The Mabel Way

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Mabel stretched her arms out and yawned as she sat up inside the tent. She rubbed her tired eyes before slowly blinking, still getting used to the brightness of the sun. What time was it? 7am? She didn't have a watch; the only person she knew who had a watch was Dipper. Soos was still sleeping soundly beside her. He must be a night owl rather than early bird. She sat on the floor of the tent, just blinking to get used to the light before standing up and stretching now fully awake. It took just a couple of minutes to get used to it. The light, at least. She was definitely a morning person. She decided to write a small note saying she'd be inside the Shack for Soos. After all, it wasn't very nice to just leave without notice. The girl crawled out on her knees of the tent and stood up on the dirt ground once she was outside of the tent. She started skipping up the porch steps and then entered the shack. The shack itself was filled with sounds of snoring; Dipper and Stan were likely still sleeping. Mabel tiptoed up the creaky, old stairs, trying not to make a single sound to wake anyone up. Who knew how much of a heavy sleeper those two guys were? Finally she made it to the attic where she found her brother still sleeping, slightly snoring. He had his bangs actually down rather than up like it usually had been since she saw him. The girl sneaked over to her suitcase and ripped out a piece of paper from a drawing pad she had brought out of the many objects. Next, she whipped out a pink glitter pen and began to write.

'Dear Soos, I sorta went inside the Shack. I'm a morning person! I probably should've mentioned that earlier before we both fell asleep. I know it's rude to just leave someone out there so I wrote a note! I'll be hanging around the shack waiting for your company! -Love Mabel'

She smiled at the result of her note. She had doodled a puppy, kitten, and a couple hearts with the glitter pen on the paper as well. It looked rather nice. She folded it up nicely before tiptoeing out of the room and going back downstairs, then outside. The 12 year old girl went to the tent and dropped the note off inside before pulling her head out of the opened spot and skipping back inside the shack. As she went inside, Dipper was seen rubbing his eyes as he came down the stairs...and somehow his eyes had bags underneath them. His hair was all messy and down still. He let out a yawn before freezing in the middle of a stair step once he saw Mabel. And when he did see her, he just rolled his eyes before coming downstairs all the way.

"Hey Dippin' Dot!" She said with enthusiasm as he passed by.

He froze in his tracks then let out a sigh. He turned around to face her. "Listen, the name is Dipper. Don't-and I mean PLEASE don't give me a silly nickname like that."

That wasn't what she had really expected. "Oh...uh...i'm sorry..I just thought that-"

"I don't need your apologies." He retorted back before trudging off to the kitchen.

Well...the morning was off to a bad start, but no matter, it would surely be better later! Today is a brand new start. Mabel took a deep breath before following him to the kitchen, seeing she was hungry as well. Dipper was rubbing his eyes and eating his cereal while being half awake. She never really knew the feeling of being half awake because she was always so energetic and loved the mornings. She figured he was the complete opposite, which was odd, because aren't twins supposed to have something in common rather than their own parents? Maybe, just maybe they might find something. The girl looked around for something to eat. 'Come on, Grunkle Stan's gotta have something here rather that old bran cereal.' She thought while scouting everything in sight. Then she found it, finally something good! Some sort of sugary cereal she'd never seen before. Well, the brand at least. Mabel looked at the box before letting a small shrug out and searched for a bowl. When she found one, that's when she poured a huge amount of the sugary goodness into the bowl, earning small 'clanks' against the bowl. She smiled and grabbed the..small amount of milk from the fridge and poured that in as well. The girl searched for a spoon and then sat in the chair beside her brother, who gave her a funny look.

He watched as Mabel slurped up her cereal, which wasn't half that bad. "Couldn't you just have sat across the table?" He muttered to himself, but obviously wanted her to hear it.

She let out a small frown. Why was he being so rude? Was he always like this? "Actually, no thanks. I think it'd be better if we got to know each other a bit more because, well, we are sharing the same room!"

Dipper just rolled his eyes back at her. "Yeah sure." That was sarcasm. Maybe he was just a bit grumpy in the morning?

"Well...for starters...favorite color?"

Yeah. Right. Like this whole "bonding" thing was going to happen. She just shows up in his life and wants to get to know him? Like she'd actually be a close friend. It takes weeks, even years for him to gain trust from anyone. He rolled his eyes before muttering. "I don't know, okay? Don't you have better things to do than play 1,000 questions?"

Mabel frowned. "Actually, no, not really."

"Then just go bother Grunkle Stan. I'm sure he has some job that needs to be done."

She looked out of the doorway of the kitchen to the long, dark, old hallway that had a lot of doors. Assuming the open one was his, she figured he was up as well. Possibly giving some sort of tour or maybe just dressing for the day. Maybe asking him for something to do wouldn't be such a bad idea. "Well...okay then! I'll talk to you later!" She said with a smile before racing up the stairs to get dressed for the day. When she got inside the attic she closed the door and threw open her suitcase for a sweater she already had made, since she didn't have time to make one yesterday. This sweater was purple with a penguin on a ice block with the letters in bubble font saying 'TOO COOL'. Her skirt was navy blue to match the little bowtie the penguin had on. After being dressed, she skipped out of the room and hopped down the steps until she found her uncle lecturing Wendy about doing some sort of job. "Hey, Grunkle Stan!" She chirped, smiling.

The old man turned his head to see his niece. "Oh, uh, hey Mabel." He responded a bit awkward at first before clearing his throat and turning back to Wendy, who had her boots up on the counter, probably not listening one bit. "Wendy, seriously!! We've got to get these signs up!! Summer's here and that means time for customers, so hows about you do something that's actually work for once, huh?"

A job that needed to be done? "Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said before tugging on his arm, getting his attention. "I can go do whatever job you had in mind!"

He let out a sigh. "Finally someone who will actually do things rather than just sit around here." The old man had a bunch of signs underneath his arm. He froze for a minute. "Listen, careful alright? I don't need your parents having to drive all the way up here and figure out what's going on."

The girl nodded fast. She didn't want her parents to find out either. She would be grounded for SUCH a long time, which usually doesn't happen. "Don't worry, I got it!" The old man gave a nod then a shrug before tossing the signs over. Mabel stumbled catching them all before she finally did and grabbed a hammer and some nails. She let out a sigh before smiling. "I won't be long!!" She shouted before bolting out of the door, closing it with her foot.

The girl hummed and started to go towards the forest, skipping the whole way there. The last time she had went near the forest was yesterday when she had gotten abducted by gnomes the first couple minutes she had been in town. Smooth. Once she was inside the woods, which had billions of trees, she started to hum a tune while nailing some of the advertisement signs up. Now normally this would be an average everyday boring job to do, but Mabel didn't seem to mind it at all. Things could always be fun when you were doing it the 'Mabel Way' which was usually just thinking positive about everything. "Smile, jump up and down and say 'horray!' that's how you do it the Mabel Way!" She sang quietly to herself with a smile, hammering up signs. As the 12 year old girl went on to the next tree with the string over her finger and about ready to nail, she hit the hammer onto the nail, causing a 'clank'. Trees weren't supposed to sound like that, were they? She hit again. Same clank. Now that she took a closer look, the tree looked dusty. Dusty? Mabel looked at the tree confused before swiping her hand across the tree then lifting it up and licking a bit that was on her hand. "Yep. It's dust."

What kind of tree produces dust? Not any that she could think or even remember of. Was there some sort of way to figure out more? She wasn't big on all the mystery stuff like a nerd would be, but finding things exciting were always fun. She swiped her hand across one more time and her finger latched onto an opening that opened to be a secret layer hidden within the tree. The girl let out a gasp before poking her head in. There were just a bunch of switches that did who knows what. Mabel being herself, she decided to flick those switches just for the heck of it. When she did, she heard a small click before a huge 'baa!' of a goat that ran away shortly after a compartment opened up in the...ground? The girl flipped around to face a giant hole in the ground. She tilted her head before walking over and kneeling down, sitting on both knees before looking down in the hole. What she found inside was a dusty, old looking maroon colored journal with a gold six-fingered hand with the number 3 plastered in the middle. It had a couple rips at the edges but otherwise it looked fine.

Mabel grabbed the old journal from it's place and sat down, reading aloud to herself once she looked inside. "It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon." She looked through more pages until she stopped at some more writing. "Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide this book before he finds it. Remember: in Gravity Falls there is no one you can trust." Huh. Nobody you can trust...well....that's impossible. Guess that rule will have to stay aside because no way on Earth was she going to follow some old thing that probably has no sense of friendship, well, the owner of the book at least. She shut the book, stood up and tucked the book under her arm. She had to show someone this. But who? No friends yet...Dipper! Perfect. She let out a gasp before grinning, snatching the hammer and taking off with both objects in her hands.

When she got back to the shack she raced into the gift shop and put the hammer on the counter beside Wendy's feet, ran out and up the stairs. Her breathing was heavy and she was panting due to running practically nonstop so she could hurry home. Stan didn't want her gone long anyways. When she skidded into their attic room, Dipper was there, reading some nerdy mystery on his bed. His hair was all fixed up and he had his jacket and boots on and everything. Perfect. She saw his eyes peek up away from his book for a second as she stepped over. "Dipper!! You'll never believe what I just found!"

"Oh, what? Your actual shapeshifter family?" He responded back with a small frown.

"...No, actually. I found this super creepy, old timey journal in the woods!" She said with a grin before pulling it out from under her arm and showing it off to her brother, who stared with wide eyes, looking actually bewildered and intrigued.

"Wait, wait, you what?" Dipper sat up and hopped off his bed, running over to beside and going to take it. Mabel stopped him of course. "What's in it?"

"Well, from what I saw, it looks like a ton of more creatures we haven't seen yet here! Cursed objects, floating eyeballs, squashes with human faces and emotions-OOOH FAIRIES!"

"Woah! No way!" He responded with wide eyes, and for once, actually making a conversation with his new sister. "Can I see?" She shrugged and gave it over. He started to flip through all the pages, letting out small gasps and nods and even smiles. "With this, I could go on so many mystery hunts!!"

"Hold up, you? I found it, so I say I get to come AND be leader. On every single one."

He groaned. "What?"

"It's let me come or nooo journal and I can just keep it all to myself!"

Dipper looked like he really wanted to say no, but he wanted to keep that journal. Who knew when it would come in handy? After a long sigh mixed with a groan he slowly nodded. "Fine...But it doesn't mean I have to get along with you all the time." He said with a small frown.

"Alright, deal!" She said with a smile, sticking her hand out. She spit on it too.

He spit on his back and shook back. "Deal." He had a small smile on his face, just a small one, but that meant something to Mabel. She smiled back. The 12 year old boy let go and wiped his hand on his shorts before pausing. "One more thing."

She let go as well, wiping her hand on her skirt. "Yeah?"

"We can't let Grunkle Stan know about this, agreed?"

The girl twin paused and looked at him. Could they get in trouble? Hey, it wasn't worth the risk. She didn't want to go home. Back to California. She nodded back. "Agreed."

"Well now that's out of the way-"

"We should totally go find some fairies." Mabel interrupted with a grin, looking at him.

"Out of all things? Fairies?" He said while making a face. Why so girly?

"Leadeerrrr." She reminded him, getting a scornful look.

"You know what? Fine!! See if I care! Lets go find some fairies."

Great!! First mystery hunt and it's only day 2 of being in Gravity Falls. Maybe all days would be like this. She grinned and grabbed the journal from his hands. "Hold up! I think I have something I can put this in." With that being said, she started to dig through her massive suitcase that seemed to have everything in it, before yanking out a side bag. "Perfect!" She said with a smile, putting it over her head then lifting up her arm and putting that through the hole. She plopped the journal right inside of it before grabbing ahold of Dipper's hand and yanking him out of the room to down the stairs. Once at the bottom she let go. He hadn't got a chance to say anything when she did grab ahold of him. "BYE GRUNKLE STAN!! DIPPER AND I ARE GOING OUTSIDE!!"

"IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE WITH THE COPS, I DON'T KNOW YOU!" He shouted back just before the girl shut the door.

"Alright!!" She said with a grin, pulling out the journal. Just out of observation, the tent was no longer in the front yard, meaning Soos had gone inside and cleaned up. Who knows where he could be in that giant shack. The older twin started flipping through the pages so it looked like she knew what she was doing. "It says to uh...go that way!" She remarked, pointing her finger at the woods.

"Oh, really?" Dipper said with a fake gasp before following his sister anyways. After minutes of wandering he figured it was time to say something. "Do you even know what you're doing?"

"Psh, of course I do!! Watch this, smartie pants!" She replied back, wandering around once more in a circle.

He rolled his eyes back. "Let me see this." He said before snatching the journal and scanning his eyes down the paper. He nodded then handed it back to Mabel before starting to lead the way, which she wasn't thrilled about, but was at the same time. She wasn't being leader, but at least they were out here together. Like twins. Soon they were in a spot in the woods where it was a bit dark, and glows of various colors stood out. Almost every color of the rainbow was there. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and pink were the colors that stood out the most. Each and every one of them were sparkly. Mabel let out a gasp before reaching her hand and going to touch a pink one with wide eyes. Dipper yanked her back. "Don't."

"Why not?" She asked with a small huff but with a frown, looking confused.

"I've heard some things that fairies can be dangerous at times, and I don't want anything happening." He replied back, with a sort've concerned look on his face. "I've seen a lot of fairies before, but i've never actually gotten this close, so this is a first."

"I don't think such a small little creature can hurt a fly." She said while looking at the pink ones again.

"I'm not taking chances, like I said."

Mabel nodded before reaching out to touch another one that was close to her. Her finger got close and soon she felt a small pinch that stung throughout her whole body, not just her finger. "OUCH!" She inhaled sharply, pulling her finger back. As she pulled it back, the fairy she almost touched could be seen grinning...with huge sharp teeth. Both the kid's eyes widened. They started to back up and fairies started to move in.

"Look, we didn't mean to cause any sort of trouble or whatever." Dipper started out, talking to them. "She's new here and didn't know, so just let us be and we don't bother you anymore. Deal?"

"I say you let us have her blood then we'll have a deal!" One of them said in their squeaky voices.

Blood? Maybe fairies weren't what they seemed to TinkerBell. Mabel gulped. "No way!! You guys are crazy!" He shouted back.

"GET THEM!!" What was assumed to be the main fairy shouted as they all started fluttering at them, full speed. The 12 year old girl let out a gasp as she saw them all come closer. It looked like a rainbow coming at them in full speed.

"COME ON!!" Her brother shouted, yanking her arm and starting to run, causing her to get ripped away from her 'trance' and back into reality, where fairies with sharp teeth were catapulting rocks and sharp sticks at them. A rather big rock hit his hand after a bit, in which he hissed in pain and let go of Mabel's hand, having no other choice. His hand was bleeding. They were trying to separate the twins.

Mabel screamed as the small hands grabbed her hair, yanking and tugging it while trying to drag her deep into the woods again. "LET GO OF ME YOU BUTTHEADS!!" She shouted while trying to escape.

Dipper shook his hand and looked at it, wincing. There was a huge scrape on the top of his hand and it hurt like hell. He heard her screams and knew he had to do something. A newbie like her couldn't just save themselves magically, they needed an expert, like himself. 'Think, think, think' He thought to himself quickly while looking around for resources. The Shack wouldn't be too far away, at least it was a 5 minute run from here. Maybe he could snag a 'weapon' and race back to find her. Yeah, good plan. The boy looked at the forest before racing off to grab something useful.


They had her tied up. Was this the end of Mabel? She was only 12 and had only come up here for two days, yet here she was, strapped up to a tree and struggling to get out of whatever they had tied her up with. It looked like rope but it felt a ton stronger and tighter. The journal wouldn't have any information how to escape fairies, because that seemed pretty stupid, and it wouldn't matter anyways because she was strapped down tight and could barely move. Sometimes it felt like the rope was digging into her sides of her arms whenever she moved.

"Quit struggling and it'll be a lot less painful!" One of the fairies said in their squeaky voice.

The other fairies were heard scraping silverware, and it wasn't everyday spoons and forks and butterknives, it was full on butcher knives and sharp forks. It just made the 12 year old girl panic more. Did her brother really ditch her? She saw him get hit, but, why would he ditch her? They hadn't known each other for 48 hours yet, but so what? Mabel struggled until her sides of her arms hurt so much they felt like they were going to burn off. She hung her head and gave up, but still was thinking positive, because that was the Mabel Way.

"Any last words? Nobody's gonna save you now." Another said in a sick tone.

"HEY!" A voice shouted. "Don't forget about me!!" When the person ran closer, it was revealed to be Dipper. He hadn't ditched her! She was saved! Mabel let out a huge sigh of relief with a small smile. He ran over with a leaf blower and turned it on. The sound whirred as he aimed at the fairies, who couldn't stay up from the massive force of air. Squeaky screams and shouts of revenge were heard as they all blasted off somewhere into the forest. His sister had caught a glimpse of his hand, which had red all over it. She let out a gasp.

"DIPPER!!! Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" She shouted from her spot, trying to get lose but wincing instead.

"It's just a busted hand, it's fine." He replied back, turning off the leaf blower and walking over, untying the ropes from around her body. She let out a sigh of relief as it dropped to the ground. "You alright?"

She nodded back. "Arms are just a little sore but that's all. But seriously, your hand needs to be bandaged."

"I know." He said back as he took the leaf blower in his good hand and started to drag it back to the Shack with Mabel walking beside. She kept offering to carry the leaf blower, but he kept insisting it was okay. Tough guy. When the two got back to the Shack, Dipper dropped the leaf blower in a pile of leafs he had probably got it from earlier before heading inside the front door and upstairs to the bathroom.

The 12 year old girl followed right behind. "Need any help with that?"

"I got it." He replied, his mouth ripping off a good amount of bandage and starting to wrap his hand with it. It actually wasn't too bad, but the bandages were seen soaking up the blood already when he put it on. He wrapped it twice after seeing he saw that as well. When he finished, he tossed the roll under the sink and slammed the cabinet closed, walking out of the bathroom. The boy went to the room, seeing that it was probably not very smart to go down there with Stan still downstairs. He would be asking all sorts of questions.

Mabel followed and took off her shoes, dropping them beside her suitcase before getting out some yarn and knitting needles. She hopped on her bed and started to work on the next sweater. The colors purple and red being used often in this one. "Fairies are not what I expected them to be like."

"Should've guessed that something was up with them."

"...Agree to never go see those buttfaces again?"


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