"An Eye For An Eye" 2.3

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Begins inside Baby, goes to The NorthEast Community Center

(Meanwhile, SAM is driving Baby when all of a sudden he pulls over to the side of the road.)
SAM: Oh my god, what am I even doing? I just want everything to go back to normal, but I know that is never going to happen. I should head back.
(SAM groans in pain.)
SUCIFER: Oh I don't think so sunshine.
SAM: No, not again. Get out of my head!
SUCIFER: Oh honey, I am not in your head anymore. I am you.
SAM: Please, I'm begging you. Just get out of me.
SUCIFER: Yeah, not going to happen. I will never leave you, unless I want to leave you. And you know Sam already that I will never leave you, so you can just stop trying.
(Then out of bitter rage, SAM takes out his pocket knife from his pocket, and holds it up.)
SAM: Are you scared now Lucifer?
SUCIFER: Scared? No Sammy dear, I am not scared. You are.
SAM: You know what Lucifer, I have had it with you. I want to end you right here and now.
SUCIFER: Now Sam, I don't think you really want to do that, now do you?
SAM: No not really, but if I must then I will.
SUCIFER: Good luck with that.
(SAM is just about to destroy LUCIFER, when he sees that at the bottom of the pocket knife, there is a red button. Then it dawns on him. SAM is really happy to see the red button, and is just about to press it, but then stops himself.)
Why did you stop Sammy, it was just getting good.
SAM: I'm going to save it for a better occasion than this. I will end you later.
(SAM places the pocket knife back into his pocket.)
SUCIFER: Suit yourself then.
(SUCIFER then starts up Baby again, and gets back onto the road. A couple of minutes later he arrives to the community center. He then opens up the car door, steps out of Baby, and is just about to head inside when all of a sudden he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around.)
Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in. How can I help you today gentlemen?
CASS: Well for starters, you can get out of him. Second, you can just come with us nicely hotshot and no harm will come to you. Third...
SUCIFER: (Interrupting.) Yeah not a chance. He allowed me to retake control of him.
CASS: I know that he opened the door, but that doesn't mean that you can just retake control of Sam.
SUCIFER: Well of course I can. He is my true vessel after all. Now Dean, let me ask you this, would like to destroy me?
DEAN: If that what it takes I guess so. But Sam you need to get out of there.
SUCIFER: Sam?! Oh come on Dean! I will never leave him.
CASS: Now you listen here Assbutt, you better quit while you're ahead or you will be in a world of hurt.
LUCIFER: A world of hurt? No I won't, you will.
CASS: Dean, now!
(DEAN runs and embraces SUCIFER in a big hug. SUCIFER starts to step back, but DEAN squeezes him. SUCIFER then starts to groan in pain, and SAM is able to retake control of his body.)
SAM: Dean? What are you doing?
DEAN: Sam! You're not Lucifer anymore?
SAM: I don't think so. Why do you ask that?
CASS: Sam, don't you remember what happened?
SAM: Sorry guys not really, but I do remember finding something while I was in Baby.
(Reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pocket knife. DEAN and CASS step back and are shocked to see what SAM brought out.)
DEAN: Umm Sam? Are you sure you're back?
SAM: Well of course I'm back. I would never do anything to harm either of you guys. But Dean, I cannot take this any longer! I have to do what I must do to put things right.
(SAM turns the knife upside down, and on the bottom there is a small red button. SAM moves his thumb directly above the knife's bottom.)
Now Cass, you know what this is don't you?
CASS: Of course I know what it is Sam, but I'm warning you, if you don't take your thumb away from that button, I will have to stop you by force.
SAM: Oh come on Cass, I will like to see you try. So Dean, let me ask you this. What do you think this button is? Do you think it's a good button or a bad button?
DEAN: Umm it's red, so bad.
SAM: Exactly! This button is called The Legendary Ultimate Reset Button. It changes its location every time it's been pressed. Whoever presses it resets everything that has happened over the past couple of days. However, the user...well... doesn't live to tell the tale. I am about to test this theory. Are you going to dare try and stop me?
DEAN: Yes Sam. Again you're not acting like yourself and you can't kill yourself.
SAM: And why can't I? Can't I just end everything?! A world full of peace. A world where I can do whatever I want. A world where I don't have to listen to anything else anymore. Why Dean, just tell me why can't I?
DEAN: Cause being dead after a button won't stop it. I will lighten up, how about that?
SAM: No! That is not good enough! How are we supposed to stop him? I have to stop him, and there is nothing you can possible do to help me. Let me ask you this then, how do you think you can help me?
DEAN: By not doing that. Lucifer is out, you're fine.
SAM: No I am not Dean! He is still here with us! If I'm here, then he is here. How will we know he will stay out? He could come back at any time. What do you think we should do?
CASS: Now Sam you know as well as I do that he might come back, but killing yourself is not the brightest thing to do. What Dean and I can try to do is just not, 1. Anger you, and 2. Let someone possess you again. How does this sound to you?
SAM: Seriously Cass?! I cannot believe you just said that. Now Dean, let me ask you this. Are you going to fulfill our Dad's idea of doing the worst thing you could possible do to me?
DEAN: Maybe, possibly, I don't know.
SAM: Possibly?! And then let me ask you this. Why would you even kill your own brother in the first place? Actually you know what, I don't even want to hear it. I cannot honestly believe you right now! I have had enough of this! I am your goddamn brother!! We're honest to god a family! After all we have done together! After all we have been through! Because I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And if you don't appreciate me for who I really am, then I will just leave this world. There is something you should know Dean, before shit goes down, I have protected you in more ways than one. I'm warning you Dean! That is it Dean! I cannot take this any longer! I am not going to be babied or bullied by you anymore, I am going to go back to the place where I felt appreciated. So see you later Dean, it was nice knowing ya!!!
DEAN: Sammy no!!
(SAM then presses The Legendary Ultimate Reset Button, and falls to the ground. All of a sudden a big, bright light engulfs everything. As soon as the light lifts, DEAN and CASS run to SAM's side.)
CASS: Sam?! (Checks his pulse.) Dean, you should've stopped him when you had the chance. Now look at him. I am sorry to say it to you Dean, but Sam is gone forever. How do you feel right now?
DEAN: (Grabs Cass's coat.) Like shit. I could've saved him. He's my brother and I ruined everything. I can't believe this. Help me Cass, help me there has to be a way.
CASS: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
(DEAN lets go of CASS's coat.)
Now Dean, I want you to just hold onto his wrist and just feel for any sign of life, while I try to work my "magic." Can you do that for me?
DEAN: Yes.
CASS: Good. Now before we begin, if this doesn't work, then what do you think you will do?
DEAN: Just go on I guess. That's all that's left.
CASS: Ok, then I hope this works. You ready to try and save your brother?
DEAN: Yes.
CASS: Alright. Let's save him then. Now please hold onto his wrist.
(DEAN holds onto his wrist, while CASS goes and puts his pointer finger on SAM's forehead.)
Come on Sam! Anything yet Dean?
DEAN: No not that I see.
CASS: Oh crap. It should've worked by now. Unless...something is preventing Sam from coming back. Wait, that's it! Dean, don't you guys have a specific amulet that you wear pretty much everywhere you go?
DEAN: Yeah of course. What about it?
CASS: Can I see it really quick?
DEAN: Yeah here.
CASS: Thank you.
(DEAN hands CASS the amulet. CASS then places the amulet into SAM's hand.)
Now Dean, brace yourself. We are about to witness a miracle.
(CASS then places the amulet into SAM's hand, and places her pointer finger again onto SAM's forehead. DEAN feels for a pulse, and miraculously finds one.)
Dean, do you have something?
DEAN: YES he's breathing oh my god!
CASS: Oh thank god! Come on Sam, wake up buddy!
(All of a sudden, SAM opens his eyes.)
SAM: Dean?! Cass?! What happened?!
DEAN: You pressed the button. Oh thank you Lord you're here!
SAM: What button? Did I miss something?
DEAN: You missed a lot but it doesn't matter right now.
SAM: Why doesn't it matter?
DEAN: Cause you're alive.
SAM: Alive?! Wow, I must have done something really bad then. Oops. Is everything back to normal then?
DEAN: Yes which is great.
SAM: Well that is a big relief! Thank you guys for saving my life again. Does that mean we are all pretty much even in saving each other?
DEAN: Sure let's go with that.
(DEAN and CASS help SAM to his feet.)
SAM: Onto our next case then?
DEAN: Absolutely.
CASS: Then it's settled then, you and Dean can go onto your next case and I can just leave you guys alone.
SAM: Oh come on Cass, come with us for a change.
CASS: Really, you guys mean it?
SAM: Well, of course we mean it. Don't we Dean?
DEAN: Yes Cass can join, but you're buying beers.
SAM: Me or Cass?
DEAN: Both of you.
CASS: Sorry Dean, I have no money on me. Looks like it's up to you Sam.
SAM: Me? Alright fine. Wait can I ask one more question before we head?
DEAN: What?
SAM: Is the waitress alive? I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her.
CASS: Well Sam...actually the waitress is absolutely fine.
SAM: Well that's a big relief. Here buddy I didn't know I had this in my hand.
(SAM hands back the amulet to DEAN, and DEAN takes it from him.)
Here's to many more years to come.
(DEAN grabs SAM's hand, while SAM grabs CASS's hand, and all three of them walk into the sunset. Blackout.)

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