𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬

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EMORI HADLEY HAS NEVER BEEN MORE NERVOUS IN HER LIFE. She has always told herself that she wasn't afraid of death, from the moment her name was pulled out at the reaping to now. The reality is, she's terrified. Who is not afraid of death? The idea of closing your eyes and never opening them again, to never see the ones you love again. Whilst she has lost most of those people she cares for, there are still others she does not want to leave behind.

The last thing she wants is to see Reed die in front of her, she wouldn't be able to handle the pain that comes along with it. If Finnick or Mags were to fall, she'd cry and cry until her eyes could no longer produce tears. The idea of any of their images appearing in the sky makes her want to scream in anguish. If they were to go, what would she do?

"You've won before, you can win again," Flora says to her as she secured her hair into two braids like she wore in her original games. She hates the fact that her hair could be seen as similar to that of Katniss Everdeen, any similarity to her makes her annoyed.

"I don't wish to win this, Flora. I wouldn't truly be alive after," Emori mumbles. "There are people here who deserve to live over me,"

"I don't think you get to decide that. Do you really think some of the people here will let you die?"

"That's not their choice to make,"

Flora decides not to take the conversation any further, handing over her clothes so that she can get changed. The woman leaves the room as Emori changes into her appropriate attire and she knows that this arena will have something to do with water or the ocean — she's not the best swimmer which could be a serious issue.

Emori takes a few deep breaths as she thinks of what's to come in the next few hours. For one, she'll be doing something she never expected to do again — go back into the arena. Secondly, she finally has the chance to avenge the death of her big brother who she misses with every fibre of her being.

These games are bigger than your revenge fantasy.

Her mind wanders back to the words that Haymitch has spoken the other day and they also coincide what had happened during the interviews just last night. There is something approaching here, something that they apparently need Katniss Everdeen for or perhaps it's Peeta they need — she's unsure on the entire thing. The only possible outcome of this is rebellion, that she knows for sure but when it comes down to it, where would the rebels even go? There are peacekeepers in every District who will be on the watch for those who have deified the Capitol.

Enobaria pokes her head in and sees that the blonde is dressed and ready to go, giving her a nod as if to say they're ready to go. Emori takes another deep breath and follows to woman down the hallway so they can go to the hovercraft to take them to the arena. Tributes are slowly getting moved on, each of them sitting in an almost random seating order, ready to go.

"I'll see you when you come out," Enobaria says and Emori manages a small hug fake smile as they hug one another. Flora knows she isn't coming back, she has to know that – if anybody from District Two is going to win, it'll be Brutus.

Emori lets go of her mentor and walks into the hovercraft sitting down in the seat that has her name above it. It looks so much like the one she had been in a few years earlier.

She remembers her District Partner, Phoenix, sitting to her right and gently grasping her hand — a moment of comfort for the two tributes who were not supposed to show any emotion. The boy from One, who she remembers as Callin, was full of confidence to her left as he conversed with his own District partner Hilda. The girl and boy she'd killed in cold blood. Their faces often haunt her when she sleeps, their blood soaked bodies as they struggle to breathe before her. It's something she hasn't forgotten.

Emori feels something graze her skin and she looks to her right to see Reed watching her. She manages a small smile and he returns it as her left arm is grabbed and her tracker is injected. She hisses slightly but it's certainly not the worst pain she's ever felt. Her eyes stray and she sees that Katniss and Peeta are sitting right across from her, the brunette already staring her down.

It's strange to Katniss how different Emori and Cato are handling the ride to the arena. She remembers Cato relaxed and completely confident as he sat across from her whereas Emori is rather fidgety and is now grasping Reed's hand as if it's her lifeline. Emori also has experience when it comes to this so in reality, her attitude should be more like Cato's.

"Have I got something on my face, Everdeen?" Emori snarls and just like that, the resemblance to Cato makes itself known again. Peeta and Reed are both looking now. The blonde continues to glare until Katniss decides it is best to look away.

The flight seems like it goes forever, most of those who are on board completely anxious. Emori would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, how can somebody not be scared when they're thrown into a situation like this one?

"You find me, okay? Don't run off on your own," Reed says as the hovercraft lands and Emori nods her head, grateful that somebody will have her back in that arena.

"I'll see you in there," Emori responds as they quickly hug only to be pulled away moments later. She watches as he's taken to his stylist for one last fix of his attire.

Flora leads her down underground, towards the tube which she will be within in only moments. The eccentric woman gently fixes her hair one last time before taking her face between her hands.

"I won't say goodbye but I wish you the best of luck. Come home," Flora's voice is more gentle than Emori has ever heard it so in order to please her, she gives a short nod.

Emori walks towards the tube and stands inside, ready to be taken into the arena. Her heart is beating erratically and her breathing has picked up. As she catches one final glimpse of Flora, she's lifted up and put into an outdoor setting, squinting as the sun invades her sight.

The blonde looks around at the water and then moves her eyes over to her friend who is a few people to the right. His eyes connect with hers and he gives a nod. She shakily returns it as a voice is heard over the speaker.

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin..."

Made by @/caradunes

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