caring avni

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At Home

avni was waiting for neil nd neha nd was also getting worried about neha's safety .

avni- i hope neha is fine . pls bappa keep her safe .

she was looking very scared nd worried too . she was busy thinking about neha when suddenly neha aur neil entered the house . hearing the door opening sound..... avni turned around nd looked at neha . she became shocked watching her vulnerable state . she was all mess .her cheeks were red with slap marks . her hairs were completely mess . her face was covered with sweat nd tear stains . she was wearing neil's jacket above her torn dress . she was only looking down due to fear . while our angry young man neil was stood all angry .

as soon as neha looked at avni .... she immediately ran towrds her nd hugged her tightly nd avni hugged her back . she was sobbing hardly nd shivering in avni's arms . while avni was conti rubbing her back gently in order to calm her .

avni- sshhh..... nehu baby pls calm down . stop crying . nehu nothing will happen to you . look you are safe now . you are away from those goons . they aren't here. pls stop crying ..... you are my strong girl na ....( consoling tone )

she was carresing her hairs softly . after few minutes neha calmed a bit but still sobbing a little . then avni broke the hug nd cupped her face in her hands . while neha was shivering badly nd tears were flowing from her eyes . then avni wiped her tears nd kissed her forhead lovingly . then avni held her hand nd took her to the nearby chair nd made her sit properly . then avni poured some water in a glass nd gave it to her . nd she drank in one go .

on the other hand ... neil was hell mad at neha . he stood silent with blood filled eyes . then he moved towrds neha nd spoke.....

neil- where the hell did you go late at night ....huh.... do i have a right to know or not . no i mean you don't need anyone's permission bcs you've grown big now . ( sarcastic way )

but neha hadn't spoke anything.   she stood silent all shaking nd shivering with fear . her eyes welled with fresh tears hearing his loud tone . while avni moved her gaze towrds neil nd found him all angry . his eyes're full of rage nd pain .

neil- why are you silent now .... i am asking you something . where the hell did you go late at night huh . don't test my patience .  just answer my question ...... ( loud tone )

he was conti shouting at her nd shivers running down her spine hearing his loud voice . she just stood silent nd numb . neil's anger raised more by her silence nd now he couldn't take anymore nd went near her chair nd was about to shout on her.... but this tym avni intruppts him .

avni- neil pls .... i think you should be polite with her . she is already very scared . nd you are scaring her more . pls don't be angry . pls calm down .

avni was trying to calm his anger he wasn't in his senses.....

neil- you know what neha .... this wasn't expected from you . bhut guroor tha mujhe tumpar.... but you ... you broke my pride ... you broke my trust . nd i won't forgive you for all this ... remember that . ( in angry voice )

saying this .... he stormed out of the hall in anger nd made his way towrds bedroom leaving a guilty neha behind . then avni went near her nd placed her hand on her shoulder nd asked her to calm down .....

avni- sssshh..... don't cry . don't cry .

then avni took her to her bedroom nd made her sit on bed . then she also sat beside her nd cupped her face while wiping her flowing tears . neha was in guilt then she held avni's hand nd spoke in trembling voice .

neha - bha..... bhi i am very bad na . today morning i shouted on you . i didn't even talk to you properly . but you are still helping me . bhabhi i don't deserve ur care .... ur love . i am feeling very guilty bhabhi . pls forgive me . pls ....( while sobbing )

then avni wiped her tears nd kissed her forhead lovingly .

avni- sshh.... its nothing like that nehu . i am not angry with you . nd you don't need to apologize . infact no one is perfect . everyone makes mistakes . but the real wise is one who learns something from his mistakes . hmm.... aur rahi baat neil ki then right now he is just angry . he isn't in his senses . but trust me soon he'll understood you . he'll definitely forgive you . he is ur bhai na nd he loves you a lot .... he won't be able to stay upset with you for a long time . now relax ....( carresing her cheeks )

avni was trying to calm her down but she was still sobbing remembering the horrible incident .

neha- bhabhi.... today if bhai aren't there then i don't know what might happened with me . i don't know whether i would've been alive or not .

hearing such words from her mouth .... avni placed his finger on her lips nd hugged her very tightly .

avni- nehu.... pls don't say such bad things . nothing will happen to my neha . huh ..... now look my dress is getting wet . so pls stop crying . if you aren't stop crying then i am not gonna talk to you .

hearing her sweet threat ..... neha broke the hug nd quickly wiped her tears. nd smiled a little .

avni- yeah ..... thats like my good girl . now give me wide smile .

then she smiled a bit more nd then avni made her lay down properly on bed nd got up from bed .

avni- okay .... so you take rest . tab tak main neil ko dekhkar aati hun. hmm.... call me if you need anything . i'll come oaky . now take rest .

saying this avni tucked her in fluffy duvet nd left the room moving towrds her bedroom .

avni-( in mind ) thank you bappa .... you saved neha .  nd thankfully mummy g isn't at home . otherwise she would've broken after seeing neha like this. now i hope that neil's anger'll subside soon .

soon she reached her room.  as soon as she entred inside ....she bacame shocked seeing the horrible view . neil was busy in breaking the things in anger . she was in deep shock seeing the messy room . all the things were scattered here nd there . the dressing mirror was broken . he wasn't in his senses. he was hell mad . his eyes were red nd puffy . his fair cheeks were all red . 

then avni immediately ran towrds him nd trying to hold his hand but he jerked off her hand in anger . actually he wasn't able to understand the situation . then found no other option avni at once engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. he was in deep shock with her sudden move. she was conti rubbing his back gently to control his anger . after few seconds ....neil also hugged her back with shivering hands . he was sobbing badly remembering everything what he saw today . while in order to calm him ..... avni just carresing his thick hairs lovingly nd then he spoke .....

neil- avni ... main haar gya avni . i couldn't be a good brother . today if i  hadn't reach on time then i don't know what would've happened . kehne ko toh main ACP hun.... vardi ki taqat hai mere pass but still i wasn't there to protect her . they're trying to force her .... i can't even tell ..... avni how can i forgive myself for .....

but before he could complete his sentence avni intruppts him.....

avni- sssshhhhh...... pls calm down . pls don't think like that . nothing happened to our neha . she is completely fine .she is safe at our home . nd you .... her brother saved her . nd who the hell said that you aren't a good brother ...infact you are the best brother of this world . so pls stop blaming yourself . its not your fault in this nd thinking about what could've happened nd what happened won't fix anything. this is not the solution of problm . infact you should be happy to see that she is safe at our house . so pls relax .... calm down .

hearing her consoling words .... he calmed a bit . but they still hugging each other . they stayed in the same position for around 10 minutes . then avni slowly broke the hug nd looked inyo his eyes which're all red due to conti crying . but at the same time there're rage in his orbs . then avni moved closer to him nd wiped his flowing tears . then she cupped his cheeks nd sensing her this much close to him ....a small smile appeared on his face but at the same time tears're also brimming out of his eyes . then avni again wiped his tears nd carresed his soft cheeks nd said.....

avni- you know what ACP NEIL KHANNA don't look handsome while crying ... so be a good boy stop crying like a cry baby nd give me a toothish smile . i am telling you seriously if someone sees u like this .....then they will make fun of you . everyone will call you cry baby ACP Neil Khanna . think about it . ( with smile )

she was trying to divert his mind with her PJ's but looks like her jokes hadn't any effect on him . then avni looked into his eyes nd hold his hand . as soon as she held his hand ..... he hissed in pain then she noticed that his hand was bleeding badly . she gets shocked nd panicked to seeing his bleeding hand .

avni- oh my god neil ..... your hand is bleeding . why didn't you tell me before . neil you are really mad . now what are you waiting for ....just come with me .

then avni dragged him to bed nd made him sit on bed .

avni- sit here ..... kya karun main iska .

she was scolding him for his carelesness. while he didn't spoke anything . he just sat silently nd was admiring her caring side . then she rushed to fetch the first aid . soon she fetched the first aid from drawer nd sat beside him . she took his hand in her tiny hands nd started to cleaning his injury while he was just staring at her with love nd just love .

precap - think think ..... yeah will do the rest of first aid in next chapter . till then let him bear the pain .

so.... how's the chappy . hope you enjoyed it . pls do drop ur views .

thank you
much love

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