"Sucifer" 2.1

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Begins inside the Winchesters' motel room, goes to Harvelle's Roadhouse

(Meanwhile, DEAN and CASS decide to just go back to the Winchester's motel room and wait for SAM to come back. DEAN just lays down on the bed, while CASS stands right in front of him.)
CASS: Now Dean, let me ask you something. If Sam oh I don't know, gets possessed by a Demon, what do you think you are going to do?
DEAN: Try not to kill him, that's all I got. Damn I need a beer.
CASS: Ok. How about you go back to the bar and get one... I cannot believe I just said that, and I will stay here and let you know if Sam comes back. How does this sound to you?
DEAN: (Sits up.) I can't. I need Sam, he's my brother.
CASS: Now that's what I like to hear.
(Meanwhile, SUCIFER is trying to find something to destroy and goes back into the same bar that he and DEAN were at before.)
SUCIFER: Now what am I going to do now?
(He then sees the WAITRESS that he met before going to Hell.)
Well hello there pretty thing. How are you doing tonight?
WAITRESS: Well, thank you and what would you like handsome?
SUCIFER: Well... what do you recommend? Actually now that I think about it... get me anything you want good looking.
(Meanwhile, DEAN and CASS are still waiting for SAM to come back.)                 
DEAN: If I know my brother, he would literally fight to the death to protect me if he has to.
CASS: We all know that Dean, but the point still stands. There is literally nothing we can do until Sam comes back, so we are pretty much helpless for now. All we can do is just wait.
DEAN: Come on Cass! He's my younger brother for crying out loud. I will fight to the death to protect him! My number one fear in life is Sam never coming back.
CASS: That is completely logical Dean.
DEAN: You know what Cass?! I am going to do the most logical thing that I can think of. I am going back to the bar and wait for my brother. (DEAN then gathers up his things, runs outside the room, hops into Baby, and drives back to the bar. Meanwhile back at Harvelle's Roadhouse, the WAITRESS has just returned with Sam's drink, a bottle of beer.)
SUCIFER: Now honey, can I please ask you something?
WAITRESS: And what is that?
SUCIFER: What is your plan for the future?
WAITRESS: Just to drive around and see where life takes me.
SUCIFER: Now that sounds great, can I help "drive" you in the right direction?
(SUCIFER then picks up his drink and starts beating the WAITRESS up with it. She then falls to the ground behind the counter, and due to the severity of the hits to her, he unfortunately kills her. SUCIFER then hears Baby's engine stop and realizes that DEAN is here, so he quickly tries to clean up the blood with a bunch of paper towels nearby and just act natural, like nothing happened. SUCIFER then throws the bloody paper towels into the nearby covered garbage can, and quickly sits back down at the bar. DEAN then comes in and is surprised to see "SAM" back from Hell. SUCIFER then turns around and faces DEAN.)
SUCIFER: Hey Dean, it's good to see you brother! How have you been without me?
DEAN: (Wanting to say terrible but decided to say.) Oh I did fine. It's good to see you back, but are you ok? I mean you can't just get out of Hell with no scratches or bruises.
SUCIFER: I'm fine and you will not believe what happened! You want to know what happened? So basically Crowley took me to Hell and told me that he didn't even trust Lucifer. He then offered me to join him and rule Hell with him, and of course being the brother that I am, I declined his offer. I then asked Crowley if he could just quit while he was ahead and just let me go, and you know what he did? He conjured up a portal and sent me back here safe and sound.
DEAN: Mhm sure. I don't know if I believe that he sent you back here safe and sound but okay Sam. You hungry?
SUCIFER: Well... yeah I'm starving! Why don't you believe me Dean? I am your brother for crying out loud.
DEAN: Yeah but you were in HELL. That's a place where everyone gets hurt.
SUCIFER: Well... I know I was in HELL, duh!! Just take a good look at me, why don't ya, and tell me if you see anything bruised or broken. I will tell you already that you will not find anything particularly wrong with me, and that I am telling you the truth that Crowley just let me go. Can we please just move on?
DEAN: You seem different but then again you were in Hell. Ok fine.
SUCIFER: Thank you. So what do you want to talk about?
DEAN: How you feeling after all of this?
SUCIFER: Well... I feel relieved that nothing bad actually happened to me, and I just want us to go back to hunting. Hey Dean, do you remember the waitress that we had earlier? I can tell you that you are absolutely right! She was definitely a keeper!
(DEAN knows how his brother is really like and realizes that this isn't SAM talking, because SAM isn't into girls as much as he is.)
Do you have any questions for me Dean in regarding our beautiful waitress?
DEAN: No? But I'm wondering what happened to you.
SUCIFER: Well... didn't I just tell you what happened to me? Oh come on Dean! I haven't left out any of the details... now tell me honestly, why don't you trust me? Is it because oh I don't know, that I just got back from Hell unscathed and you find that to be weird?! I get it that Hell is a place where everybody gets hurt, but don't you understand that I was one of the lucky ones Dean! You should be grateful for me that I am actually alive and not question me! Do you understand?!
DEAN: Yes but you aren't yourself I gotta go get Cass.
SUCIFER: And why are you going to go and get Cass?!
DEAN: Something just doesn't feel right.
SUCIFER: Oh come on Dean!!! I feel great! Why can't you just understand that I am fine and I will always be fine now that we are back together again!!
(DEAN then out of curiosity looks behind the bar and sees the dead WAITRESS. He is shocked to see that and realizes that SAM is definitely not SAM, but someone else. DEAN then turns back around and sees "SAM" evilly looking at him. Unknown to DEAN, CASS has already arrived at the bar to see how DEAN is. CASS then walks into the bar and sees "SAM" evilly looking at DEAN.)
CASS: Dean step away from him!!
SUCIFER: Why hello there Angel boy, did you come to die at my hands today?
CASS: For your information "Sam", I did not come to die at your hands today, instead I came to stop you in your tracks!
SUCIFER: We'll just see about that pretty boy. Now brothers dear... you won't feel a thing, just hold still and let me clobber you!
CASS: Dean, I think I know who is possessing Sam, and if my hunch is right... then we are both in big trouble. Would you like to know who it is now or after we capture him?
DEAN: After, I need to get that dekonout of him first.
CASS: Alright Dean, how should we do that? Wait... let me try something first.
(CASS uses one of his powers to push SUCIFER back up against one of the nearby walls to see if that might knock him out. SUCIFER flies up against the wall, and falls to the ground.)
SUCIFER: Seriously Castiel?! Ok, you are now going to pay for that!
CASS: I wouldn't count on that brother!
(DEAN then runs towards his fallen brother and punches him in the face really hard, thus knocking him out.)
CASS: Nice one Dean! Now where should we take him to? I am thinking we just take him back to your motel room and restrain him somehow. What do you think about this?
(DEAN nods his head and carefully DEAN and CASS lift unconscious SUCIFER up, carry him out of the bar, place him into Baby, and carefully drive back to the motel room.)

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