Chapter VI

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Alex cross has the chair and slam the 1st skeleton's skull. Mason has a key blade (super cool!!!) and slashed 3 skeletons! "We finished the fight!" Said Mason. That was easy!" Said Ghost rider. "Not so fast!" Said the mysterious person. It was.... "BRAACK OBAMA!" Cried Mason. "Yes! It is me" said Obama. "Your not the real Obama!" Said ghost rider. "Tell us, where the #%*¥% is the real Obama!" The fake Obama pointed to the ceiling and there was the real Obama, hang in the ceiling. "Holy #%*$!!!" Cried Mason. "Help!" Cried the real Obama. "It's too high up!" Said Alex. "I'll do it!" Said ghost rider. He bursts into flame and got a flaming chain and throws it at the ceiling where they have a hook! "I'll go up there!" Said mason. "Be careful up there!" Said Lauren. Mason was a pro!!! But there was a lock! "I need a key!" Said mason. "Catch!" Said Bennett. Mason caught the key! "I caught it!" Said mason. He unlock the locker! "I'm free!!!!!!!!!!" Cried the real Obama. "Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!" "No so fast!" Said the fake Obama. The fake Obama has a knife! But all of a sudden, mason came to save the day! Mason slash the fake Obama with mason's key blade! He slash and dice the fake Obama!!! The fake Obama is dead!!! "Cheer for mason!" Said Lauren. Everyone cheered for mason! "Hooray for mason!!!" Everyone cheered.

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