Chapter 4

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As soon as he entered his room, he pulled out Avni's diary that he stole from her home. He wanted to read it but something was stopping him. He wanted to feel her point of view but he knew very well that she has gone through a lot just like him and if he will read her feelings then his own heart will pain a lot after all his pain is intensified as soon as her pain passes through his heart.

He was randomly flipping the pages as he wasn't having enough courage to go through it until his eyes stopped at a particular section of the diary whose title was,

"Neilansh - a part of Neil."

He got curious and started reading that particular part of her diary.

The beginning :

Today, I got to know that I'm pregnant with Neil's child and I don't even know, how to feel about it. Should I be happy for nurturing the symbol of our love in my womb or should I be sad for Neil as he will miss the most important phase of his life. I badly want to go back to him, want to tell him that we both are blessed with a bundle of joy who will fill our lives with happiness but I can't go, my destiny have barricaded a wall between us, a wall that won't let us live together. Why my life gives me all this happiness only to snatch it once I feel elated? Why I can't live a happy and normal life? Maybe people will think that everytime I kill my own happiness by isolating myself from the people I love but they won't believe my side of the story, they won't understand that I can't let anyone who is dear to me burn into that hell where everyone taunts you, questions your identity so I bait myself for saving them as I'm used to this.

I had very few people in my life who understood me and Neil is my rock, though he's not here still the moments we spent with each other are the reason why I decided to live after I left him, he still has some of my part that gives me hope that I will survive. He still motivates me, loves me, cares for me and I know he will protect me throughout my pregnancy. Today, I have made an important decision of my life, I won't enjoy the happiness that comes with when your child refers you as his or her mother cos Neil will miss this phase and his absence always pains my heart, he won't listen to his child referring him as his or her father. So, I will bare this punishment for all the wrong things I am doing. Maybe my actions are wrong but my intentions are right.

A good thing always comes with bad thing,
Happiness always comes with sadness.
Heaven always comes with hell,
Success always comes with failure.

All these things are opposite to each other but in our real lives these things moves hand in hand.

Just like today, I am receiving the biggest news of my life. I should be jumping in happiness but I'm sitting here with clouds of grieves surrounding my mind. I wish you were here Neil, I wanted to see that beautiful smile on your face that always lighten up my mood whenever I felt sad.

Let me guess, how you would have reacted :

You would have lifted me up into your arms and roamed me around depicting your excitement, a lone tear escaping from your eye but your smile never leaving your face. After finally listening my endless requests you would have placed me down and wrapped your hands around my waist and buried your face into my belly enjoying the presence of our baby. You would have promised a thousand of things to our baby at that very moment while softly caressing my belly.

I can feel your joy Neil and I can also imagine the wide smiles on our family member's faces but I can't see all this in reality.

Maybe in some another life avneil will be blessed with one more chance and their life will stop testing them at every moment. We deserve each other but our destiny always plays the role of our enemy precisely my destiny. What can we expect from an illegitimate girl after all? That's what everyone says.

Tears were rolling down from Neil's eyes, he turned the page and spotted an envelope attached with the next page. He opened the envelope and pulled out some papers. His eyes widened when he saw Avni's pregnancy report.

He read the report and a smile appears on his face when he saw the result written as positive, he caressed it tenderly. He saw the next sheet that consists of first sonograph of their baby. He observed his baby whose size was as small as that of a chestnut. He kisses the sonograph, hugs her reports and diary assuming how close she kept him during their separation. Even though, they were away from each other yet she kept them connected.

On the other side, Avni was laying down on her bed hugging Neil's and Neilansh's photographs assuming how they would have lived together like a happy family if Vidyut haven't separated them.

They both slept hugging each other's possessions.


Morning time

Neil came downstairs dressed up in a navy coloured suit. He saw Neilansh was already sitting on dinning table dressed up in his school uniform. He smiled and sat beside him. He wished good morning to everyone.

Neil - Good morning tiger.

Neilansh - Good morning papa. You look so good. Are you going somewhere?

Neil smiles at him.

Neil - Yeah! I'm going to office.

Neilansh - Then who will drop me at school.

Neil - First I will drop you at school then I will leave for office.

Neilansh smiles and continues his breakfast.

Prakash - Finally, you are relieving me from office duties. ( sighs )

Neil chuckles.

Neil - You still have to be my support.

Prakash - That I will. ( smiles )

Shweta - Neil, Mithali called me and said that you weren't answering her calls.

Bebe and Prakash mentally facepalm themselves while the smile on Neilansh's face faded. Shweta realised what she has done and felt guilty for making Neilansh sad.

Shweta - You can call her later. Right now, we can enjoy our family time. ( smiles )

Neil, bebe and Prakash looked at her with wide eyes as if she has a set of horns on her head while Neilansh smiles.

They talked with each other but everyone was missing Avni. Bebe missing the way Avni stopped her from eating oily food, Prakash thought about how she used to refill his plate with more food whenever she got a chance, Shweta thinking about how she would make everyone happy just by sitting with them, Neil was remembering how he used to tease her whenever she sat beside her and Neilansh missed the way his mumma fed him his food. Everyone was trying to act happy but they were hollow from inside without their Avni and knew very well that no one can fill her place in their lives.

After breakfast they all got up and Neilansh went to his room for collecting his school bag.

Neil - Tomorrow is Neilansh's birthday.

Family members - What?

Shweta - Gods! Why didn't you tell us before?

Prakash - Calm down Shweta ji, we will arrange everything.

Bebe - Shweta, place the order of his birthday cake first.

Neil - No need, I mean Avni told me that she will bake his birthday cake.

Prakash - Avni will come here for celebrating Neilansh's birthday. ( smiles )

Neil - Yes dad, I want Neilansh to celebrate his birthday with his family and friends. This is the least we can do to make him happy.

They all nodded in agreement.

Shweta - I will make other arrangements.

Bebe - I will help you out.

Neil - I will buy him a birthday gift.

Prakash - Rest we will manage. Don't worry.

Neilansh came out of his room along with his school bag. He took blessings of his elders as it was his first day at school and everyone smiled at the preachings and manners their child have obtained from Avni.

Neil and Neilansh left for his school.

As soon as they reach his school, they spot that Avni was standing at the school gate waiting for Neilansh. Neilansh immediately moved out of the car and ran towards Avni. She embraced him in her protective motherly hug and kissed his forehead wishing him all the best for school. He hugs her once again. Neil smiles while seeing their bond and stands beside them. Avni whispers something in Neilansh's ears and he nodded. He asked Neil to lean down, Neil obeys his request and leaned down. Neilansh hugged him while Neil was surprised and looked at Avni who was smiling. Neil hugged him back and wished him good luck. Neilansh went inside the school leaving them alone.

Neil - Thanks.

Avni looks at him with confusion.

Neil - For that small moment. ( smiles )

Avni smiles.

Avni - Have you informed about his birthday party to the family members?

Neil - Yes, all of them are excited. ( smiles ) I...

He gets cut off due to his mobile's ringtone. He saw the contact I'd and it was Mithali, he frowns while Avni became sad but didn't show her grief on her face.

Neil looks at her and she looks away from him as she didn't want him to know about her inner struggle that she's undergoing everyday by seeing her man with another lady. Neil felt bad for her and wanted to console her but their situations have increased the awkwardness between them along with the differences.

Neil diverts Mithali's call.

Avni - I should leave now.

Neil - Shall I drop you?

Avni - No, you will be late for your office and I need to go to the market. All the best for your first day. ( smiles )

Neil - Thanks. ( smiles )

With that Avni left from there and Neil was admiring her retreating figure.

Maybe, a long lost connection was igniting itself with more intensity, broken hearts were trying to heal themselves, magic of love was coming out of its dormant state. Neil's interaction with Avni's feelings that she has scribbled on the paper in the form of words was helping in clarifying his mind, leading to generation of new hopes in his heart. The reunion is destined to happen but the path will be rough and patchy. Once they will cross this path, they will be united forever.

Neil sat in the car and started driving towards the office. He messaged Mithali that he can't revert her call as he's driving. After sometime, he reaches his office and as soon as he parks the car, he saw that Mithali was standing outside the parking zone waiting for him.

He went out and greeted her.

Mithali - Neil, finally I met you. I was trying to contact you since morning but you weren't available. Is this the way to treat your fiancee? ( pouts )

Neil mentally rolled his eyes.

Neil - Sorry Mithali, I was occupied in the morning.

Mithali - Forget about this, I'm going out of town for 2 days for some work. I just wanted to meet you before going. ( smiles )

Neil - ( in mind ) Should I inform her about Neilansh's birthday. No, he don't like her and Avni will feel awkward around her.

Neil - All the best for your trip and work. ( fake smiles )

Mithali hugged him.

Mithali - Thank you. ( smiles ) Good bye.

Neil - Bye.


Precap :

Mowgli's birthday party.

Avneil's scenes.

Stranger targeted Avni yet again.

Do drop your views.

Much love,
Thanks 💖

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