The Dead Universe/ A Lost Jedi

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(No one pov)
The Ghost flew through space as Ezra ship chase after them firing at them Zeb was on the top gun well Sabine was in the back gun firing at Ezra ship. Hera did her best to dodge the bolts well Kanan lead her to the coordinations "Hera are we close yet we can't keep this up!Zeb said as he keep firing "we are almost there Kanan said as he felt the Holocron vibrate more. Ezra and Mega Predator fire their weapons "don't let them escape Ezra said as he continues to fire a shot hit the Ghost rocking it "Shields are done Kanan!Hera said as she keep piloting "we are here! Kanan said as the holocron close "Kanan I don't see anything!Hera said then as soon she about to jump into Hyperspace a Blue Portal appear

The Ghost controls turn blue as the Ghost was pull into the portal "Guys hang on Hera said as the Ghost enter the portal then it close Ezra ship flew through the portal Ezra look out the window "What was that? Ezra ask Mega-Predator turn to look at Ezra as he growl meaning he didn't know.

* in another world*

The Ghost travel through the portal Hera hang on to the controls as Kanan look out the window using the force to see a wonderful sight he was looking at

Soon the Ghost came to hault Hera open her eyes to see a different galaxy

Sabine and Zeb enter the cockpit "what happen?where are we? Sabine ask "I don't know but this is were the holocron brought us Kanan said as he look at the holocron glowing then it disappear "I see you finally arrived a voice said Kanan look around to see nothing "hey look Sabine said as she point to something they see in the distance a person floating "who is he?Zeb ask "someone we don't want to mess with Hera said "Hera get us out of us out of here Sabine said Hera try to get the ghost started but it wasn't working "engine must took a hit we need to repair it Hera said "what about him Zeb ask "I won't harm you my friends the person said as he float the the ghost "I have no longer required violence just peaceful way the person said "who are you Kanan ask "I was a simple warrior in my time but I betrayed the ones I called brothers the person said "may I ask who are you Kanan ask the person lower his hood and took off his mask " I am Scorch Jedi Master Scorch said to them

(Jedi master Scorch)

Kanan look at him "your that Jedi who was trying to open a holocron Kanan said "what do you mean?Sabine ask "before the Clones were made I was caught trying to open a special kind of Holocron Scorch said as he pull out the Holocron from his back "This is the Galaxy Holocron a ancient Holocron Scorch said as he look at the holocron

Scorch look at the rebels "so why are we here?Hera ask "the Galaxy Holocron brought you here because it sense the one who can open it Scorch said "oh he means Kanan Zeb said "no every Jedi has try to open it but they weren't lucky only the Holocron will choose who can open it Scorch said as he move his arm from one rebels to another until he stop on Sabine then the holocron began to glow "it seems it choose you my dear please exit your ship so we...can talk Scorch said as he land on top of the ghost Sabine look at Kanan "should we listen to him?Sabine ask Kanan cross him arms "as much I don't like this but until we can get the engine fixed go for it Kanan said Sabine nod her head as she walk to the top hatch.

*back in the space*

Ezra ship was still in space trying to find to track the Ghost "we find away to track them I came this far to be stop Ezra said as he keep looking then his scanner pick up something Ezra look to see the same portal but this time it was red Ezra grab the lever and push it forward making the ship enter the portal. Ezra ship travel through the portal but then the ship began to rock Ezra saw the portal began to break

Then his ship exit the portal Ezra and Mega-Predator saw their in some kind of world "what is this place Ezra ask as he look around "this is were your destiny begins a voice said Ezra and Mega-Predator turn around weapons drawn behind them they saw a dark armour person walking out of the shadow with a Red Lightsaber in his right hand

Ezra and Mega-Predator aim their weapons at him "who are you?and how did you get on my ship? Ezra ask the person chuckle at them.

*Back with the rebels*

Sabine was on top of the Ghost with Scorch "so what have you been doing well you are here?Sabine ask "learning, forcing, calming the mind Scorch said "so how we do this we make a deal or something Sabine ask "only the holocron will decide if you are worthy of the holocron Scorch said "how?Sabine ask "we shall travel through your memories let you see the ways of your choices and the consequence they came with Scorch said as he and Sabine travel to the past. They appear in a Imperial Academy "wait I remember this place Sabine said "this is were you choice begin Scorch said as they saw a female empire cadet standing with imperials officer's with her "ladies and gentlemen please allow me to introduce you to our finest and highest rank in the academy Sabine Wren a officer said as younger Sabine remove her helmet "I Sabine Wren have made the ultimate weapon to defend our home Past Sabine said as she show everyone her weapon the imperials cheer and clap "This is were your first mistake begin Scorch said "I remember when I build this they told me they were going to use it for good but once I learn they use it on my people I rebel Sabine said as she and Scorch saw her destroying her work and deleting her design on from the network "after your destroyed your work you ran Scorch said "yes after my family and my clan refuse to stand with me so I had no choice to run Sabine said as she watch as herself ran from blaster fire as she make it to a transport shuttle. Scorch and Sabine soon teleported inside the ghost "we are inside the Ghost Sabine said "this is were your new future started Scorch said as they see a Younger Hera and Kanan walking with Zeb "so we got the supplies what about the cargo?past Zeb ask " we have our first contact he go by Vizago he willing to buy it for a good descent price Hera said "excuse me? A voice said Hera Kanan and Zeb turn around to see a colorfully armour Mandalorian "I was wondering if you have any jobs for me to earn some credits? She ask "I'm sorry but we just finished our last one Kanan said "oh ok she said as she walk away but Hera stop her "hey kid Hera said making her stop and turn around "do you know anything about blaster? Hera ask she smile underneath her helmet "thanks to her you join the Ghost Crew Scorch said "she give me something I haven't had for years Sabine said "what may that be? Scorch ask "a family Sabine said with a small smile.

*in Ezra ship*

Ezra and Mega-Predator both had their weapons aim at the person "who are you? Ezra ask "it doesn't matter if you fail today I won't exist the person said Ezra look at him confuse "I am here to make sure you complete your mission The Person said Ezra look down at the floor before he look back st him "Lies Ezra said as he and Mega-Predator fire their weapons the person dodge their blast before he fire a shot hitting Mega-Predator in the chest shocking him then he tackle Ezra slamming him into the controls "so much angry, the hatred growing inside you the person said as he look into Ezra eyes "I can help you force it use it as a weapon The person said Ezra grab him by his arm jump over him and throw the person over his shoulder only to be slam into the wall "I am here to Change the Future, to change your destiny The person said Ezra look at him before he put his foot on his chest and shove him back Ezra land back on the floor "I MAKE MY OWN DESTINY! Ezra said as he aim his Cannon at the person but he laugh "yes use your hatred the person said as his entire arm turn into a Rail gun he point it at Ezra as they both fire each bolts hit each other creating a large blast and smoke. Ezra saw the person was still standing but they were also in another place "where am I? Ezra ask "I brought you here to so I can show you your true power the person said as he show Ezra where the Ghost was "their ship is damage if we can reach them before they leave we can wipe them for good the person said as he make Ezra ship travel through the same portal.

Scorch and Sabine were on the Ghost on the day Ezra join them "This is the day that Ezra join your team Scorch said "my name is Ezra what yours Ezra said with a smirk "Ezra had a crush on me when i took my helmet off Sabine said "you must have to be honest you did like him Scorch said "I did but after he kept showing of he was making a fool of himself Sabine said "but I want to know when Ezra find us he goes after me first which we don't know why Sabine said "it because his emotions are clouded his feelings are blinded which is why he after you Scorch said Sabine look down "so it my fault he after us Sabine ask "yes he trusted you but after you broke his trust and your friendship with him he want his revenge Scorch said Sabine look up to see herself on her knees blood dripping from her head as she had her hands cuff to the ceiling as she was strip of her armour "you must be strong to stop your friend and let nothing stop you Scorch said Sabine close her eyes then she felt something she look down at her hand to see she had the Holocron in her hand and it was glowing before it release a small blue beam scanning her before it close "the Holocron has chosen you congrats Scorch said "so what do I do next Sabine ask "you leave the dead universe and return to your team but I must ask for something Scorch ask "what is it? Sabine ask "that you let me come with you, I learn from my mistake and lose the ability to fight all I want is to leave this place and join my fallen brothers Scorch said Sabine smile as she place a hand on his back "yes you can come it about time you rest Sabine said then they heard a boom they look above them to see Ezra ship "we need to leave now Scorch said Sabine ran to the hatch "Hera fire up the engine Sabine said Hera climb out of the engine as she power them up before she ran to the cockpit well Kanan and Zeb ran to the gunner seat but she stop them "no i had to transfer all remains power to thrusters including the guns Hera said as all three of them ran to the cockpit.

Hera Kanan Zeb enter the cockpit and took their seats as Hera turn on the engine Sabine enter the cockpit "Hera let move Sabine said "thrusters are still charging Hera said as they saw the Ezra ship. Ezra ship lower a cannon and aim it rail cannon at the Ghost Ezra lock onto the Ghost the Cannon began to charge up Ezra ship move in range before it was within reach but Ezra felt something he look behind the person to see the good versions of himself standing there shaking his head Ezra look back at the Ghost "Fire Ezra said as the cannon fire the beam got closer making Sabine Hera Kanan and Zeb close their eyes but before the beam can hit them Scorch flew in front of the Ghost making the beam hit him instead

Scorch scream as the blast hit him Sabine watch as Scorch shield them "GO!TAKE THE HOLOCRON!STOP YOUR FRIEND! Scorch said Ezra saw Scorch as well "No, NNNOOOO! Ezra scream said "GO NOW! LEAVE THIS PLACE! Scorch said as he reopen the portal soon Scorch scream one last time before he exploded "HERA! Sabine said as Hera push the controls forward the Ghost boost and flew into the portal. Ezra let go of the controls "you fool! They escape you were meant to destroyed them the person said Ezra stood up and look back at the person "you forgot that I don't trust anyone not even you and I make my own destiny Ezra said the person leap at Ezra but Ezra caught him by his throat "your time is done here Ezra said as he see the person turning to dust "you will fail but go to Onderon! The person said as he vanished then Ezra ship return back to space "set course to Lothal we got what we wanted Ezra said as his ship enter Hyperspace. The Ghost exit near the planet Onderon Sabine stood up as she rub her head "is everyone okay? Sabine ask "yes we were fine Hera? Kanan ask "I'm okay love Hera said "where are we now? Zeb ask Hera look up to see they were back at Onderon "we are back at Onderon Hera said with a smile" hey where Scorch?Kanan ask as he didn't see him "he..give his life to save us Sabine said "what do you mean?Zeb ask "he took the beam for us Sabine said making everyone look down "but he did give us something to help us Sabine said as she show them the Holocron glowing in her hand "it bonded to me now we can learn to help us Sabine said as the Ghost head down to the Saw Gerrera Campsite.

Hope you guys enjoy the book so far and have amazing day guys.

Spartanleader out

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