have to stand before Allah Ta'ala and (if Allah Ta'ala so decrees) ,we will have to answer for our deeds and actions.

Let us ponder over the story of this woman who was stoned for having committed adultery.  ....Which policeman arrested her? Which person reported her? Which witnesses gave evidence? .... Absolutely none.

It was only her repeated confession, despite knowing that the punishment may be severe.

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