Jedi Temple/Calling for help

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(No one pov)
Ezra ship travel through Hyperspace on it way to Lothal. Ezra was in his room fixing up his armour Ezra weld his Helmet fixing the scratches and dents in it Mega-Predator walk in to his room and growl softly Ezra turn his head to the side "I be up there my friend Ezra said Mega-Predator left his room and head to the cockpit, Ezra put his tools away and grab his Helmet before he left his room then head to the cockpit. Ezra ship exit out of Hyperspace "we are here my friend Lothal Ezra said as he pilot his ship but he saw Five Tie's Fighters flew pass his ship and behind him "unknown ship!send your ship ID codes or we will engage the pilot said Ezra transfer his codes to the Dreadnought then the pilot return "ship codes accepted welcome bounty hunter the pilot said as he and his team left Ezra pilot his ship to the blockade

Ezra ship flew pass the Empire blockade and flew down to the Capital. Ezra ship enter the atmospheres and flew to the Capital were he saw his home or it was his home he saw star destroyers over the city with light's on

Ezra ship head to the large dome building in the middle of the city. Ezra land his ship in the hanger then he lower his ramp down he and Mega-Predator walk down the ramp to see alot more storm troopers they were guarding the hanger entrance, or making sure the vehicle's, or bring in people Ezra saw Thrawn walking to him "welcome to lothal Bridger Thrawn said Ezra look behind him to see the city empty "things sure has change alot since I was here Ezra said "well things change alot but we talk later Governor Tarkin would like to speak to you Thrawn said Mega-Predator decide to stay behind to work on the ship well Ezra went to talk to Tarkin.

Ezra was in Tarkin office well Tarkin yells at him "several Tie's Fighters destroyed, a entire Fleet gone, blowing up a planet, and getting several troopers killed, you have any idea how much this will cost, i hope you can pay for all this not to mention the demo-team Tarkin said as he drop the data-pad on his table Ezra was looking out the window "that what War does, it cost so much to end a battle Ezra said "you don't get it kid, all the action you take mean the people will question the Empire, question the Emperor Tarkin said Ezra didn't look at him "people question the Emperor since the clone Wars ended Ezra said as he look at Tarkin "even you been question your loyalty Ezra said "I have been loyalty Tarkin said "did the Jedi you killed know your loyalty during the clone wars Ezra ask making Tarkin look at Ezra with a shock face "I read your file you betrayed the Republic, the Jedi that saved you your life many times Ezra said as he walk to Tarkin desk making Tarkin sit down in fear as Ezra lean over his table and look directly at Tarkin "so Tarkin will there be any more issues? Ezra ask as he keep looking at Tarkin "no Sir Tarkin said Ezra lean back "good, now tell me the status on the Jedi temple Ezra ask "we manage to remove half of the temple but we discover somethings else Tarkin said "what is it? Ezra ask Tarkin press a button on his desk as two Death troopers enter the room carrying a large rock they put it on the table to reveal it had drawing on the rock

Ezra look at the drawing on the rock he never saw nothing like this before Ezra did a scan of the rock "the origin of this drawing is difficult to reveal Ezra said "we were hoping that you may know Tarkin said Ezra shake his head "no I don't but I may learn more if I was as the dig site Ezra said "then head to the to the temple and see what you can learn Tarkin said Ezra walk pass the troopers and exit the room.

*in space*

Hera Kanan Zeb were in their armour well Marcus was adding the weaponry to the suits "there, your weapons system's are online so are your suits thrusters Marcus said as he finish up activating Hera suit "now with these suits we can stand a chance" Zeb said as he put his suit away "not even close Marcus said "what wrong? Kanan ask "to take down Ezra we need to deal with his new partner Marcus said as he show them a image of Mega-Predator "wow he tall Sabine said "they called him Mega-Predator, the very first genetically modified predator, he has blaster proof exo-skeletal skin he the first Super predator but he does have one weakness" Marcus said "where is that?Hera ask "behind his head is a micro-chip that controls his things, if we get disable it we can disable Mega-Predator then it be just Ezra left Marcus said "good we take him down for good Zeb said as he crack his knuckle "but we need help, someone who good with a rifle to take the shot and someone who enough men to help keep Mega-Predator busy Marcus said Sabine began to think "hey what about my friend Ketsu? Sabine ask "she great with a rifle Sabine said "what about Saw Gerrera? Zeb ask which made Hera and Kanan look at Zeb "who Saw Gerrera Marcus ask "he is a rogue rebels soldier that doesn't follow the rebellion ways, he is a loose cannon Hera said "call them, we need anyone we could call upon Marcus said Sabine and Hera went to get a hold of them.

*Lothal(Jedi temple)*

Ezra was on a imperial gunship which was bring him to the temple. Ezra was studying the drawing well he wait "sir, we are here the pilot said Ezra open the side doors he lean out abit to see the temple and the demo-team

The gunship flew down to the ground near the temple Ezra got off the gunship and head down to the temple. Ezra saw so many workers there "aw bounty Hunter welcome the scientist said as he bow but Ezra walk pass him the scientist follow him "Tarkin told me about your arrival so I gather all of the information I could solve and this is all incredible The Scientist said as he and Ezra walk up to the large temple drawing they uncover

Ezra look at the drawings "so what have you figure Ezra ask "well it seems these drawings are from the clones wars my guest that this drawing is some kind of tests" the Scientist said "what kind of test? Ezra ask "I don't know but maybe if we can figure what these drawing, we can learn more The Scientist said as he study his notes he gather. Ezra walk up to the drawings he look at the elder men drawing before he look at the girl then the boy "I wonder? Ezra said as he look at his right robotic hand as he look at the daughter hand he use his jets booster to flew in the air abit he place his fist on the girl hand then he close his eyes as he use the force on the drawing which made the drawings light up

(the girl picture began to move she close her eyes as she turn to the right side as the elder men place both of his hands on each side with his eyes close well the Loth wolf on the drawings began to the run to the right side)Ezra open his eyes to see the drawings have move but he saw the loth wolf running to the side so he follow them with the scientist behind him Ezra saw the loth wolf spinning around in a small circle "what did you do?the Scientist ask Ezra walk in front of the circle he touch the circle and his hand went through it "I portal, but to where? The Scientist ask "wait here Ezra said as he step into the portal.

*inside the portal*

Ezra enter the portal he look around to see many other different portals Ezra brought up his scanner's to see it wasn't working "I was wondering when you get here a voice said which made Ezra point his wrist cannon at the person to see it was the Other Ezra again "you! I thought I got rid of you Ezra said "you can't get rid of something that is part of you, we are two minds in one body Other Ezra said Ezra lower his arm "fine so what is this place? Ezra ask "what else, this is the force dimension, to those who enter this place will see the past, present, and future of themselves or the people close to them other Ezra said as he took a step forward "what secret does it hold Ezra ask "plenty, let go take a look shall we other Ezra said as he start walking "now I know who Sabine felt when we meet I am annoying Ezra said as he follow him "stick and Stone's Bridger, stick and Stone's other said said as he continue walking. Ezra follow the different version of himself "where are we going Ezra ask "to look at your past Other Ezra said as they stop at the first portal "take a look other Ezra said as they look into a portal to see it was turning red

Ezra saw a image of himself inside a imperial holding cell he was chain up by his arms well his clothes had rips The cell door open and Vader walk in the room "your still alive? Vader ask Ezra slowly lift his head at Vader "this punishment can be stop just tell me where are your friends Vader ask "never,they find you and when they do they save me then take you out Ezra said Vader just look at Ezra "if your friends did then why are you still here? Vader ask which made Ezra quiet but Ezra chain began to shock him making Ezra groan in pain before he let out a huge Scream in pain as Vader watch.

The portal close after it was over Ezra look at the portal before he look at the other Ezra "why would you show me this? Ezra ask "to show you how your hated started, When Vader told you that the ghost crew haven't came to save you that when you began to question them other Ezra said as he took a step forward then he use his right hand to wave to the side which a different portal was put in front of them then it reveal Ezra back in the same cell but this time he was in a prisoner outfit with a shock collar around his neck the Cell door open and Vader, Tarkin and the Inquisitors walk in his cell "wake up boy Vader said as he kick Ezra bed Ezra got up and stood up "what do you want now Ezra ask "your rebels friends just attack a Imperial Pilot recruitment center and got away with three recruits so tell us where are they hiding Tarkin ask Ezra sigh "I told you already I don't know any bases, outposts, or anything else Ezra said which Vader smack him to the side of the wall "you are hiding something and we will make you tell us what it is Vader said Ezra got up slowly as he look back at Vader but this time his eyes turn red which made The Inquisitors and Vader look at him then Ezra use the force to choke them and lift them in the air but it didn't work for Vader as he watch the power had but two storm trooper ran in the room and stun Ezra which knock him out The Inquisitors and Tarkin drop to the floor trying to catch their Vader turn and exit the cell "make sure he stays unconscious Vader said to the guard and left cell heading to the deck. The Portal close and Ezra was just looking at the floor "you know the reason I show you these is because your still haunted by your past,but let me show you how the ghost crew been well you were capture Other Ezra said as a new portal and it reveal Hera in the cockpit of the ghost inside the hanger bay they use on Garel "all specters report in Hera said "specter 1, found nothing Kanan said, "specter 4, nothing Zeb said, "specter 5, I got nothing Sabine said Hera sigh "then keep searching, we don't stop until we find something Hera said as she hang up then Chopper roll in the cockpit and show Hera a image of Sato Captain Syndulla how goes your search Sato ask "not good sir, we been searching everywhere we got nothing Hera said "then I must ask for you and your team to return, with the Empire busy we need to find a suitable planet to go into hiding Sato said Hera shake her head "no we can't stop now, Ezra is out there somewhere maybe scared I won't give up until we find him Hera said Sato let out a sigh "Captain I know how much Bridger is to you I understand, but sometime you have to let go Sato said Hera look at Sato with a piss off face "listen here Sato Ezra is part of this crew, he more then a crew mate he Family and we will find him Hera said as she hang up on Sato.

The portal close again Ezra made a fist before he look at the other version of himself "why are you showing me these? Ezra ask "because I'm trying to show you that if you continue down this path you will suffer your friends came back to Garel and find you they didn't give up on for many weeks other Ezra said then the force dimension began to disappear around them as it a training area "what now? Ezra ask as he look around then he turn around to see three white armour people in the middle of the room "who are them? Ezra ask as the other Ezra began to back up "Temple guards other Ezra said "what do you want? Ezra ask but he got no answer he look behind him to see the other Ezra was gone "coward Ezra said which made the temple guards active their own Lightsabers

Ezra mask deploy and cover his face as he grab his Predator sword off his back before he got into his stance.

*with the ghost*

Ketsu ship flew to the ghost then slow down so she can dock with the Ghost airlock. Sabine waited for Ketsu the airlock door open and Ketsu walk in with her helmet off "Hey Ketsu Sabine said as she and her hug each other "hey Sabine, how you been?I like the new look Ketsu said which made Sabine smile "thanks for coming Sabine said Ketsu nod her head "anything for you sis so what so important that you needed me? Ketsu ask "follow me Sabine said as she lead Ketsu to the common room. Sabine and Ketsu enter the common room where the others were waiting "we are ready? Kanan ask "Yes we are, chopper Hera said Chopper stood straight and show a holo-gram of Saw Gerrera "Captain Syndulla, what a surprise to see the rebellion Saw Gerrera said as he cross his arms "listen Saw Gerrera we won't be calling you unless we are depressed, but we are Hera said "then by all means, tell me why you contact me? Saw Gerrera said Hera look at Sabine "two months ago we had a encounter with a bounty hunter, he was paid to capture us which he went to one of our hidden communion outpost he slaughter everyone there including Wedge who was wounded, Mon Mothma send us to investigated but by the time we arrived it was already to late, everyone was dead and we were capture but we manage to escape his ship and land in the forest but he and his partner hunted us which he did before he could finish us Agent Kallus and half of the imperials started a rebellion agent the Empire he help us escape but wedge wasn't so lucky Sabine said which made Kanan look down at the floor "we manage to kill his partner and I kill him as well or so I thought he somehow survived his wounds and....he killed the entire rebellion on Yavin 4 Sabine said which made Ketsu and Saw Gerrera shock they both know the rebellion has grown but now it all gone "who the bounty hunter? Saw Gerrera ask "it...Ezra Bridger Specter 6, Kanan first padawan Sabine said "wait that kid who was with you when we meet? Ketsu ask "Yes but now he back for revenge not on us but the entire rebellion Sabine said "so what does have to do with us? Saw Gerrera Sabine step back so Marcus could speak "because we need your help to defeat my Nephew Saw Gerrera you have the force and the skills we need and for Sabine Friend your skill with a sniper Marcus said "what in it for me? Saw Gerrera ask "you help us and I promise you I give you the same equipment we are using to help you in your War and you can use it anyway you want Marcus said Saw Gerrera look down at the floor as he think "alright I'm in but I want half when you arrived Saw Gerrera said "deal we see you soon Marcus said Saw Gerrera close his channel "I set heading to his camp Hera said as she and Kanan had to the cockpit "good and for you Marcus said as he hand Ketsu a sniper rifle

Ketsu study the rifle closely as she smile "energy rounds with 15 different attachment and a advance scope I like this Ketsu said then Marcus grab a small handle from one of the boxes "catch Marcus said as he toss her it Ketsu catch it and it turn into a spear

Ketsu smile as she spin it in her hands "Mandalorian steal nice Ketsu said as it fold back then she place her new weapons on her back and her belt "if we get soon we can come up with a plan before Ezra find out Marcus said as he head up to cockpit.

*back at the Jedi temple*

Ezra slid back across the room before he slam into the wall Ezra look at the Temple guards as they walk to him But Ezra active his shoulder cannon and fire at them which they deflect it back at him then Ezra open two small hatches on his back then it release smoke everywhere the temple guards stop and stand their ground then Ezra launch at them kicking the middle one back then blocking the right temple guard strike before he did a spin and slice the left temple guard knee which made him fall on his knee before Ezra slice the right Temple guard in half, the left Temple guard was about to get up but Ezra use the dead temple guard lightsaber to stab him in the chest before he grab him by his helmet and snap his neck the Last Temple guard got up just as he saw the two temple guard body on the floor "if I was you I would give up and walk away or fall like your pals Ezra said as he got into a defence stances but the Temple guard use the force to call one of the lightsaber on the wall he caught and turn it on before he got into a stance "oh so unwise Ezra said as he grip his swords both of them waited to see who made the first move then the Temple guard made the first move He charge at Ezra did a side spin as he swing his sabers Ezra block his attack then block his second swing before Ezra lean back to dodge both sabers then Ezra turn around and stab both swords into temple guard chest. The temple guard arms drop to his side as he deactivated both of his lightsabers Ezra push his dead body off his swords Ezra look at his left hand to see the lightsaber Ezra crush it then tossing it to the side Ezra step over the corpses and head to the door "so it is true the young Jedi has turn to the dark side a voice said which made Ezra stop walking he turn around to see the temple guards getting up but their wounds were gone "what is the meaning of this? Ezra ask the two Temple guards in the back grab their mask and took it off revealing who it was the one of the right was Minister Tua and the one on the left was Barris Offee Ezra stood still as he look at both woman "Minister?how you were killed and who are you? Ezra ask "my name is Barris Offee I was once a Jedi but I betrayed the Jedi order during the purge I was killed but my soul and mind came here Barris Offee said "yes I was killed but thanks to the Force I was brought here and learn for my mistake Minister Tua said "we all make mistakes which is way we are here the temple guard said as he take his helmet off snd it was Grand Inquisitor Ezra take a step back "we all made mistakes Bridger which is way we are here we all been tested and now you have complete your test Grand Inquisitor said "what test" Ezra ask then the other version of himself appear "to see if you are worthy of learning what ahead of your path other Ezra as they step the side and a portal appear behind them it began to show Ezra what awaits him.

*Ezra future*

Ezra battling the Ghost Crew on Coruscant with the Xenomorph army behind them fighting the Empire who armour was grey with a red skull painted on them. Ezra sitting in the Emperor throne with Mega-Predator on his right side well a female warrior on his left side as they watch the Strom troopers bow down to their new leader. The planet of Coruscant head every Star Destroyer over it well Ezra enter the ruined of the Jedi Temple then Ezra stand with his Predator sword in his right hand as he face a person with a purple Lightsaber. Sabine and Ezra fighting each other on top of the burning Senator building as a dark cloak person jump in the air with a blue lightsaber.

*end of the vision*

Ezra blink a couple of times as he woke up on the ground outside of the temple with Storm troopers and a medical team all above him Ezra sit up quickly and shrugged his arm away from a medical droid "get off me! Ezra said he look at his arm before he got up off the ground then the temple began to rumble "what happening? The Scientist ask then Ezra look at the Temple to see them moving the ground began to break apart and top of temple began to break off as well dropping large rocks EVERYONE!,EVACUATED! a Storm trooper said as everyone began to run as the ground began to break apart Ezra ran from the temple as it began to collapse around soon the entire temple was cover with a bright glow that light up the night sky lothal.

*At Dawn(next day)*

Ezra woke up again but this time he was looking at the sky he sit up off the ground to see he was the middle of no where he couldn't see any imperials anywhere Ezra got up and dust off his armour Ezra did a scan around the area to pick up anyway life but nothing Ezra took a step back but he step on something he look down to see the rock Tarkin had but it was a small one Ezra pick up and it had writing on it

("Your future have been reveal",
"Time to seek out your destiny,
"Cursed has been reveal",
"Only time will tell,when you complete your destiny")

Ezra look at the rock and study it then he heard a noise he look up to see several gunships flying to him Ezra look at the rock again before he crush it into pieces Ezra then start to walk back to the Capital avoiding the Gunships but what Ezra didn't know that a large hairy creature stood in the distance watching him very closely before it follow Ezra from a distance.

Hope you all enjoy the book so far and have a wonderful summer too.

Spartanleader out

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