Wanna Try Magic?

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Hi guys!

Well, I am here with fresh new chapter for you to enjoy.

Off you go!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


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Three weeks later and Douglas was very grateful for Clara's help during her holidays and the boys are happy to have her around, especially Dan, who is the closest to Clara.

He was grateful that he was able to work as he is now the main provider for the boys. Unfortunately, as soon as Clara returns home, he will need to find somebody else to look after the kids.

Cesar's mother offered to take care of the boys while he was at work but he never committed to it. She wants to help look after the boys because she wants to shoulder some of his responsibilities.

He thinks that looking after his brothers is only his responsibility and does not want to involve others.

Little by little, his mind drifts back to William and how that good looking guy caught his attention. His mind is now able to concentrate on those thoughts because he has come to terms with the tragic loss of his parents. Of course, the pain of losing the people who raised you and gave you all the love in the world will always be there but it will only get better with time, only the sense of longing will always remain.

When will he have the opportunity to see Williams again, now that he is missing the guy and some invisible force is drawing them to be together again? He really wants to go and see Williams again but right now he is not able to because he has too much on his plate.

With that thought in mind, he turns his attention back to work as a pile of documents is there to read and be checked. Finally, he has his dream job working in planning and investments at his current company. The feeling of doing something he loves at work is very good, in fact, it is awesome, to put it into a better perspective.

[Play the video and continue reading]


While Douglas is at work Dan (Dante) and Danny (Daniel) are playing together, running from one side to the other in Douglas's backyard.

"Boys, no running or you will hurt yourselves," Clara warns them.

"But Danny is chasing me!" Dante calls out happily.

Clara sighs and thinks of a way to both of them and she has a great idea. "Why not?" She thinks.

"Boys! Come here! I want to teach you something wonderful. Hurry!" She says with a smile on her face.

The boys stop in front of her but keep jumping up and down.

"What I am going to teach you is that you both need to calm down, so stop for a moment, please?" She asks them politely and they nod their heads while breathing more evenly.

"Close your eyes and breathe like you are going to sleep." The boys do what they are told.

"Then imagine that there is something magical inside of you and grab it with your hands."

Danny imagines magic inside of him and then he can see a beautiful light that he can't describe and reaches for it.

Dante does the same but he sees black smoke with red eyes calling his name. "I am not going to hurt you, Dante. I will make you powerful," the voice says calmly.

To everyone else who is watching the boys would assume that they are just meditating, opening and closing their hands.

Clara opens her eyes that are now blood red. "Keep your eyes closed until I tell you can open them," she says gently and the boys agree to keep their eyes closed.

"Found it?" She asks and they say yes at the same time.

"You have the magic in your hands?" They nod yes.

"You can open your eyes now." The boys oblige and look at her with expectant expressions.

She looks at Dan, eyes already back to normal colour. "You do it every day and you will have magic in your hands.

The day continued nicely and after getting tired, they shower together, with Clara watching them from the outside while reading a book.

They are now refreshed, waiting for Douglas to get back home.

"Boys, stay where you are. I will be right back!" She says heading to the loo.

Dan keeps looking around impatiently, wanting to try something before the oldest brother returns and he looks at Daniel expectantly.

"Wanna try magic?" Dante asks excitedly and Daniel agrees.

They go to the outside of the backyard straight to the plants.

"You or me first?" Dante asks and Daniel answers.

"You first and then it will be my turn.""

[Play the video and continue reading]


What can I do? Dante thinks and imagines reaching for the black smoke and the voice that comes from the inside of it says "Touch the plants." and Dan decides to do it.

He touches the plant and instantly it starts to die. Dante opens his eyes and sees the plant dying.

They look at each other amazed at what just happened unknowingly that it isn't just only the plant dying but the size of twelve soccer fields of vegetation in the forest behind Douglas' house. It is only dying because a boy touched one plant but that touch killed the plant, big and small trees, and the vegetation all around it.

A scene of destruction is approaching the town and people who don't know what is happening, are frightened. People are panicking and think they might die.

The surprised expression stays on Dante's face but Daniel's fades away.

"Stop, Douglas will be mad," Daniel says warningly.

"No, it is cool! Look." Dante says using his free hand to point to the plant.

"Stop!" Daniel screams, slapping away Dan's hand from the plant and touching the plant himself.

"I said, stop!" Dante steps back a bit scared of Daniel's reaction.

As soon as Daniel touches the plant, it comes back to life and so does the rest of the vegetation. The inhabitants are amazed to see all the plants and trees recover again.

Daniel looks relieved seeing it alive again and extracts his hand from it and looks at Dante.

"Don't do it again." He says seriously.

Dante grins and jumps in happiness as he looks at Daniel and says: "See, Danny, we do magic!"

Dante's eyes turn black and Daniel's turn celestial white.

So, what do you think so far?

Leave your thoughts in 5ge comments.

Until the next chapter!!!

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