New Discoveries/It is Coming

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Edited by ladymaryterrace


I come to realise that I am in the middle of the park between trees a fainting pain in my chest that is already fading away.

There is a burn sensation on my left hand as I open it to see a bullet and the memory of everything that just happened becomes vivid in my mind.

I remember feeling the bullet punching into my chest and the pain the strange body caused me as my system begins to expel the object as it goes straight to my left hand.

I also remember the pleasure I felt while the bodies started to lit in fire and I watched them burn into ashes.

I look around and the feeling of being watched. Trying to locate from where is coming from, I start to walk around, not more afraid, because I know my powers now goes beyond than with little things or objects.

As I walk further into the park, I see far away from me a dozen people in my direction with only the heads accompanying me.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask. There is no sound of response.

They only keep looking at me and make no move to attack or run away.

"Who. Are. You?" Adrenaline taking over my body. How can they just stand there looking at me giving no response? I am the one who should be running away afraid because outnumber me but it is like this flame of power is giving me the confidence to stand them if they attack or-

"Here we are to help you open the path to the top," They say in unison and suddenly disappear.

I look around to see if they just changed their position, but I cannot find them. The warmth coming from my hands and I look down to see them wrapped by some black smoke.

I put the palms together as it becomes clear as my hands colour comes back to normal.

Turning around on the way out of here, taking careful steps looking around to see if someone or something is coming to my direction as nothing happens. I exit the area going straight home.

At the entryway, I drive myself to the door and type the code to get in. The beep sound is the cue to get in, closing the door, trying to not make much noise.

I silently make my way to the stairs seeing that the lights are all out showing that everyone had already gone to bed and I place my foot on the first step-

"Dante!" I hear the stern sound of the voice which belongs to my brother, and I freeze in place. Why is Doug still awake? At this time of the day, he always retired to bed.

"I know you are there, Dante. Come here." I turn around slowly going to the living room.

Opening the door, I see my bother sitting there elegantly, something Williams taught him by free and spontaneous pressure. His right foot supported on the left knee and arms crossed over his torso, his face showing no emotion.

"Hi!" I instantly become timidly because I already know that I am about to be lectured.

"Where were you?"

"Out with friends," I say answering his question. Maybe the way I answered is not right.

"Watch your mouth. I did not raise you this way. I can smell the alcohol from here. Why did you do it without asking for permission?"

"I am old enough to ask you for permission."

"While you still live in Williams' place..."

"Ours." Williams corrects Douglas. I look to his direction to see he entering the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"...This roof under my responsibility you do not have a say in your independence. If you want that so much then find a job." He says while Will walks through the living room, gives one to Douglas and sits beside him.

I want the company. To work there and make my way up to the top, but they do not need to know it.

"You are a very clever and intelligent boy, but your behaviour does not match that. You are becoming an adult but still, act like a child..."

I stay quiet hearing what he is saying a bit of shame for being lectured in front of Will. It is the first time that it happens.

"... Are we understood?"

"Yes, sir," I say with resignation.

"Now, go straight to the shower and then to bed." He speaks. I turn around to my bedroom.

As soon as I enter my private place, the memories of today come back to my mind again.

I was, literally, killed, but in some way, I resurrected. How is that possible? Is that one of my powers that I did not know about?

"We are one and powerful being." That scary and grave voice echoes through my mind making me jump for not expecting this to happen.

"Get out of my head!" I shout to myself.

"I am where I am meant to be, my vessel."

"Your... What?" I ask to the already fading voice.

What in the heavens does that mean?

"Hades, actually." The voice that I thought was gone says.

I decided to stay still where I already am, in the middle of my room, thinking, in a way, to relax and forget everything.


I wait until Dante is upstairs in his room to turn to Will.

"Will?" And wait for him to look at me with that gorgeous smile of his.

Since my brothers were younger, from time to time, I felt a tolerable pain on the left side of my chest that slowly was forming a symbol. This symbol is visible only when I feel the pain of the drawing on my chest and, when it stops, it disappears. Conveniently, I never feel the pain and the visible mark when I am near Will.

I come back from my thoughts to realise that I am looking at him and, now, I see his concerned expression. He puts his mug on the side table and mine with his, so turns back to hold my hands.

"Doug, love. What is it that worries you?" I do not answer and keep looking at him.

"I have noticed that you are worried about something, but I am waiting for you to say what is it." He is now looking deep in my eyes, caging me with his deep brown eyes.

"Is it the boys? The planning of our near marriage ceremony? Tell me, please?"

He thinks it is one of these things that is worrying me? How sweet but, fortunately, it is not it. I finally sigh and prepare to say it. I hope he does not think I am going mad or crazy or whatever. Why am I make such suspense?

I start to explain from the beginning the visions, nightmares, the voice that talks to me from time to time and that, sometimes, I speak a tongue that I cannot even understand.

Also, premonitions and the near-death experiences I had/have during the nightmares.

He only sits there paying full attention to what I am saying without interrupting me or anything.

"I hope you do not think I am going crazy," I say as I finish saying what I have to say.

He keeps staring at me with the calculating look until he takes sighs deeply and clears his throat.

"I also hear a voice sometimes speaking to me that is saying that my destiny is to protect the true prophet and about the mark, it looks like a shield and a fish?"

"Yes! Does it look like it is finishing engraving the fish?" I ask now curious and with a bit of fear.

"It does! Wait! The prophet, the visions, nightmares, the stranger tongues you say you speak... You are the-"

A rumbling sound coming from up stars startles us, and we hurry up the stairs only to see a fading bright light coming from under Daniel's bedroom door. 

I hope you enjoy the reading. Drip your comments if you want. I really would like to here it from you.

Until the next chapter!

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