Azur Lane meets the Whale / Moby Dick

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A battle between Red Axis and Azur Lane is fighting each other while dealing with the Sirens but something that will change forever.

Hood & Wales are battling the two Iron Blood, Bismarck & Eugen. They fought back then As Bismarck raised her spear.

Bismarck: Any last words.
Hood: I rather die than surrender.

Wales watches in horror as Bismarck is about to sink Hood.


Eagle Union, Royal Navy is fighting with Sakura Empire.

Enterprise: Kaga, You know how dangerous Orochi is.
Kaga: Enough! All we want is to bring our sister back.

She attacks with her fireballs and Akagi did the same.

Belfast: I won't let you hurt her.
Akagi: We shall see.

Javelin: Ayanami, Why are you working with them.
Ayanami: Because we're enemies.

Enterprise is battling Zuikaku & her sister Shoukaku.

Then Zuikaku appeared from behind she activated her blazing blade.

Zuikaku: I've Got you!

Then Unicorn fighting with Kaga and with her Kitsune, Kaga uses her fireballs

Javelin: Kaga, Don't hurt her, you don't what you're doing.
Cleveland: This is not good.

Unicorn got by super fireballs much to their horror. Unicorn is terrified then she closed her eyes waiting for her death as kitsune opened her jaw.

Cleveland: Stop it!

They thought they lost their battle but something that will change their lives forever, they heard the whale's bellowing from the distance.

Bismarck: What was that?
Hood: I don't know.
Wales: I think that's a whale.
Enterprise: Did you girls hear that?
Zuikaku: yes Enterprise, you sister?
Shoukaku: Yes.
Akagi: What was that, Kaga?
Kaga: I think it's a whale.
Hornet: What is it?
Cleveland: I have no idea.

Ayanami, Z23, Unicorn, Laffey & Javelin heard the bellows of the whale. they felt curious that what kind of whale is it. Until unexpected happened.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch at 0:54 - 1:59)

They watch in horror that whale attacks the boats next is that whale will ram the ship.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They felt so shocked that the whale rammed the ship. And finally, the whale jumps out of the water.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch at 1:46 - 2:16)

They realized that It is revealed to be Sperm Whale, an Albino Sperm Whale. Ayanami and her Friends recognized him. It was he, his name is Cappu.

Ayanami (thoughts): Cappu!?
Javelin (thoughts): Is that Cappu?
Laffey (thoughts): My God, Cappu.
Unicorn (thoughts): Cappu, What happened to you?
Z23 (thoughts): What's happening to you?

Then they realize that the whale attacks the ships and boats It was Cappu the whole time. Ayanami and her Friends didn't tell their friends about him, they decided to make a secret to keeping him safe. As days have gone by, Cappu is still attacking other whaleships and Azur Lane & Red Axis are having a meeting about reports of whale attacks.

Enterprise: There are reports that the white whale is attacking the other ships.
Hornet: Maybe, because he's seeking vengeance or taking revenge on them or us.
Enterprise: I don't know sister, whatever it is, it must be stopped.
Bismarck: We must find that whale.
Akagi: and then we talked to him right?
Kaga: I don't know sister.
Belfast: I do not know about the whale's behavior.

For what that they don't know; Ayanami and her friends overheard the conversation.

Ayanami: we have to find him quickly before they reach him first.
Unicorn: let's go find him.

Then they sneak out and activated their riggings and jumps into the water, they set out to find Cappu.

When they arrived on the scene they saw the horrifying moment: the ship is been stove by Cappu.

Javelin: He must be close.

Then they began to search for him until Red Axis and Azur Lane got here.

Illustrious: Little sister, what are you doing with the enemy?
Unicorn: but, she's our friend.

As her big sister was about to say when the White Whale finally appears.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then Whaler is hesitated to kill Cappu when suddenly the Secrets are out.

Ayanami: Cappu!

Girls from Red Axis and Azur Lane got so shocked that she called out his name.

Unicorn: Human Stop, Don't hurt him!
Laffey: No Cappu, No! They mean no harm!
Javelin: that's enough, Cappu, enough is enough.
Z23: Cappu, it's us. Calm down, you may rest now.

Then Cappu looks at them as they try to calm him down, whaler still hesitates to kill him. The ship girls realized that they are trying to protect him.

Enterprise: Don't move.

Then whalers stop moving as he turned around to see Enterprise readied her Bow and Arrow

Captain: Why didn't you kill it!

Then Kaga pointed her katana at the captain while Akagi prepared her fireballs to him and Bismarck raised her spear.

Kaga: I like to see you try.
Akagi: You said it.
Bismarck: One more move on them, you will regret that.

Cappu made a final look before he finally swims away.

Enterprise: that whale name is Cappu?
Ayanami: Yes.
Belfast: How did you know about him?
Unicorn: Because he's our friend.

Much to their surprise that they made friends with the whale.

All except Ayanami, Javelin, Laffey, Unicorn, & Z23: EEHHHHHHH!

Z23: It's true, we made a friend.
Akagi: then Why he's attacking the ships?

Then Ayanami was about to say.

???: I'll tell you why.

They turned to see it turns out to be Amagi.

Girls of Sakura Empire were shocked about Amagi's return.

Akagi/Kaga: Amagi-sama.

Amagi smiles before she hits their head hard.

Kaga: kyuu!
Akagi: Ata!
Amagi: Apologies to them first.

Then Kitsune Sisters apologized to them

Kaga: We're so sorry for attacking you.
Akagi: We hope you will all understand our actions.

Amagi sighs and apologizes to them

Amagi: My apologies for my sisters' actions
Enterprise: It's alright.
Amagi: There's a reason why he attacks them because.
Bismarck: What is it?
Amagi: He's seeking vengeance.

Much to their shock

Wales: What's in this story about him.
Amagi: Well, you see, before he became a vengeful whale. He had his parents and he met his friends.

Ayanami: That's us.
Unicorn: Me too
Z23: Me three.
Laffey: Me, four.
Javelin: Me, Five.
Enterprise: then What happened?
Amagi: When whalers arrived they killed all the sperm whales until they killed his parents.

Much to their horror that they killed his parents in cold blood.

Amagi: Cappu felt so sad while mourning his parents until one moment he finally snapped, he avenged his parents by attacking them, he thought humans are friendly to play but he was wrong, now he is seeking revenge on the whalers. He has lots of scars and harpoons on it that he had himself to the fight.

Amagi: Here I'll show you

Then Amagi uses her magic to show them to his flashbacks.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(End of Flashbacks)

She ends his flashbacks about that he rammed the Whaleship Essex.

Amagi: That's how Cappu became a Vengeful Whale.

As she finished his backstory they felt so sad that he lost his parents and felt disgusted for what they did to him and them.

Ayanami: He's been trying to protect us and help us, but now it's our turn to help him. And to protect him.

Takao: Don't worry, we'll find him.

They made a promise that they will find Cappu.

The Next Day

Cappu is sleeping peacefully until the whaleship came and whaleboats were the whalers on board, they were trying to kill the whale and Cappu decided to attack them.

(Start the music)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cappu sneaks under until he'll take any opportunity to attack then he attacked them by flipping over the boat with his tail. Then He rammed the Ship pushing backward and then he assaults the whaleboats and he's about to finish his final blow suddenly Ayanami appeared in front of them.

(Stop the music here)

Ayanami: Cappu, Stop!

Cappu halts in front of her.

Ayanami: Cappu, We can help you I know what happened.

Cappu got surrounded by ship girls from Azur Lane who came to comfort him.

Enterprise: Don't attack them, let us help you, please.
Belfast: We can give you anything you want.
Amagi: Cappu, We are here to help you.
Bismarck: Let us help you.

Cappu makes some contact with his clicks known as echolocation.

Enterprise: what's he saying?

Then Amagi uses her magic to translate him.

Cappu: I... I... I want. I want to play with them again!

Then they were taken back by his sadness.

Cappu: *crying* But, nobody let me. My parents didn't anything wrong.

They felt sad for him that he lost his parents, then they realize, He may seek revenge but He was broken and despair. Ayanami and her friends hugged him and the ship girls did the same.

Amagi: Then... Let's play together.
Ayanami: we can play catch.
Unicorn: we can play hide and seek with my sister.
Illustrious: Yes we can play chess.
Akagi: we can play some kind of games
Kaga: So did I
Bismarck: We can go to the park together.
Enterprise: We can hang out.
Hornet: So am I.
Zuikaku: I know you want your family.
Shokaku: but You have a new family
Cappu: Who?
Laffey: You have us.
Javelin: You are no longer alone, Cappu.
Atago: Yes you have us.
Takao: I'm with my sister.
All: Will you accept us as your new family.

Cappu thinks for the moment and he made a decision.

Cappu: I...

When he's about to say when someone called his Alias name.

???: There she blows!

Then they look at them where the voice came from. It was Ahab captain of the whaleship Pequod, along with his men. They were hunting him the whole time.

Ahab: A hump like a Snow-Hill, It's Moby Dick! Aye, aye Hearty. A monstrous white whale!

Javelin: Moby Dick, That's your alias?
Cappu: Yes That's my Alias.

Then the boats stop in front of them

Ahab: I grin at thee, thou grinning whale! Stand aside.
Ayanami: No, You'll hurt him!
Ahab: I said Stand aside!

Then her friends came to her aid.

Enterprise: You want him?! You have to get through me.
Belfast: Me too.
Bismarck: Nobody mess with our Whale.
Akagi: One more harpoon on him and you will regret it.
Kaga: Yeah.
Ahab: Are you Threaten me?
Javelin: Wait, Where's Cappu?

Then they look for Cappu finding him gone.

Enterprise: Where is he?

One of the crew Flask yelled out

Ahab: Yeah?
Flask: LOOK!

Then they look in their direction and they saw Cappu heading their way, fighting back.

Tashtego: Brace, brace, BRACE!

Then Cappu rammed the Tashtego's whaleboat, pushing it then Queequeg throws his harpoon at him, hurting him

Enterprise: Oh My God, Would you stop throwing harpoons at him!

Then he swats them away by his tail. Cappu dives down into the abyss.

Daggoo: Where is he?

Then He jumped out of the water while snatching a boat with his jaw and goes back down into the depths. Then he prepares to attack another boat.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They got so shocked that he snatched the boat and chew it.

Belfast: That was...
Hood: unhealthy.

Then Cappu readies for one final assault.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After he rammed the whaleship, Cappu spouts out of the water for the air.

Cappu: Nobody messes with my family.

Then Cappu swims back to them.

Enterprise: Wow, you manage to fight back.
Cappu: Yeah, he's so annoying. And I accepted you all as a new family. *smiles*

Then ship girls hugged him.

Enterprise: That's what I'm talking about.
Eugen: Welcome to our new family, Cappu.
Amagi: Well Cappu, Let's go home.

Then they escorted Cappu to their base for his new home.

Javelin: Well Cappu, welcome to your new home.
Cappu: Thank you, sister.

Laffey looks at his injuries

Laffey: Let's heal you.
Vestal: I can take it from here.

After few minutes, Vestal manages to heal him up with bandages, and his harpoons are removed. Then he decides to play with them.

Cappu: Cmon, let's play.
Ayanami, Z23, Javelin, Unicorn & Laffey: Okay.

Then they play outside on the beach while the ship girls are relaxing. Laffey saw the Cube.

Laffey: I wonder what this thing does?

All: Laffey Don't!

It was too late, the cube shoots at Cappu lighting up.

All: Cappu!

Then after that light died out and they saw that Cappu is now Kitsune form.

Cappu: Ugh... What happened?
Enterprise: Cappu, you're Kitsune
Cappu: What?

Then he checks his reflection and saw it, He is Kitsune.

Cappu: I have an uh... Kitsune Ears and 6 tails and I'm human or I'm kitsune. I'm... I'm

Akagi: Cute.
Kaga: Kawaii!
Amagi: So cute.

And all ship girls awe that Cappu is now Kitsune form. He realized that he's cute

Cappu: Thanks, everyone *smiles*

The ship girls hugged him, Cappu is happy that he finally has a new family.

The End

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