New Findings

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Hi guys! How are you?

Edited by ladymaryterrace


Today is moving out day and I already put my clothes in my suitcase making sure everything is neatly folded. The room is almost bare and all I see is the frost autumn colour of the bedroom's wall.

After everything is on the suitcase, I look around the room and the nostalgic feeling hit me with full force and that is when I know I am going to miss this place, the place I grew up, the place where, in some way or another, I put some memories to make me remember home in Brazil.

My parents. The memories of them I have are the ones which are happy and colourful and photos I have with me. I miss them but I couldn't be more than happy to have an older brother to take care of us because it wouldn't be good to be sent to an orphanage.

"Daniel! It is time to go!" I hear my brother calling from downstairs.

"Ok, in a minute!" I say as I sit on the bed looking around.

"Daniel, come on! Huge new house waits for us!" I sigh and put together my strength.

I just wish the suitcase could go down by itself. I take a deep breathe when I hear a noise of something going against the door and when I look at the direction of it, I see the suitcase going against the door.

Since when did it gain life on its own?

That is new. I didn't know-

"Down!" I order as it goes to the floor.

"If you don't come now, I will drag your arse down here!" Dante yells from the door.

Since when does he curse? I think to myself.

Dante is starting to behave strangely and it began on the day Doug announced his marriage and the moving out. He was totally in favour of it because he will be near Lucy but the way he was saying things didn't look like him at all.

From outside, people would see it as a normal thing but I know it is not. He is becoming kind of rebellious in his mini acts. He thinks I don't see the pranks he makes to our classmates but I decided not to say a thing for now and I know that something is not right.

I have that feeling inside me where I see a bright light and half of it is getting dark, little by little. It also comes when I am sleeping and I just know that it is related to us but I can't point a finger on it.

I stand up and open the door looking to my suitcase wishing it to follow me and it does exactly what I think and follow me to the top of the staircase and I wrap my hand on the suitcase handle for it looks like I am actually caring it with my own strength until I reach the bottom.

Cool! I can get used to it. I didn't know I have this ability. Does Dante have it the same?

Looking to my left, I see Will with a smug smile bringing a box of some of Douglas' personal things and my older brother with his arms on his sides and I smile to myself.

I wonder how they discussed who would carry it. Williams is the politest person I know and it is all to my older brother and if he had a chance, he wouldn't even let Douglas walk. Douglas, on the other hand, does like to be treated equally as a man. It seems he thinks that it could threaten his masculinity.

I can't understand what is going on in his mind but I am very sure that Williams does.

As Will pass after me, Douglas, with a slightly sulking expression, stop right beside me and put his arm around my shoulders, tightening a bit the side hug and kiss my hair.

"Ready to go, little brother?" Douglas asks me. I sigh and look at him.

"Yes. I am ready." Then we head towards the doors.

When outside, I take some steps back to look at the whole house as Doug is locking the door and I feel someone stop right on my side.

"Let's make them embarrassed," Dante says on my ear as Douglas approaches us.

"What?" I whisper to Dante confused, not understanding what he is saying.

Just as Douglas reaches us, Dante asks:

"Will, can I call you daddy?" Making an innocent expression as he speaks.

I look between Douglas and Williams as I see Douglas with a confused expression and Will, after 10 seconds, realises what is being asked, he is getting all flustered as Douglas and I makes an 'o' expression, finally understanding the double meaning of the question.

Williams clears his throat trying to compose himself as Dante exposes a sly smile on his face while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ok, let's go. All of you inside the car." Williams says while Douglas is by the passenger's door.

"Yes, daddy!" Dante says as Williams scoffs abashed. I hit the back of Dante's head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He says while massaging the place I hit.

"Behave." That is all I say and get in the car.

"You shouldn't have done that. We call Doug dad, so, why not?" Dante complains as he sits on my left side.

"If you behave yourself, you are not gonna get hit. Easy as that" I look ahead. "We are ready to go." Will take the car out of our house.

Dante motions to hit me but I look at him and when his hand is centimetres always from my face, I shake my head no and instantly Dante's hand spot in the air.

He looks at me surprised as he tries to move his arm.

"How did you do that?" He asks whispering and still surprised.

"Boys, behave!" Doug says from the front seat.

I shrug and look ahead.

"You have your arm back." As just as I say it, his arm falls on his side.

"How do you do that?" He asks still not believing in what I just did.

"I don't know. It happened just before I leave my room."

"What you do to make it happen?" He asks and I realise that I didn't respond to his question.

"I don't know. I just think of it and then it happens. I can't explain it." I say back.

"Let me try... Do you have a pen?" I touch outside my pockets and fell something. I put in my hand and pull it out.

I don't remember putting anything else in my pocket beside my phone. Weird.

"What do I do, again?" Dante asks me.

"Don't know. Think of it floating." I look at Dan and see him concentrating to do it levitate.

Dante tried, and tried, and tried but I can't make it goes floating.

"I will levitate it as you think of something else." Dantes agree and I make it float.

"Come on Dante, think of something."

This whole time we've been whispering to each other, so the dads (inserts laughing emoji), it won't get out of my mind soon. I laugh to myself again.

"Burn!" Dante whispers and the pen gets on fire surprising both of us.

"Make it stop, Dante!" I whisper back to Dante.

"Boys, what are you doing back there?" Douglas asks.

Just before Douglas looks behind, I close my right hand and the pen on fire disappears. 


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Until the next chapter!

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