Chapter 7

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Everyone was enjoying the dinner after draining their energies into playing and dancing. Avni was making Neilansh eat from her hands whereas Neil was smiling while looking at the mother-and-son duo. Prakash who was sitting beside Neil observed his son's smile and decided to tease him. 

Prakash - You know, my daughter is very kind-hearted, just tell her that you want to have food from her hands and she won't mind feeding you. 

Neil - You are in a teasing mood today. (raising his eyebrow)

Prakash - what did I do? (innocently)

Neil - Dad I very well know that you pushed Avni towards me on the dance floor. Don't act innocent. (smirks)

Prakash - Finally you are getting your brain back, good for me. Now, I won't have to waste my energy in making you understand everything. (rolling his eyes).

Neil - You are impossible, dad. (shaking his head). 

Prakash - (sighs) I just want to see my kids happy and believe me, Neil, your happiness resides with Avni. You won't be able to stay away from her even if you try. Life is unpredictable Neil, you have lost precious time with Avni and your son, and I don't want you to lose these precious bonds due to certain grudges. You have the right to be angry with Avni but don't forget that you won't be able to replace Avni with someone else. Even Avni won't be able to move on no, so don't make any impulsive decision. 

Neil just looked at Avni and sighed. These days, Neil's mind is forcing him to rethink the entire situation in accordance with Avni's perspective. 

Avni on the other side was trying to ignore Neil's presence as she still gets affected when she is in close vicinity of Neil. Ten years apart yet he always manages to take her breath away as soon as her eyes get interlocked with his intense gaze. she doesn't know what goes into his head but she only hopes that he won't bother to find out about the past events that took place before their separation. she has sacrificed her entire life for protecting her father-in-law, now she doesn't want anyone to know about that disastrous night or else the whole family would be broken beyond repair. she is ready to take the blame for the rest of her life without holding grudges against anyone. After finishing his meal, Neilansh moved towards his friends for spending some time with them whereas Avni received a message from an unknown number making her frown in confusion. 

An unknown number - Come outside the mansion if you don't want to spoil your son's birthday. Make sure to come alone. 

Avni got up from her seat and looked around once, when she was assured that everyone is busy with their own work, she went out silently. As soon as she stepped outside the main door of the mansion she found a box wrapped with gift paper placed on the ground whereas the night guard was not present in his cabin. 

A slip was attached to the gift box which read, "Open it, baby". 

After overcoming the initial hesitation, Avni picked up the box and opened it with shivering hands. 

A broken jar with several broken pieces of glass was present within the box along with a letter. While pulling out the letter, the glass pieces pierced Avni's skin making her whimper in pain. she ignored the pain of her bruised hand and opened the letter which stated: 

"Broken dreams, broken relations, and broken us but don't worry baby we are meant to be together in this life." 

Her eyes widened after reading the letter and she immediately placed it back into the box before closing it. Her mind was creating endless scenarios regarding the sender of this bo, she kept the box in the private car she rented for tonight and started making her way back into the mansion. Her mind was filled with the two strange incidents that occurred to her recently, who was sending her these types of letters? was that person associated with her past? she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that someone was standing in the front and banged her face with the hard chest of that person. 

she whimpered due to sudden contact and looked up only to find that the person is non-other than Neil. she started feeling nervous in his presence and looked here and there in order to avoid any sort of conversation at this moment. Neil's gaze was focused on her bleeding hand while she was immersed in her thoughts. 

Avni - what are you doing here, Neil? (nervous) 

Neil observed her nervousness and frowned. 

Neil - I should be the one asking you this Avni. What are you doing here? Mowgli was looking for you. 

He very well knows that no one has observed her disappearance from the party other than him. He searched the entire mansion before coming out looking for her. He won't accept the fact in front of anyone but a strange fear has conquered his mind these days, fear of losing her again. He still finds it difficult to believe that Avni is alive and has traced back into his life unknowingly. Even now, he thinks of her as a fantasy that gives him his much-needed solace and then disappears taking his happiness away from him. He wants to keep her in front of his eyes so that she won't leave him again but his mind and actions are going in different directions these days so he is trapped within the web of his own emotions. 

Avni - I...I .... actually, I came outside for receiving a call...the..there was a network problem inside the house. (stammering).

Neil knew that she was lying and heaved a sigh of frustration. 

Neil - You do know that I have worked in the police department so with my experience at least I can analyze the body language of a person. Why are you lying Avni? 

Avni - I am not lying Neil. (trying to sound confident). 

Neil - Oh really! Then how will you explain this? (while holding her bruised hand). 

Avni - Actually ... I...I (Neil cuts her off).

Neil - Forget it, just come with me. 

He held her hand and took her inside the mansion from the back door. He didn't want to disturb the celebration so he quietly took Avni inside his room and made her sit on the couch. Avni sat there silently as she knew very well that Neil would catch her lie and the last thing she wanted at this moment is involving him in her problems. He has already gone through a lot so now she doesn't want to bother him anymore. 

Neil pulled out a first aid box from the cupboard and started treating her wound. she looked at him while he was focused on dressing up her hand. He knows that she won't tell him anything so it's needless to ask her any question. After wrapping a bandage around her hand, he got up and was about to leave the room when Avni stopped him. 

Avni - Neil, are you upset with me? (nervously).

Neil - Do I have the right to be upset, Avni? (blankly) Moreover, why I would be upset with you?

Avni - There are many reasons Neil and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. (sighs) 

Neil turned around and saw Avni's guilt-ridden face. His eyes softened and he moved closer to her, he cupped her face and made her look into his eyes trying to convey to her silently that she means a lot to him and maybe a little effort from both sides would be able to mend their broken relationship. 

Neil - Can you tell me how you got injured? (softly)

Avni - I fell down and there was a glass piece lying on the ground, my hand got pierced. (nervously)

Neil smiled at her sadly and pulled away from her. 

Neil - Ten years have gone yet you are bad at lying. (sadly).

Avni - Neil... (He cuts her off). 

Neil - You know what hurts the most Avni, the lack of trust between us. I don't know why you left me ten years ago but you never trusted me with your conflicts. You pushed me away before and now also you would do the same. 

Avni - You don't deserve my bad luck, Neil. (broken voice). 

Neil - You are not bad luck Avni, don't use these kinds of words in front of me. Even though we have a lot of differences yet I won't be able to tolerate your insult Avni. 

He left while she shed some tears of helplessness. Only if her destiny won't been this cruel to her, she would have had a normal family. 


Are you guys enjoying this story? I didn't get much response in the previous update. If you want me to make some changes to the storyline feel free to share. 

Do drop your views.

Much love, 


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