.:Chapter 9 - Disco learns the Truth:.

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WARNING: This Chapter mentions Drug Usage and Suicide



"Disco, for zhe love of GOTT can you CHANGE ZHE SONG!?" Kaiser pleaded, "Yes please, this genre is not my cup of tea normally, but listening to it ON REPEAT is becoming incredibly irritating" Hondo added. Disco music was never uncommon in the WVBA, and they could tolerate it normally, but normally it wasn't blasted in a car ride for 9 hours. It was almost 4 am and the four men were beginning to grow tired and ABBA's Dancing Queen was not exactly helping. They just thanked god Hugger hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel.

Disco would be lying if he said he wasn't close to passing out himself, but the desperate urge to find his family kept him awake. It was taxing on him. His face was practically drooping, all tired and worn out. He wanted this over with as much as the others, but he had to stay awake. Even with the insistence of his peers, urging him to rest, Disco ignored it and kept happily jamming along to the songs playing. Joking around seemed to be the only thing keeping him awake and sane at the moment.

Meanwhile, Kaiser and Hondo were jammed in the backseat. Though Hondo could tolerate the noise (sharing a room with the Major Circuit would build you up for that), Kaiser was growing irritated. The trip wasn't all that pleasant, to begin with, especially with how it started, but now it was becoming annoying. He was crammed up in the backseat, tired, and sweaty, his mouth was dry and his head was pounding. He was about to lose it.

"Hey, you had the option of coming in the front '' Disco said, "You could've been the DJ, but nope, ya wanted to sit in the back so jokes on yooouuu ~" he teased in a singsong voice. Kaiser and Hondo both groaned in unison while Hugger let out a chuckle, "Don't worry, won't be long now"

"Yes, zhat's vhat you said 4 HOURS AGO!" Kaiser yelled, clearly at wit's end. "I SWEAR VONCE ZHIS IS OVER I AM NEVER EVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN, DEVON! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Ok bro, chill, it's just a song!" Disco said, Kaiser grabbed his hair in frustration, "NEIN NOT ZHE SONG YOU DUMKOPF, ZHIS TRIP HAS BEEN NOZHING BUT AGONIZING! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY GOT TRICKED INTO HELPING YOU!!"

"What do you mean tricked? You WANTED to come along! I was perfectly fine going at it myself!"


"...So then why are you complaining about coming?" Hondo asked. Suddenly the music stopped and all eyes were looking at Kaiser. Kaiser felt himself freeze as he tried to mumble up an excuse. Nothing came out. He realized in his anger he forgot that he had offered his own services to the boy. Out of fear. Out of concern. Like any good man with a brain and decent morals would do. In his tired fit, he seemed to neglect that notion. The man simply wrung his fingers and looked down at the floor. He sighed, "I don't know, I'm tired, it's been a very long trip...I'm sorry," he said.

"Zhis situation isn't fair to a lot of us, but it's certainly not fair to you..." he explained, "...And I vant to help...but zhe more I am zhinking about it, zhe more I zhink zhis is a bad idea...zhe guys don't know vhere ve are, ve didn't let zhem know...and JOSEPH! He'll be furious about zhis! And I-

"Hey! Hey...it's gonna be ok," Disco said, nudging Kaiser's knee with his elbow, "Look, after this, I'll shout you a coffee! I heard about a really nice cafe back home! The Barista there is really good...we can forget ALL about this...and the guys...they'll never have to know...I promise!"

Kaiser sighed, recollecting himself. "Right...ok zhen..." The car grew silent again, none of the men dared to say a word. Simply returning to what they were doing before...for a mere 15 seconds before Hugger slammed on the brakes. Disco flung forward and smacked his head against the console, Hondo felt himself jolt from the seat and Kaiser banged his head against the seat in front. "Chikushō!" Hondo cried, "What are you trying to do!? Kill us?!"

"Nope, just stopping the car, we're here," Hugger said dryly. All three men looked around them, they saw a dark street, and a few street lights were on. It wasn't cold, but the sound of the lakes could just be heard in the distance. Disco's confused look soon grew into a smile as he opened the door and jumped out of the car in excitement. "This is it! This is IT!" Disco cried, jumping up and down like a puppy. He was having to be constantly shushed by the others. "Disco, quiet!" Hondo hushed.

"We just gotta go around and ask!"

"No, that is a terrible idea! Do you know how many people would even be up at this hour, or WANT to talk!?"

"If we do it now we'll have all the answers and we can make it back home without anyone noticing we even left and-"

"NO! It's much too early for this!"

"Whaddya mean THIS?" Disco asked, quite loudly.

Kaiser shushed him again, "You TALKING! You must SHUSH! YOU ARE GOING TO VAKE SOMEVONE UP!"

"ALL OF YOU SHUSH! Your shushing him is louder than him! Y'know that eh?" Hugger whisper-yelled, the other men looked at him, a bit shocked to be scolded by HUGGER of all people. "Look, we'll just camp out here until morning and THEN we can go around and ask folks, okay?"


The four men all turned to look at the house behind them. There at the door, atop a small flight of stairs, stood a short, old woman, her hair was grey and done up in a bun. She was wearing a short-sleeved top with striped pants, slippers on her feet and covered with a lavender bathrobe. The light above her head barely illuminated her face, but the men could just see it was drawn with shock and confusion. She was slowly descending the stairs, her movement was wobbly and tired, but she held strong as she approached them. The four men all winced at their accidental disturbance.

"Well, there goes that," Hugger groaned. Disco felt his heart drop as he tried to stammer an excuse, "I-I am SO sorry Ma'am" he said, "We were just-...It...I...W-w-we're boxers from the WVBA and-"

"I know who you are," The woman said softly, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're Devon Miller...Jordan's eldest boy" she carefully made her way toward the group. Disco and Kaiser had made their way to the sidewalk that led to the house.

The woman looked at Disco with wide eyes, the latter of which was looking at his friends nervously. They shrugged in response. The woman then placed a soft hand on Disco's face. Disco didn't stop her. The touch felt very familiar for some reason. He couldn't place where he had felt it before. "You look just like your daddy," She said through tears, and her voice choked.

"You knew him?" Disco asked. The woman then burst into tears and pulled the young man into a tight embrace. "...A mother never forgets her baby."

The boys all felt their eyes widen in shock. They shared a look between each other before turning to Disco, who was still processing this information. "Mother?" Disco asked, his voice a whisper, "...You're...you're his...then that would mean...who are you?"

"My name is Laura..." she said, "...I'm your grandmother"

The other men all shared a smile with each other, someone from Jordan's family was alive! Disco felt himself almost collapse and fall into the woman's loving arms. He was unable to form any words, but his heart felt happy, it felt full. He had found a missing piece of his family, The family he thought he'd never find, the family he never even knew. He smiled happily as he managed to hug her back, he let out a happy laugh and cried as he nuzzled his face into her arms and neck, wiping away tears. "I can't believe it!... I can't believe I...We Found you!" Disco said, "I have so many questions!"

"We ALL have questions' ' Hondo piped up, "Good ones I assure you", "Ve came all zhis vay to ask you about Jordan' ' Kaiser added.

"And anything about his...other son...if that's alright?" Hugger said. Laura looked at the other three men from over Disco's shoulder. She smiled and chuckled lightly.

"Then by all means..." Laura said, pulling herself out of the embrace and looking at Disco with a smile, "Ask away"


"Good Morning, Sir!" Li Mei said, holding the phone to her ear. It was nice and early, and the school didn't start for another hour. She was nice and cozy in her bed, blankets wrapped tightly around her. She was eager to get onto the Kid Quick Case and of course, immediately phoned. Of course, she may have forgotten that 6:30 am in America would equal 11:30 am in the United Kingdom, so she got a little bit of a shock when the man on the other side replied.

"Oh golly! My dear, it's the middle of the afternoon," he spoke, his voice soft and a little strained, but you could hear the thickly accented speech on the other end, "You might have the wrong number-"

"Huh? Oh! No, I don't. You are Oscar Levington, right? The Boxer 'Archangel'?" Li Mei asked. The voice gave a chirp and chuckled, "Oho! Oh yes, I am! To what do I owe this exchange?"

"Mr Levington, I was wanting to know if you had a moment to talk about Kid Quick?"

"Oh! Jordan? Yes of course I do!" The voice happily chirped on the other side, "What were you wanting to know?"

"I wanted to know what you thought about him...or maybe if you knew anything about the night of his death? I...uh...I'm struggling to find good resources here..." Li Mei lied. She could've said her sources wouldn't tell her anything beyond his death and were just being stupid, but she didn't want to come off as mean.

The voice on the other end chuckled happily. "Why of course dear," he said, "Me and Jordan were quite close, he was a very good friend of mine. Even after I retired, we kept in close contact through the 80, though I will admit, I was always...concerned about him"

Li's face dropped into a small frown, "What...what were you concerned about?"

"Well...Jordan experienced quite a lot of...well problems..." The voice said, his voice a slight whisper, "Poor thing suffered so much...never knew what exactly...but I knew it caused him a great deal of pain..."

"Goodness gracious..."

"It was unfortunate..., especially for a child of his..." The voice trailed off. He didn't want to say it...but Li Mei knew what he meant. "...in the '60s, it was a hard time for him...he was lucky to find the WVBA honestly...it saved him"

"Saved him?"

"I remember hearing that he was on...well...he was taking drugs to help him cope with his past life. I remember hearing people say he was on Diazepam but I never believed it...

"Gosh, the poor thing..."


"...What about his family?" Li asked. "Oh, dear..." The voice said. It took a while for the voice to speak again, a click of the tongue was heard before the voice came back. "...His son...was the only family I remember he ever brought up...but I know Jordan loved him very much...would bring him to EVERY match and I mean EVERY match...he was 9 years old when he lost his father...had to watch it happen right in front of him..."

A slight sniffle was heard on the other end.

"I'm sorry...I don't mean to get choked up...but...l-losing someone so violently...someone who had gone through that much and finally had a chance...it was terrible..."

"...I had only ever heard the good things...I never knew there was...so much that happened before all of that..." Li Mei said, grasping at her elbows, shocked by this revelation.

"Oh, there were always good things! The good that he did always countered the bad and it always will...but it's always hard to forget the bad things...everything that happened..."

"I know..." Li Mei said, tapping her fingers against her elbow, "...You can never forget..."


Just then, a faint voice could be heard on the other end of the phone. It called Oscar's name, though Li Mei couldn't pinpoint exactly what it wanted. The voice on the end of the phone sighed, "I am terribly sorry dear but I have to go" it said, apologizing, "Maybe try talking to the others, they're bound to know...I do hope you find what you're looking for"

"Me too"

"Toodle-loo, Darling"

The line on the other end clicked shut. Li Mei sighed and clicked her own phone shut. She brought her hands to her face and lay back down on her pillow. A few seconds passed before she grabbed her phone out again and flicked it open to her mom's contact.

She sent a simple message:

Mama, I'm not well, I think I'll stay home. Is that Ok?


A few hours had gone by. It was now 8:00, and the skies were blossoming in a light, blue hue. Birds had awoken and began chirping beautiful tunes, and a few cars were driving by the house.

The light streamed through the curtains into the living room, shining onto a pile of blankets that rested on the couch. It soon jolted up in reaction to the light and shook the blankets off to reveal Disco Kid, stretching himself awake. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the room and gasped, "SHOOT! WHAT HAPPENED!? WHERE AM I!?" He yelled in a panic, A firm hand grabbed him on the shoulder, "Calm down, dumkopf" Kaiser said softly, "You're still in Michigan"

Disco grabbed at his hair in confusion, "B-but..h-h-how did I-"

"You came inside and almost collapsed in exhaustion," Kaiser explained, "Ve put you on zhe couch and let you rest...vell let ourselves rest, Hugger and I have just voken up only a few minutes ago"

"And Hondo?"

"He didn't go to sleep"

He gestured to the kitchen bench where Hondo stood, eyes tired and droopy, sipping a cup of coffee. Hugger stood next to him, making small morning conversations. Disco could barely hear or understand it, but whatever it was, it made Hugger laugh a small bit. Just then, Laura came in, bringing in a small tray of food. "Come help yourself boys, eat!" she called.

The men had no hesitation and went straight for the food to grab something to eat. Kaiser held his hand out for Disco to take. The younger boy stared for a bit before he smiled and took it, lifting himself up off the couch. They made their way over to the kitchen bench, looking at the assortment of treats displayed on the tray. It was a variation of sweets, cookies and some savouries. Disco eagerly took a small shortbread cookie and took a few quick bites of it, humming in delight.

"So!" Laura said, clapping her hands, "Let's get down to it"

"Down to what?" Disco asked, still munching on a cookie.

The older men looked at Disco with a cocked eyebrow and confused look. Laura simply laughed, "Down to the truth on your daddy, sugar," she said.

"Oh!... Uh yeah," Disco chuckled, embarrassed.

"Gosh, the stories I could tell of him," Laura said, "He always had such adventures growing up, I remember him running up and down the streets. He'd be in Detroit in less than 9 minutes when it takes us an hour and a half."

"He was really that fast?"

"Of course! Man one time, me and your Grand-daddy, we would take him down to Lake Superior," Laura said, gentling placing a cup of coffee down on the countertop as she pointed towards where Lake Superior would be in the direction of their house, "And he would go running around the entire lake! He'd come back in less than 30 seconds flat! Hell, I'm sure he almost whipped the waters in the lake into a whirlwind!"

The four men felt their jaws drop in amazement. Disco's lips turned upwards to form a smile. To learn his dad was capable of such a feat. It made him feel a sense of pride. It tingled a little. "I know your daddy would've loved you to see the things he did," Laura said, a little sad, "He always dreamed of bringing you back here to see the lakes"

"I wish I could've," Disco said, "I've heard bits and pieces of him but I only just learned everything that I know now a few days ago."

"It's a shock to all of us, we had no clue someone here had relations to one of the greats" Hondo explained, Hugger nodding in agreement, "Not even I knew and I worked alongside the guy"

"But I've only heard the basic stuff, how great a guy he was, what he did, his record," Disco said, "and I love that I know what a good person he was but it isn't enough...I want to know what happened to him...outside of the ring..." he stammered

"Hmm, yes..." Laura said, trailing off, "...he kept a lot of secrets from you boys, especially in regards to his past life..." she explained, pulling a small little book off the shelf. She flipped it open to a random page. On it was a bunch of dates and times. Like it was recording something. Disco took the book from her hands and read the pages carefully. After a while, his heart dropped and the realization clicked.

"He had a really...really terrible past...poor, foster child, tossed about like garbage until he landed on us...started having really bad panic attacks, and they really spiked in his teen years, doctors said Diazepam was a way we could help him deal with it but..." Laura's voice trailed off into a whisper as she rubbed at her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself, "...he got a little too close to them, would take more than he should've and the consequences were always evident...he'd be drowsy, tired, nauseous...he couldn't move for a good few minutes or even hours...but once Boxing came around though...it changed..."

"Changed how?"

"He felt...happy...calm...at peace...he didn't need the pills to let him feel that feeling anymore..." Laura said, tears welled in her eyes as she smiled, "...he had...he had finally found somewhere safe...to be himself...to be free..."

She let a tear fall before wiping away any excess tears. "...He found a home..."

"...and then that same home was taken from him years later..." Kaiser said, his voice a whisper. Laura only wiped her eyes again as a soft sob escaped her, she nodded before her voice returned in a spiteful hiss. "Taken...taken by a FUCKING rookie..." she snarled.

Hearing that sentence, Disco put a hand to his mouth. He soon brought it down again and sighed in frustration. Learning all about what his dad went through, finally finding that peace...only to have it torn from him again...it wasn't fair to him...wasn't fair to the rookie...it wasn't fair to anyone.

Had any of his friends known this? Did the boys he worked with know about this? Did any of them even ask?

If the small stifling of sniffles just behind him was any indication, that was most likely a no. Hugger brought a hand to his eyes and hid his face away, but everyone could see the tear fall, if not onto the countertop, then into his hand instead. Hondo quickly dashed over to his friend's side and gave him a hug, trying his best to lean into his friend so he had something to cry on for comfort.

The large man sighed shakily, wiping his eyes of any tears, "I-I'm sorry" he said softly, "...I don't e-even know why I'm crying..."

"You miss him...That's why..." Hondo replied, in an effort to soothe his friend.

Hugger simply shook his head, "I...I should've known...WE should've known...we get all protective over him...l-like we knew him...and really we were just as bad..."

"You might not have known the Jordan I did..." Laura said, making her way to the man's side as well. She gently set a hand on his and smiled softly, "...but I know that you loved him...everyone did...regardless of what version of him they DID know...I know he was loved...I know that he is missed..." she then turned to look at her grandson and Kaiser with a smile, "...and I know his memories will be cherished..." she whispered.

Hugger looked at her with watery eyes, smiling. Though a few tears still continued to fall, at least he felt a lot more at ease. Soon, Disco sat by the man as well, patting him on the back reassuringly. "He really seemed like such a great man..." He said, wiping at his own eyes like he was about to burst into tears himself, "...I wish...I wish I could've met him...even so much as a hello or...I don't know..." he trailed off.

"There's so much I vant to ask myself!" Kaiser piped in, "Zhe mystery behind zhis man is most intriguing...Makes me vish I joined zhe WVBA sooner"

"Oh, there is much more to learn about Jordan if you have the time to talk about it?" Laura said, "I have photos of him when you were born Devon, I have PLENTY of the night your dad met your mom, OH! And of course some of Dean, and-"

"OH SHOOT! Dean!" Disco exclaimed, "That's the big reason we came here! We were trying to find him!"

"Huh?" Laura tilted her head in curiosity, "What...what do you mean, son?"

"We came all the way to Michigan to find Dean and bring him back home! So he can come to the WVBA and see everyone again, and maybe even take him to meet Macky and-"

"Devon...he hasn't been back home for years..." Laura answered. At those words, all the men felt their hearts sink. Disco looked at his grandmother, eyes wide in shock. "W...what?"

Laura took a deep breath and sighed, "Sit, son" she demanded, "You're gonna want a seat for this...all of you"

Within a few seconds, all four men made their way to the couch, with Hondo sitting on the arm.

"The night your dad died," Laura began, "Was....as you know, hard for a lot of us...and no one felt it more than your...I suppose step-mom...Angeline"

Disco had heard that name brought up a few times on Monday, though he thought it was out of place before, it certainly made sense now.

"The WVBA had rung afterwards...telling her about what had happened that night..." Laura continued, "...and when Angeline heard what had become of her husband...she bawled her eyes out like no tomorrow...she had messaged me...telling me the news...I was heartbroken, practically inconsolable, but me and your grand-daddy both knew that Angeline would need comfort during these times...strength to help her push through and...and be the mother her son needed..."

The old woman gave a shaky gasp as she gripped at her pants, took a deep breath and sighed. "...We came an hour later...only to find her hanging on the ceiling fan in her home..."

Disco gasped, his eyes going wide in horror after learning what fate befell Angeline. The others remained silent, but Hugger looked to be on the verge of tears again, Hondo couldn't console him, being stuck in his own look of horror, and Kaiser felt himself freeze, unable to even move. The pure fear drawn on each of their faces was indescribable.

"When we saw her...I knew it wasn't safe for him to come home...I was old...fragile...my Husband barely even holding onto life himself...he couldn't come back..." Laura said in a low tone, "I rang up one of Jordan's friends...Giovanni, I think it was...I told him what happened...and that was the last I ever saw my Grandson...ever"

The room fell into silence. No one dared to say a word. How could you? In this situation, how would you even begin? Disco didn't know the exact answer, but he knew something was better than nothing.

"I...I am so sorry, Grandma" he said softly. The old woman lifted her head and looked at the boy in confusion, "What for?" she asked. "For all of this...you didn't deserve it...NONE of you deserved this...not you...not Angeline...not Dad...not his friends...not Dean..." Disco explained. He turned to look at Hugger and held the man in a soft embrace, "...I'm so sorry I even brought this up to you...I didn't want you to go through any of this..."

"Don't be sorry...you were just as out of the blue in this as I was..." Hugger said, "...This was a learning experience for both of us..."

"...For ALL of us" Hondo corrected. Kaiser held Disco's shoulder firmly in reassurance, nodding with a smile, "Ja...for all of us"

Laura gave a smile and wiped her eyes again. "Well now I know for a fact your dad would've loved you..." she said, happily, "...You have the exact same...kind...caring heart..."

"Really?" Disco asked, looking at her with a smile.

Laura nodded, "One hundred per cent...in fact...you can probably go and see him now..." she said. The four men shared a look at each other, confused. "What do you mean?" Hondo asked. Laura simply gestured towards the backdoor, "Go out that way and see" she said with a smile.

Disco gave her a confused look before standing up and making his way to the door. He grabbed the handle and pushed it open. Once it was, he gasped and froze in place as he saw a small burial had been dug out back. Gorgeous flowers adorned its surface, mainly purple, but with a few specks of yellow flowers dotted here and there. In the middle of it, there was a little tree and a picture frame, with Jordan's photo encased within it.

The garden was well tended to, each flower perfect and pristine. Just as a man like Jordan deserved.

Soon, the others had gathered outside alongside him. All unable to form any words. A minute passed before Kaiser managed to speak up, "At least we know he is at rest...ja?" he said. Looking toward the others, Hondo simply shook his head as he eyes the german with a worried look.

Suddenly, a soft sniffling was heard. The older men turned their attention to Disco, who had tears streaming from his eyes, trying to cover up ugly sobs as he held his hand to his face. Disco's body was frozen, he felt unable to move or even speak. He simply stood there, eyes focused on his father. All this time. Back here, alone....and he never knew.

None of them knew...

The younger man was overcome with guilt, barely able to stand or look around...until a firm hand was placed on his shoulder. The boy turned to his left to see Hugger giving a sad smile, nodding his head in the direction of the burial. "Go," he said softly. Disco wiped his eyes and stared in confusion. Hugger simply gestured to the burial again, "Go and say Hi to him"

Disco turned his gaze back to the burial, wiping away his tears and sighing as he slowly approached the grave. He knelt down just a few centimetres away from it and gently brushed a finger through the little garden of flowers. "Hey...dad," he said, softly, "I know you...you probably won't recognize me...but...I'm your son...it's me, Devon..."

A small whimper escaped him. He took a deep breath as he went on.

"I...I'm so sorry I never came to see you sooner...I'm sorry I didn't know...you had such an awful upbringing...but you found a great home...a great family...where you were loved...where you were missed..." The boy felt himself choke on a sob once again, staring at his father's picture, "...I wish I could've gotten to be a part of it...I-I'm so so-o-orry..." he whispered.

He finally let his tears escape him again. He pressed his hands onto his face to hide it away, but the sounds he made were unmistakably full of sorrow. Violent sobs and sniffles muffled in his hands. The older men came up to his side, Hugger bringing him into a gentle hug while Kaiser leaned in to hug him from the back. Hondo simply placed a hand of comfort on the boy's arm. It wasn't much, but Disco knew it was meant to be a genuine touch of care.

Disco gave a shaky inhale and sighed in contentment as he let himself sink into the comfort of his friends. "...I love you, dad..." he said quietly, his gaze still focused on his Dad's picture.

"Well, you can be happy knowing he found his way back home, eh?" Hugger asked. The younger nodded happily, "Yeah...yeah I guess so" he said. The group happily chuckled as they pulled apart slowly and sat quietly in front of the flowers.

"Do you think he'd be proud of me?" Disco asked, fiddling with a small purple flower "...Even if I didn't know him?..."

"Know him or not," Kaiser began, "I think he'd be very proud of you...you have done so much to come here and...I think he'd be very happy to know you came all zhis vay for you...he'd be proud...like I am proud...proud of you for having the guts to do somezhing like zhis...Devon..."

Disco turned to the man and smiled, he raised an eyebrow in amazement. He didn't expect this sort of praise from VON KAISER of all people. Hearing it through? Made him smile.

"Really?...No Kid?"

"No, I do not Disco 'KID', Devon" Kaiser said with a snort.

All three younger men stared in confusion at Kaiser's attempt at a joke, before Disco snickered, lips turned up into a smile as he burst into laughter. Soon Hugger and Hondo were laughing alongside them. Disco felt his heart lift, as it had before this whole debacle began. Happy, carefree. Even if he hadn't found his brother, or learned EVERYTHING that he wanted to, he could be happy knowing he had found that one missing piece in his life that he never knew he was missing. In an instant, he took out a small camera from his pocket (he had kept it for pictures to take on the road) and took a picture of the burial. Once he had a good enough shot, he tucked the camera back into his pocket, pat it softly and smiled. "For you, Mama," he said to himself.

An hour or so passed by, and the four men were at outside and laughing up a storm as Hugger shared stories of Quickie that he had kept in his scrapbook (also brought along for the road trip). Disco laughed as he heard tales of his father running off with people's gear, and no one being able to catch him. How Pete Zapasta would have to stick his leg out just to get him to stop. How he ran around with Doc. How the two were basically brothers. A particular memory Hugger shared, that not even Kaiser knew, was the times that Jordan had spent with Joe. "Joey had this HUGE crush on your pops" Hugger explained, Hondo shook his head with a smile, laughing in disbelief, "Impossible, there's no way!" he laughed.

"Is that why he's so precious around him?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that, eh?"

"Wow, I never knew Dad was a flirt"

"He wasn't that much of a flirt, you want flirt, you go to Papa Reyes. THAT Was a flirt."

A chorus of laughter erupted once again as Disco continued to flick through the many memories of his father through the scrapbook.

Disco observed the memories of Jordan and Joseph together more than the others, laughing at the idea of his father flirting with Joe. Even went so far as to call his own father a 'Player' at one point. Sure it was true, but it still felt like it was a bit...much. Regardless, Disco smiled as he looked over the small memories that were shared at that time.

He occasionally flicked to a page with a small boy standing next to Jordan, holding a large baseball bat. That must've been Dean. He thought to himself. Wish I could've gotten to see him.

Just then a buzzing on a phone could be heard. Hondo looked into his pocket and pulled out his phone, turned it on, and gasped in horror as he saw angry messages and 2 missed calls from 'Great Tiger'

"I think we might need to go back now, guys" Hondo said, turning the phone screen to the group. Hugger and Kaiser looked at each other in worry, knowing they would be the ones to bear the brunt of the beration from their colleagues, especially if Joe and Tiger had anything to say about it. Disco only sighed, "Well," he said, "It was fun while it lasted, Pops..." He stood up from the ground, handing the book back to Hugger and swiping off any excess dirt on him. "I'll go tell Gramma we're gonna scoot!" Disco called, walking back inside.

The backyard door creaked open as Disco stepped inside. The room had gotten slightly darker, but Disco barely noticed it. He was too busy making his way toward his sleeping Grandmother. Disco gently tapped his grandma on the hand, trying not to startle her.

"Hey Grandma..." he whispered.

No response.

He spoke a little louder this time, tapping her on the shoulder. "Grandma..."

Again. No response.

Disco's face furrowed in concern. He shook his grandma lightly, upon touching her, he felt her body was cold. "Grandma...Grandma!" he said, a little louder.

She didn't respond. Her body was still. Lifeless. Cold.

How long had she been sitting like this? How long had she been...No...No no no no No NO NO!


He shook her more and more aggressively. Desperately trying to wake her from her slumber. Tears poured from his face like buckets. Violent sobs and screams erupted from him. The others soon came rushing in, all too late to cease their friend's sobbing as he leaned into his Grandma's arms.

Within that timeframe. That lovely woman...the only living bit of his father Devon had left...

...was gone.

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