The Unlikely Allie's

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(No one pov)
Marcus stood with the Kanan as he Explain to the others what Marcus told him wait we need to recover the what?Zeb ask Marcus told me that we need to go back to the cave and recover the Project Seeker Kanan said um are you missing the fact that he Ezra UNCLE KANAN!Zeb said as he point to Marcus what if it a trap he sending us too Zeb ask if I was working with my Nephew I wouldn't be standing here and explaining this to you Marcus said but you have to trust me on this the Project the Empire had is your only chance on beating Ezra Marcus said why would we believe you Tristan ask you don't have to trust me but on this one you must Marcus said Sabine sigh as she began to think before we do me and Tristan will scout the Cave before we move in Sabine said Marcus nod his head but if this a trap I will personally shot you in the head myself understand Sabine said Marcus nod his head understand Marcus said come on Tristan Sabine said as she and Tristan went to grab their gear before leaving.

*aboard the Hunter ship*

Ezra ship travel through space heading back to Mandalore. Ezra sat in his seat with Mega-Predator behind him and Seventh sister on the right lord Vader as accepted your requested and is sending a demolition team to the temple Seventh sister said as she sit down in her chair good at least they good at that Ezra said the Mega-Predator growl softly as he look at Ezra no I still don't want to talk about what I saw Ezra said as his space flew pass a dirty planet called Atollon but then the ship began to power down what going on now Ezra said as he check on the controls as Mega-Predator did a system check but Ezra felt a strong present near the planet he look at the planet from the ship as he heard a voice come to me young warrior, much talking we have a voice said in his head as the power turn on Mega-Predator look at Ezra and growl hang on I need to check on something down here Ezra said as he pilot the ship down to the planet

The Hunter ship flew above the area before they saw a base that was destroyed so they land near the base. They walk around the base to see old dead corpses of Storm troopers or rebels soldier's and fighters on the ground Mega-Predator kneel down a corpse he grab the corpses and brought it up before he sniff it then growl a little I don't know but my guest this was the rebels base after Garel Ezra said as he look around the area then he heard the voice again come to me the voice said Ezra saw a path leading into the tree's behind the smaller pillars keeping a group of spider creature out wait here and check for anything we can scavenge here Ezra said as he start walking he walk pass the pillars but the spider creature move in and growl

Ezra growl before he took a step and let out a huge roar scaring the spider creatures making them scatter and hide Ezra stop roaring and chuckle before he continue to walk. Ezra continue walking to a large opening in the ground he walk down the small cliff and saw nothing but a large tree this was a waste of a time Ezra said as he turn around but he heard the voice again the young Jedi has come finally the voice said making Ezra look around to see nothing but you have change alot the voice said show yourself and speak to me in person or stop hiding like a coward Ezra said as vines shot out of tree's wrapping around Ezra left arm but Ezra deploy his Wrist Blade and cut the vines as they kept coming but soon the vines manage to grab Ezra by both of his arms and lifting him in the air such words shall not be use on my planet boy the voice said Ezra deploy his hidden blade on his foot he swing his foot to the right side and cut the vine to his right arm then he free his left arm Ezra land on one Knee before he stood up then show yourself and we shall a....civil talk Ezra said as he put his wrist blade away the vines soon retreated into the tree's very well the voice said soon the ground began to shake Ezra step back as the tree in front of him began to shake before rising out of the ground Ezra look up at the large creature with horns on it head shake it head before turning around to face Ezra now shall we talk Jedi the creature ask as he stood up by using his hands

Ezra look at the creature what are you Ezra ask the creature I am many things I am the light, I am the darkness, I am the one in the middle I am....the Bendu Bendu said Bendu? Weird name Ezra said making Bendu lean down in front of him and breathe hardly through his nose if I was you keep your comments to yourself now let talk Bendu said as he lean backward why have you called me here Ezra ask I called you here is for my reason and yours but I am here to help guide to your true destiny Bendu said my true destiny is to kill the Phoenix squadron for what they did to me all those years ago Ezra said as he make a fist Bendu laugh abit your destiny? The path you follow will only lead you to your own death and destruction in the future Bendu said as he got close to Ezra but Ezra saw he was blind your blind how are you able to see? Ezra ask I maybe blind but I still can see everything that happen Bendu said as he stare into Ezra eye's.

*in Ezra mind*

Ezra stood in the middle of a empty room with a blue orb floating on his side where are we Ezra ask we are in your subconscious this is were I will show you two different path Bendu said as he show Ezra a red door.
(if you continues on this dark path and killed the ones you give you a home but you won't stop with the rebellion you will slaughter the Empire and anyone who grt in you way)*we see Hera on the ground with a hole between her chest, Kanan laying beside her with a sword in his chest, chopper slice in half, Zeb was leaning against a rock with his Bo-staff in his right hand, in the background was pile of dead rebels and Mandalorians corpse's(you will slaughter the rebels and Mandalorians to get to her)Sabine was crawling on the ground as she lead a blood trail to the dead body of Bo-Katan who weld the darksaber in her hand she reach for it but a blade stab her in the back and lift in the air to reveal Ezra as he lift her in the air and roar(once you done with the rebels but you won't stop until you are the only one that feared)Ezra was on Coruscant slaughtering the guard's one by one Palpatine and Vader fought Ezra(but not even the two strongest Sith lords can't stop you)Ezra sat in Palpatine Chair with Vader helmet and Palpatine skull on the desk.

Ezra look away from the red door but Bendu then show Ezra a blue door(but if you stray from the darkness and go into the light you will have you always wanted)Ezra was in cuffs as he Hera Kanan Zeb and Sabine were outside his cells door talking to him and Ezra was smiling(the rebels and Mandalorians will trust you once you pay for your crimes)Ezra lay down on a bed as the guards strap his arm and legs in before the medicals droids and doctors began to remove Ezra armor. Ezra had his entire armour remove except for robotic arm Sabine was in the cell with him talking to him.

Ezra look at him and Sabine as they laugh but Ezra made a fist before he deploy his wrist blade and and slice the blue door in half returning him back to normal Ezra turn to see Bendu was gone the choice is your Jedi but remember choose wisely Bendu said I choice my own path and I won't be judge but a creature like you Ezra said he head back to his ship but he never notice Bendu was behind a tree watching him carefully you be back Jedi with many question I promise you Bendu said as he watch Ezra

(On Mandalore)

Sabine and Tristan were on top of the canyon looking through their helmet scope or Tristan was Sabine helmet visor zoom in so what with the new helmet Tristan ask my armour and helmet were damage during my fight with Ezra until I get my armour forge again I have to use this Sabine said is it better Tristan ask a little my helmet help listen in from a distance Sabine said as she zoom in on a group of Storm troopers with one Shore Trooper Captain. The shore troopers was waiting by the cave entrance sir what are we doing A storm trooper ask our order from the Admiral was to savage anything from the project and return it to the ship the shore trooper said then why are we waiting for another storm trooper ask I send a recovery team into the cave a hour ago and I still got nothing back the shore trooper said but he groan in angry come on men lets find out The shore trooper said as he grab his blaster off the transport before he and his men enter the cave. The troopers had their flashlight on as they search the cave sir if you don't mind me asking but what was the project they work here a trooper said don't know but from what I heard they were working on creating a weapon to take down the rebels so long with those Mandalorians but they attack and destroy the lab the Shore trooper said sir look lights a storm trooper said as he point to a light up ahead but a trooper in the back stop to check the back but two dark claws slowly lower down beside his head and grab him by the head before he was lifted in the air two more in the back were also tackle to the left and to the right leaving the shore trooper and the trooper behind him he pick up the flashlight but it was attach to a arm making them back up what happen to them the trooper ask I don't know but we need support now the shore trooper said as they ran to the cave entrance but the last storm trooper was tackle and drag him away the shore trooper grab him I got you soldier he said as he try to pull him but a he lose his grip and fell to the ground as he watch as the storm trooper was drag away the shore trooper pick up his blaster he scan the cave as he back up slowly he heard scratches around him but he back up into something tall he look up slowly to see large black creature it hiss at him before it lung at him making the shore trooper scream as he was push to the ground and rip apart as the creature rip him apart. Sabine heard the scream from her visor so she zoom out we need to get back to the others now Sabine said as she and Tristan got up and return to camp.

(On the star destroyer)

Thrawn look out the window as he heard the door open he look behind him to see Ezra, Mega-Predator and seventh sister walking to him how was your hunt?Thrawn ask very funny blue face Ezra said well if you care to know I send a recovery team to scavenge anything from the lab Thrawn ask why? Ezra ask that was my order from the Emperor that you need to know Thrawn said making growl at him if anything from the project survived then I want it delivery to my ship Ezra said that not your call Jedi Thrawn said making Ezra grab him by his throat and lift him in the air which made two death trooper point their blaster at him but Mega-Predator turn around to face them listen carefully Thrawn...i am no longer a Jedi and never will be unless you want to end up like Pryce or the Inquisitor you watch you mouth with me before i rip your spin out myself Ezra said as he drop Thrawn before he left the bridge. Ezra was in his ship at his bench with his robotic arm on the table he was fixing the arm Ezra grab the welder and weld his arm sharping his hand making them a little more sharper but his transmitter went off he answer it and it was the Emperor how did it go Emperor ask mission was a complete fail the Mandalorian destroyed the lab and now you send a recovery team Ezra said this data will help us design a new weapon one that you will control the Emperor said Ezra growl as he continue to fix his arm.

*at the camp*

Sabine and Tristan return to camp explaining what they saw and hear so is it worth to go Zeb ask we don't know but we take dangerous risk before Zeb we have to take it Hera said ok so it be me Hera Zeb Sabine Tristan and Rex Fenn Raul can you handle everything here Kanan ask don't worry Jedi I got it but what about him Fenn Raul ask as he point to Marcus I won't cause any trouble well your gone I will remain on this rock Marcus said Sabine sigh he be fine now get ready Sabine said Hera Kanan Zeb Rex went to get their gear Sabine kneel down in front of Marcus listen I know Ezra is your nephew but we have to stop him I hope you know that Sabine said I do what ever it takes to stop him even if it mean I had to kill him Marcus said Sabine stood up but Marcus stop here before you go take these Marcus said as he hand her two dual pistols and a new sword

(Sabine new dual pistols)

Sabine took the pistols and put them in her armour holster then put the sword on her back thank you Sabine said as she walk to the other near the speeders we ready Sabine ask what with the new weapons Tristan ask Marcus give me his he seems to prove himself to us Sabine said I don't like it Tristan said we got him a chance but for now let move before the Empire can take everything Sabine said as she and Tristan flew well the others follow on speeders bikes.

*on the destroyer*

Ezra was cleaning his weapons well Mega-Predator was doing a scan on the planet trying to locate anything for them to track that when a death trooper enter their ship Grand Admiral Thrawn want you two on the Bridge now the Death trooper said making Ezra and Mega-Predator look at each other. The death trooper lead Ezra and Mega-Predator to the Bridge where Thrawn and Seventh sisters were waiting for them good one of our scout droids spotted this Thrawn said as he show them the footage of Sabine Tristan and the rebels traveling across the dessert the rebels Ezra said where they heading Ezra ask they are heading to the lab my guest to stop my recovery team Thrawn said when they reported in Ezra ask 2 hours ago before you return they haven't reported in since then Thrawn ask Ezra look at the recording how many men do you have Ezra ask just my squadron of Death troopers why Thrawn ask I take them with me I stop them myself and recovery anything Ezra said as he head to the hanger.

*on Mandalore*

Sabine Tristan and the rebels were outside of the cave they search the camp to see no imperials anywhere Tristan was kneel down in front of the cave looking at a track of footprints track are fresh my guest they must be inside Tristan said ok let go in but be are guard Sabine said as they enter the cave. Tristan and Sabine were in front Zeb and Rex had the back with Kanan and Hera in the middle Zeb smells something what is that smell Zeb ask smells like something died here Rex said they turn the corner to see something gruesome huh?guys look at this Tristan said as he show them corpse's of dead storm troopers, three shore troopers, and a bunch of workers dead with their chest burst open and face with a hole between their head what happen here Hera ask Sabine kneel down near a corpse her helmet did a scan according to my scans something attack them and dragging here were mg guest they were food or killed by something with claws that can go right through armour Sabine said could it be Ezra Rex ask no Ezra would slaughter them arms and legs would be scatter but this...this is something new Sabine said as she stood up she follow the blood trail until to stop in the middle of the cave weird blood trail ended here my guest whatever did this killed them well being upside down Sabine said so whatever did this to them is still in here Tristan ask yes so let remain on guard Sabines said but she was tackle SABINE!Hera scream Sabine was slam into the wall she look to see Ezra hello Sabine like the new look you got Ezra said Tristan and the others soon got to cover as Death troopers walk out of the shadows firing their blaster at them we got unfinished buss business Sabine Ezra said yes we do like making sure you stay dead Sabine said as she did a spin kick then grabbing him before she slam Ezra into the wall but Ezra smack her away Sabine stuck the landing she grab the sword off her back and got into stance

Ezra chuckle at her nice sword where you get it Ezra ask would you like to know Sabine said no not really Ezra said as he deploy his wrist blade

But it will be a fine weapon to had to my wall right next to your father skull Ezra said with a smile Sabine grip her sword and charge at him Ezra charge at her ss both of their blades lock into each other. The death troopers continue to fire at the rebels as they were hidden behind a rock Tristan like up and fire three shots hitting one of the death trooper in both shoulders before the last bolt hit his head Tristan duck down he look to see Sabine and Ezra fighting Sabine went for a strike but Ezra block her swing and again then Ezra smack Sabine in the face then kick her back but Sabine roll over and fire her pistol but Ezra dodge them your aim is a mess Ezra said but a bolt hit him in the face you talk to much Ezra learnt I shut that mouth of your for once Sabine said making Ezra growl at her fine let see if you can talk when I rip our your throat Ezra said as he charge at Sabine and tackle her into the wall then he punch her in the face over and over but her helmet wasn't taking damage then Ezra slam her into the same wall before he throw her Sabine hit the rocks before she slam into the other side of the wall Sabine was about to sit up but Ezra slam his robotic foot on her chest Ezra chuckle at her this bring back some memory does it Wren Ezra ask SABINE!Tristan said as he flew at Ezra but Ezra caught him by his throat before he look at him so your the little brother, I heard that you did join the Empire when your sister was gone I must say....i respect that in a boy Ezra said Tristan try to break free but Ezra slam Tristan into the wall before he throw him to the side then he look at Sabine as he raise his wrist blade this time....nothing will save you now Sabine Ezra said but before he can go for the strike the wall next to him burst open as a large black creature lung out of the wall Ezra saw the creature but before he can hit it the creature tackle Ezra off Sabine before throwing him across the cave Sabine look up to see large black creature standing above her as it stood up the creature took a step as it ler out a roar

Ezra fell on his knee he look up at the creature as he stood up project seeker it a hybrid Ezra said the creature charge at Ezra so Ezra ran at it both collided but the creature was stronger then Ezra it push Ezra back as Ezra try to hold his ground the creature slam Ezra into the wall then using it claws to claw at Ezra across the face Ezra went for a swing but the creature grab his arm and claw Ezra in the face before picking Ezra up and throwing him in the air before the creature jump in the air then use it two tails to slam Ezra back into the ground before landing on him a few death trooper went to help Ezra well the other keep the rebels busy Ezra was throw out of the dust and into the other side of the wall the death trooper saw the creature so they fire at the creature but their shots didn't pierce it skin the creature roar at the death trooper before it did a spin slicing the death troopers head off with it tails then the creature stood up straight and let out a huge hiss soon Xenomorph jump drop from the cave and charge at the remaining death troopers who open fire at them but the death troopers were tackle to ground and rip to shreds. The large creature walk to Sabine and pick her up before letting out another hiss making the other Xenomorph stop eating the death troopers and ran to the rebels two Xenomorph grab the rebels and carry them up the cave the large creature carry Sabine up the cave Ezra stood up he saw the creature taking the rebels NO!Ezra sais as he point his shoulder cannon at them and fire three rounds but all three rounds miss.

The creatures and the Xenomorph brought Sabine and the rebels to their hive the large creature put Sabine down with her friends what are these things Hera ask Sabine lower her helmet making the large creature lower it head down in front of Sabine I know you Sabine said as she lift her right hand up and place it on the creature head making the creature lean into her head and growl softly you know thing Tristan ask yes on the planet we were capture a creature I save protect me from Ezra but it was killed my guest this what the Empire was making here Sabine said so this is project seeker Hera said must be I heard Ezra called it Xenomorph but it look like a hybrid of his partner Sabine said the Predator?Kanan ask well great so we got to bring it back Zeb said Marcus did say bring the project back to camp so look like we have to too Sabine said. Ezra exit the cave and got away from the cave Thrawn the recovery team is gone but the rebels have the project Ezra said then what do we do Thrawn ask shell the place bring the rain Ezra said as he look at the cave to see several cannon bolts hit the cave making the cave entrance collapses. Sabine and the other felt the cave shake we need to get out of here Sabine said how we get lost Hera said Sabine look at the creature can you lead us out Sabine ask the creature growl softly before it lead them to a secondary cave the rebels follow the creature through the tunnel. They exit out of the cave but it was night time we should head back Sabine said how Hera said the Creature bend down as a few Xenomorph exit the cave and kneel down the rebels got on them and Sabine climb on large one then the creature took off with the Xenomorph following. Marcus stood still on the rock he was sitting on when he saw Hera Kanan Zeb Rex and Tristan walking in the cave Marcus follow us we got something to show you Hera said Hera and the other brought Marcus over to take a look at the creature so this is what we brought back Sabine Marcus took a step forward it a hybrid of a Xenomorph and a Predator Marcus said as he check out the Hybrid it skin is like armour blaster bolts didn't pierce it skin, it has two tails good for a quick kill, claws sharp enough to cut through rocks, it tracking instinct is better too Marcus said what do we called Tristan ask Predalien Marcus said so what we do with it Sabine said simple we leave Marcus said what?Hera ask Ezra know you guys here it won't be long until he found the camp and slaughter everyone here we must leave and get away from this planet Marcus said Sabine look at Tristan go sis I keep mother safe Tristan said Sabine nod her head alright let go Hera said what about them Zeb ask bring them along Kanan said what Zeb ask me and the Predalien will cost no trouble on your ship Marcus said as he and the Predalien head to the Ghost. The rebels aboard the Ghost with Marcus and the Predalien Sabine had her gear but Fenn Raul stop here before you go Bo-Katan want you to have this Fenn Raul said as he hand her the darksaber put it to go use Sabine Fenn Raul said as he head back to camp Sabine board the Ghost as it lift off the ground and left the camp. Ezra was in his ship that was cloak and saw the Ghost leaving Mandalore so Ezra follow the Ghost as they leave Mandalore.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a nice day everyone.

Spartanleader out

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