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Three days flew by quite too fast for Mochida’s liking. Despite many hesitations, he finds himself in the airport keeps on staring on the plane ticket in his hand. He was waiting for some miracle. That for whatever reason, the ticket would disappear then he’ll wake up from this extended dream.

Sadly, none of it happen. He was still in the airport, the ticket and invitation were very real in his hands.

“Mochida-senpai!” someone called and the ex-kendo club captain turns almost instantly. There he found two guys running towards him. Mochida rack his brain trying to remember those two.

“Ah, Izuma, Akaba!” he called back after successfully making his mind work. Both of them are from the reunion, his former team mate who was now a kendo instructor, Izuma Ryo and the famed taekwondo champion, Akaba Hiromi.

“Why are you here?” Mochida asked after the duo reached him.

“We’re going to Italy,” the redhead, Akaba replied while holding out his plane ticket. Now that he noticed, the two both have a small travelling bag with them.


“Uhm. We received an invitation for a Vongola Ball three days ago.”

“Whoa, really? I also have one. Are we on the same flight?” Mochida almost exclaimed. He drew out a sigh of relief that at least he wouldn’t be alone in a foreign place.

“Skyline 027, 18:27?” Izuma read out from his paper.

“Same,” the raven replied right away. He had been staring at his flight schedule since three days ago and he had them memorized up to the way they are printed.

“Ne Senpai, why do you think we are invited? I mean, I’m not surprised about you since you’re working for them but I’m curious on what they suddenly found interesting about me and Hiro,” Izuma queried while running his fingers through his blond hair.

“I’m worried to be honest,” Akaba added just an ominous feeling suddenly enveloped them.

“Kufufu…” a dark voice echoed.

The three almost jump out of their skin before looking around in haste. They tried to catch or at least pinpoint the source of the laugh but none look suspicious enough. Everyone around them was acting normal as if they did not heard that evil voice a few second ago.

“W-What was that?” the blond stuttered while looking left and right. He shuffled a little closer to his companions earning him a raised eyebrow from the redhead. “What if it was a ghost?” he reasoned.

“I didn’t know you’re afraid of…ghost,” Mochida said and took amusement when Izuma turns as red as Akaba’s hair.

“Y-You couldn’t be so sure…”

“It’s just probably from the speakers.  And seeing no reaction from these people, it must be normal,” Akaba intervene. The other two shrugged their shoulders and accepted his conclusion. He, himself, gets quite a scare from that laugh or whatever it is but it was the most possible reason he could came up. Much realistic than ghost.

Instead of lingering on that topic, they proceed to the counter for their boarding pass. They also went through the security checks before returning to the lounge to wait for the announcement of their flight. They have more or less half an hour to spare but they decided to just sit and relax.

Fifteen minutes in the waiting, the monitor flash that their flight was delayed.

“M-Mochida-senpai, I don’t know why but I think we should turn back now,” Izuma said beside the raven who also had his eyes glued on the board.  A dread even stronger than earlier slowly crawl up their spine in each second that tick by.

Mochida tried to convince himself that the cause of delay was nothing special. It was probably the usual things going on. For example, the plane hadn’t arrived yet or out of fuel. Or someone must be sabotaging the engine or control room. They could still be planting bombs for all he know. Maybe their pilot were killed and someone from hell replaced him or anything like that.

Mochida cursed internally. He’ll most likely turn insane before he even step inside the plane. This flight to Italy was really getting into him. And forcing his creativeness to come up with thousands of ways to die.

“Mochida-san, are you okay?” Akaba’s voice pull him out the danger of his own brain. The two had their focus now on him, brows creased in concern.

“You’re paling senpai. Do you need to go to the clinic?”

“I’m fine. May we really should just go ba—”

Skyline 027 flight to Italy passengers, please start boarding,” the announcement interrupted the trio who visibly flinch at the mention of their flight. “Skyline 027 flight to Italy passengers, please start boarding.

“It’s too late for now, isn’t it?” Mochida said and was answered by nods.

They stood up and join the other passengers to board. To hell what would happen, for as long as they remain alive. Hopefully.


I used ‘wikihow’ as reference for my airport scene. Sorry if the detail is off but I haven’t taken a flight yet. I have motion sickness so I really didn’t fancy travels.


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