The Dragons Return

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*Lucys Pov*

     It just a normal day in Magnolia. I was sitting in one of the guilds booths, sipping on my fruity drink until the guild doors swung open. I immediately look in that direction smiling as three figures walked in.

     The first was a young girl about 15 years old. She had long salmon colored hair and deep brown eyes just like mine. The girl was also had a white scarf like cloth tied around her chest. Beside her was a tall man with salmon hair just like the girls. He had a bright smile planted on his face as he stared at me. This man was also my husband. To his right was a young boy about 14 to 15 years old with ravenous blue hair. The boy was shirtless with black cargo jeans on. He even had eyes blue as the ocean itself (AN: This is true about me 😜)
     "Mom!" The girl cried out cheerfully while tackling me into a hug. I almost lost my balance due to this happening. "Nashi sweetie not so rough." I complain lightly. "Sorry Mom." Nashi said cheerfully. I then look to my side to see the man walking up to the two of us. "Hey Luce!" He said in a cheerful manner. "Hi Natsu!" I exclaim before quickly pecking my lips against his. "Ew get a room you guys!" the blue haired boy said while childishly shielding his eyes causing some of the nearby guild members to laugh. "Why dont you go and make out with your Ariana Grande poster, Ice princess." Nashi said puckering up her lips teasingly.

     I just giggle watching the two teens go at it. "You want to go a round Furnace Face?" The boy said clenching his fists. "Rebal enough! Nashi Stop provoking him." A Scarlet haired boy wearing Heart Cruz armor said while walking over to the two. "Hello Jared, Is your mother in her office?" I asked calmly. "Yes Aunt Lucy, she is." Jared said swiftly before glaring at Nashi and Rebal who were trying to put each other in a headlock. I just giggle and kiss Natsu on the cheek. "I'll see you at home baby. I need to go see Ezra for a while." I said before looking towards the three teenagers all trying to overpower the others. I just sigh and walk upstairs to the second floor of the guild hall to our guild masters office.

     I gulp nervously before knocking on the door. "Come in" The deep feminine voice said on the other side of the door. I slowly creek open the door to see our guild master, Erza Scarlett, standing up. "Lucy its nice to see you." She said grinning. I attempted to smile but i just couldn't do it. "Erza, how long are we going to hide the truth from the three kids?" I ask trying to avoid eye contact. "Im not sure yet Lucy. Its not like Gray knows he has kids. It may just be best that we keep that hidden for now." Erza said walking over to the doorway.
     I just nod and silently walk out until many loud crashes and shouts coming from down stairs. The two of us just roll our eyes playfully and watch as tables and chairs fly all throughout the guild hall."Fire dragon Roar!!" We could hear Nashi scream as pink flames spewed from her mouth engulfed half the guild. "These guild fights never get old. Do they?" Erza said smiling while looking down at the three teens. I smile back, "They just make it out of this alive." I say staring at Rebal. This boy, one day, He will find the truth. I just know it.

(A/N: So what do you all think? Its not the best first chapter. I know. At least i tried. See ya)

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