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POV: Iris
I was so happy when I saw Natsu come back with Lucy. He told us how he saved her and I laughed at his recklessness. The whole guild was depressed. Mira was trying to get ahold of Laxus and Cana couldn't get a reading on where Mystogan was. Natsu gave Lucy a pep talk so she would stay. A tear finds it's way out from my eye and slides down my cheek, followed by many more. "I can't believe I was ever part of such an awful guild..." I said quietly to myself while looking at my feet. I was standing in the corner near Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. Suddenly, the ground started shaking and Alzack shouted, "OUT THERE! LOOK!". When we got outside we saw something that I never thought I'd see... the Phantom Lord guild hall, on legs.

POV: Evelyn

Their faces are priceless! I smirk as I look at them from right in front of the moving guild hall. I spot Iris in the crowd and wink at her with a devious grin plastered on my face. Her eyes grew wide as she spotted me and Natsu saw it too. I look up as the Magic Focusing Cannon Jupiter comes out of the wall. My smirk grows bigger.

POV: Iris

Ezra is evacuating everyone from the area as a large ball of darkness appears in front of the cannon-like weapon. I know it as the Magic Focusing Cannon Jupiter. It was going to blast soon and Erza ran up to it. She requipped and held up a shield. The blast hit it and Erza's armor was holding up ok. Gray was holding back Natsu, Elfman was protecting Mira, and Lucy and I were frozen in fear. Erza suddenly got blow backwards once the beam faded. A calm voice boomed from the Phantom Lord guild hall, it was no doubt the master's. "Your Master has fallen, and now Erza can't even stand. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender Lucy Heartfilia immediately. You have no choice.". I could just tell by the sound of his voice he was smirking. 'No... I lost my sister once and I'm not gonna lose her again!' I thought to myself. All the guild was shouting in rebellion to his words while Lucy and I just stood there, looking down with sadness in our eyes. The voice of Phantom Lord's master rang through our ears, "I won't ask again.". He was beginning to get impatient and very angry. When I looked up to the hall, Evelyn was still there with a proud smile on her face. All he earned was more shouting and Lucy started crying. I heard my blonde sister quietly say something, "Maybe I should just go with them". I couldn't take her crying anymore and walked up to her, earning Lucy's attention. "Don't you dare give up now Lucy." I said seriously and gave her a hug. "WE WOULD NEVER BETRAY HER LIKE THAT! YOU'D HAVE TO KILL US FIRST!" I heard Erza yell and Lucy and I looked her direction. "See, you can stay at the guild, we'll protect you. Even if I barely know you I'm not giving up that easily." I encouraged, facing her. Then the loud, angered voice boom from the Phantom Lord hall, "IF DEATH IS WHAT YOU WANT THEN I'L GIVE YOU A SECOND HELPING OF JUPITER!!! YOU HAVE 15 MINUTES TO THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS!!!". Shadow soldiers then started appearing. So we split into groups. Some of us will storm the castle, Natsu will try and destroy the cannon, and the rest of us are protecting the guild hall. I assume Mira is taking Lucy to a hideout. So I fought my hardest using my Staff Magic. I heard Mystogan uses Staff Magic too so I should ask him to help me be better at it sometime. As we're fighting the Shadow Soldiers I can't help but feel like something bad is gonna happen...

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